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Fat acceptance has ruined my life : TrueOffMyChest




binge usually 4-5 days out of the week and my highest caloric intake was 12,000 calories in one day.

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You are a beautiful person. That doesn't change. The body positive community should be just that. Love and appreciate the body you have however it looks.

But that doesn't mean you don't take care of it, too.

Creating a healthy inner voice is very important for self-worth and esteem. You can build on this while also recognising that you need to make some changes on the outside to be healthy physically.

Please don't fall into punishing yourself over this. ED's can change how they manifest, based on all or nothing mindsets and obsessive thinking.

You have done something brilliant in recognising what needs to be done to better your health now. Be proud of yourself for this and use it as an opportunity to learn about your body, what it does for you and how you can take care of it for the better.

I try to think about my body/health like a car enthusiast would think of their favourite car. They will know the best fuel and oil for their car (food and drink), tinker and tweak the engine for better performance (work on mental wellbeing, good sleep hygiene), take the car out often to make sure the battery doesn't die (social connection and physical movement to build strength and a strong heart).

Maybe their next door neighbour has a car too, but they don't check the oil very often, they leave it full of trash and never check the tread of the tyres. It is still a car, it still starts, and it may be very much loved. But it won't last the same and it won't be a safe to ride around in.

I hate the way redditors write :marseysnoo: :marseyshooting:

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I have come to love it. Becouse now we have AL that has beeen trained on reddit speak.

And new generation of people who came up with reddit speak and think that is how you should write and talk.

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>I have come to love it.

Step into the chamber :marseyliquidator:

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