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FDS Queens Discuss How Cute Twinks are Still Scrotes


Example 1:

Do you know I had a drag Queen tell me that I don’t know how hard it is to be a drag Queen? That Butthole. He literally gets dressed up like me and then tells me I don’t know how hard it is.

We are queens all day every day, but the only ones that can scream their fabulousness from the rooftops, with gleeful feedback, are men pretending to be women



the only men who hate women more than straight men are gay men.


100% agree - many gay men are very jealous of women to the point of spite and hatred. Maybe bc they aren't us?

Straight men are jealous of us as well.


Gay men still have just as much rights, if not more due their easier access to women


Men are still men in the patriarchy- whether they put on nail polish, identify as women, suck peepee etc. ALL doesn't just mean straight men, some of these ladies need to knock it off.

Women constantly allow them into our spaces assuming they are our allies by default,

but the second they get home these gays laugh about how "fishy" it all was.


I never understood why gay men got a pass from women. They're even more misogynistic and racist than straight men. They will often suck up to straight men by criticising women.

Example 2:

OP is :marseylongpost::marseylongpost::marseylongpost: about biphobia or some shit.

Comments are more interesting:

Gay men can absolutely be misogynistic. I remember a gay guy at work started a "burn book" of all the female employees. He was ruthless. And of course, there are plenty of gay men who think they can make nasty comments on women's makeup, hair and clothes, because they believe being gay makes them an expert on such things

I dislike the bitchy queen act too. A little "femininity" is okay but...I can't take any talk about "isms" and "phobes" seriously when you're minstrel show-ing women


They're the worst, catty but aggressive. I also hate when they put themselves in OUR group, How dare they


Tell me how exactly gay men are being treated as worse off when lesbians and bi women are way more likely to:

get fired for our orientation,

gatekept out of "family friendly" neighborhoods if we want to buy a house as a single woman or while in a same s*x relationship with another woman

being treated as sexual predators

telling us that we haven't met the right man to turn us 100% straight

actually getting r*ped by men in hopes we stop finding women attractive, etc?


Simply because the stereotypical fat ugly lesbian is not even considered a person, so it "doesn't count". Yep that's how scrote brain works, if i don't want to fck it it doesn't exist therefore hot lesbians have it better than dudes.


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Cute twinks destroy women by simply existing

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Thing that bothers them most is men criticizing their hair/makeup/fashion etc. most straight men dont know/care about any of that but gays do and they are vocal about it. That's why there is this conflict.

If you ever want to bother the shit out of a woman as a man just start giving valid critiques of her style/fashion or makeup and she'll go nuts

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>the stereotypical fat ugly lesbian

Women think that's a thing? I thought that it was a thing men are aware of but women deny.

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You have to understand that these aren't normal women, the weird mix of social conservatism and third wave feminism guarentees only vindictive buttholes will post there. Imagine a pickme girl if she also hated men

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>imaginea pickme girl if she also hated men

Sounds based, how do I go about dating one?

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The men they seem to want are masculine yet spineless, try and be that. I understand women greatly so you're in safe hands when I tell you this

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>masculine and spineless

Those two seem impossibly difficult to combine. So they want a rich guy who lifts and does conventionally manly things but also will let them peg him?

Oh wait, that's like 15% of /d/.

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Modern liberal rich kid with an arts degree.

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Let me know if you have any luck

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!remindme 1 year

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I will be messaging you on 27.09.2023, 23:52 UTC to remind you of this comment

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Ok, so: in the fricking past year, I have gone from kissless hugless handholdless dateless virgin to kissless hugless handholdless virgin. Progress, motherlover! @ForgotMyPasswordAgain, !incels thank you for believing in me, motherlover! :marseyparty!: :marseyme: :marseyparty:

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Foid gets rightfully called a straghag, spergsout :marseylongpost::marseylongpost:



In fact, when women behave flamboyantly were labeled as loud-mouth bitches. When men do it for fun, they are stars and everyone claps and cheers and throws money at them.

Sweaty, gay men worship loud-mouth bitches. Straggots hate loud-mouthed bitches and drag queens.

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I am gay but I don't worship loud mouthed bitches.

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Yeah u do

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Thank you for the pin award Carp :#marseycarphug: :#marseycarphug: :#marseycarphug:

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This is one of the terfs that never posts huh?

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i don’t think floozy is a female but I been wrong before

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"we can always tell"

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im p sure im saying the opposite tho..

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Gay men still have just as much rights, if not more due their easier access to women


Frick these abosolute homophobes, no wonder they got kicked off reddit.

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exactly bro

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the only men who hate women more than straight men are gay men.

No shit. 90% of women are repulsive. Gaychads aren't mentally ill like straggots so they can think about women more objectively.

100% agree - many gay men are very jealous of women to the point of spite and hatred. Maybe bc they aren't us?

I don't hate women because I am jealous, I hate them because they walk super slowly in highways in a line so nobody can pass, all the while obnoxiously talking about nonsense.

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Straight womyn are far bigger straggots than straight men.

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well i had to find out that Ned from the Try Guys cheated on his wife from Subredditdrama but thank god I have the 6,000,000th iteration of this exact same post from rdrama

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You have to filter out like 80% of the same shit at this point. I do enjoy reading some of this stuff but its becoming harder and harder to find the more compelling or niche drama being posted

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We are queens all day every day, but the only ones that can scream their fabulousness from the rooftops, with gleeful feedback, are men pretending to be women

Let them fight! Let them fight!

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She’s got Grand Canyon tier wrinkles. I’d do her tho because I’m into milfs


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I will always support the gays and the trains.

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