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One idiot dies, clearly buff men are toxic for men to try to aspire to be :marseywingcuck:




>/uj, I am terrified of how many young men seem to be abusing steroids right now. Podcasters pushing steroids and Marvel beauty standards causing young men to feel like they need them might have destroyed a generation health wise.

It's like less than 1% of the population, more younger people are dying from obesity related causes

>"Yeah, man. Toxic masculinity doesn't exist. And if it does, it is good actually. Yeah. dude. Unrealistic standarts for men and women doesn't matter, bro. Just go to the gym." "Why do men commit so many suicides?

This but unironicly

>Male body dysmorphia. When ever I see memes like this I just think of Sam Sulek immediately, but hey he's a nice guy so whatever I guess.


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There's your issue. Nothing against macacos but they go full r-slur BIPOC monkey mode to get muscles every time, and I'm not talking about exercise if you know what I mean :#marseyjunkie:

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