Pickmeisha Rehabilitation: First steps


You've identified that you're a PickMe. Congrats, one of the first steps towards being a goddess is knowing that you are part of the equation of your cyclical misery. For those in the back, I said PART OF. You can't fully blame yourself, that's still practicing these feeble behaviors. Yes, we're here to take responsibility for our current mindset leading us to where we are right now. However, realize that you have been surrounded by men who exhibit microaggression towards women, you have been brainwashed by other PickMe's. But now you know the truth: You are worth SO much more than anyone ever said you were. YOU determine where you go from here. Being a woman, you have been through so much. Think about the men who try to control our bodies, who use us to fulfill their sick fantasies, the statistics on violence. The media celebrates this and fuels this grotesque reality that we are meant to be meek, feeble and to endure abuse.

1. Promise to yourself "never again". Never again will you be manipulated or abused. Never again will you quietly endure your discomfort.

2. Realize that AMALT (All Men Are Like That). Thinking "Not all men" is DETRIMENTAL to your safety. "Not all men are male feminists". Fine. But if I gave you a pack of gummy bears and told you one was poisoned, wouldn't you treat each of them as potentially lethal? Let them prove to you that they are "not like the other men". Do not prove to HIM that you are "not like the other girls". One of men's biggest worry is to get "divorce r*ped" but are they ever worried about ACTUAL R*PE? NO. So don't give them the benefit of the doubt, make them show you through ACTIONS. A HVM will have no problem with this. A scrote will act offended and immature and just not worth your time, this is because he doesn't respect you. Which brings me to...

3. Define your standards and warning flags. You need to write this down. 5 is a good number to start with Comment this below if you must, I want you to be CRYSTAL clear on what you will NEVER tolerate ever again and what you will NEVER tolerate ever. For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me. I will consider repeated arguments a huge warning flag. If I need to repeat myself more than twice about something that is clearly important to me... boy BYE. (If you choose to comment, it also helps other women identify red flags and help them define their standards as well.

4. BLOCK THAT SCROTE/ EX/ STALKER. Stop being nice to him. He sucks and has zero value to you. You know he just wants to sleep with you. Block him now. You will feel so cleansed. If they try to reach out again, say that you have been really busy and focusing on yourself. They may call you a b-word for "leading them on". You can tell them to go to heck. You don't owe no one an explanation.

5. Read the sidebar. Take your time with it, it's a lot to take in. But it will equip you in the long run and there's plenty of good stuff.

6. Take care of yourself, starting today, starting now. Say no to something you don't want to do. Don't pick him up, don't make him a sandwich if he doesn't deserve it. Begin breaking out of your PickMe routine. Don't adapt to his needs now because it will be "worth it in the end". Honey, it's not worth it. You deserve to be happy NOW. Another way you can practice this is to take care of your hygiene and your environment. Be proud of your appearance and your surroundings because you did it for YOUR well-being. Most PickMeishas are externally motivated, they just HAVE to get that "good job" sticker. Nothing wrong with being externally motivated, but pining for a man's approval is just pathetic. Do it to make FDS proud, do it for YOU. (this will take time, I'll make another post on it someday but try your best! We're rooting for you!)

7. Realize that there are high-level women out there who will support you. Maybe even on here. We're all just trying to look out for each other, but no one can help anyone that doesn't WANT to realize their own self-destructive behavior. So if you think your situation "isn't so bad". Sorry, this wasn't the post for you.

I will try to update with more suggestions as I get them.

@Neon_Needles @TED_SIMP





Fetish stiry






What does it mean to be peepeematized? :marseynut: - Feeld magazine
My dweam giwl


The battle of the sexes is heating up!




I'm incredibly fortunate in my own marriage, but that's what makes it all the more obvious to me that we have to stop blaming women for the behavior of the men in their lives, because there LITERALLY aren't enough good men to go around. If all women everywhere waited to have a relationship or baby with a genuinely great guy, like 75% of women would NEVER get married or have a child.

so just settle with whoever and get that bag queen! :marseynails:

I just see so many posts on here about men being trash partners/parents and so many of the comments, largely from women, are like "why would you have kids with him?" Or "why would you even marry a guy like that?" And I want to scream from the rooftops that it's because these women just want to find love and start a family but easily 75% of men are incredibly problematic partners so what else are the women supposed to do? Not ever have a partner? Not ever have any children? Just clump together Golden-Girls-style until they die? Especially when you consider that a lot of these men know how to fake being decent for at least the first few months of a relationship, it's absolutely no wonder why women fall victim to scumbags.

fr, he's gonna fake it so why shouldnt she?! :marseywitch2:

We need to do a whole lot better at not victim-blaming or shaming women for partnering with a bad guy. For many, many women, they just literally don't have any other choice, if they want some semblance of having a family.

womxn have no choice butt to choose :marseytrollgun: as they babydaddy because of the focal fact regarding the cisheteronormative neocolonialist patriarchy is



Mwoids pwosting Ls: I smeww terrible...



Take a fwuckin shwower ffs

Reported by:
  • JimieWhales : the unfunny cringemoid is helpless before the humorfoid

And clearly it worked :marseyshrug: it would be queen shit if scrotelon wasn't a cheap dusty, apparently he only wants to give grimes like 2k a month for their 3 kids :marseydisagreesuperspeed:

It's also funny bc rightoids make fun of NFL players for having like 5 baby mamas and are fine with scrotelon doing the same thing :marseyxd:

!moidmoment what are some good strats for sis to extract some coin from rocket daddy?

We need to kill all scrotes :snipsnip:

Ladies, yes, it is all men :snipsnip: :snipsnip: :snipsnip:

How to get over a m-n lying to you


Reported by:
Men are men are men are men. There is no category of safe men.


I often see women engaging in this type of thing. It seems like bargaining to me. That if they can just find the right category of man they will find a good one for a relationship or be treated as a full human being.

Here are some of the categories of men women try to tell themselves might be better than others:

Older men

Younger men

Men of certain ethnicities

Gay men

Male family members

Men they've given birth to

Men they meet while volunteering

Men who don't identify as men


Religious men

Men of a particular political persuasion

Men who have been in therapy

Men who have or don't have children

I'm sure I've missed a lot. The thing is all of these men have one thing in common:


And I will bet my last dollar they are going to show you exactly that at some point. They will always prioritize other men over women. I see this every day.

Dudes rock


Canadian dudes rock


A transgender advisor to the Minister for Women in Canada who slammed President Trump's female sport ban is a runner who has dominated female categories.

Nathanielle Morin won a women's 5km race by almost six minutes in Ottawa, Ontario back in February 2024 - demolishing the rest of her competition in the female category.

She recorded a time of 25 minutes and 32 seconds, placing her first and five minutes and 44 seconds ahead of the second place runner in the women's 30-39 division.

The woman who came in third place was just 30 seconds behind second place, highlighting how close the division otherwise was.

Morin's time granted her the prestigious title of 'fastest female' across all age divisions - beating out the talented young girl who won the 10-12 age division.

Morin is an advisor to parliamentarian Marci Ien, who serves in the Liberal government as the Minister of Women, Gender Equality and Youth.

After President Trump's executive order banning transgender athletes from competing in women's divisions, Morin hit out, insisting: 'Exclusion and discrimination should not be the answer to transwomen in sport.

'This is a sensitive topic, and some people have concerns that should be heard. However, there are better ways to assess those in a healthy way that does not promote hate.'

She also shared an infographic which stated that 'trans women are women', adding: 'Research has shown that trans women are, in fact, not biological men... Excluding trans women hurts all women.

'In order to exclude trans women, you must police all bodies in the women's category. Any girl or woman can be accused of being transgender. At what point is a girl ''too good'', ''too masculine'' or ''too tall'' or ''too fast'' or ''too strong'' to be accused of being trans?'

Morin later said that running is like 'meditation, therapy and self improvement' for her, revealing she has nine competitions scheduled for 2025.

'I am aware that my participation in so many competitions is and will be talked about because of my medical history.

'The situation in the United States and comments of certain politicians do not help either... I have undergone a medical transition. I consider that I have the legitimacy to participate in the right category, unless the law prohibits me from doing so.'

Morin noted that in Canada there is no law stopping her from entering female categories, but vowed to 'comply with local laws' for international competitions.

Shortly after returning to the White House for his second stint as President, Trump vowed to ensure that no transgender athletes participated in women's sports at the 2028 summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

Trump surrounded himself with female athletes and activists at the White House to sign an executive order barring trans participation in women's sports.

The order uses Title IX, a law against s*x discrimination in taxpayer-funded education programs, to ban transgender girls and women from participating in female school sports activities.

Trump said his new Secretary of State Marco Rubio 'is going to make clear to the International Olympic Committee' that 'America categorically rejects transgender lunacy.'

'We want them to change everything having to do with the Olympics and having to do with this absolutely ridiculous subject,' Trump went on.

In response, the NCAA adapted new rules that will only allow people to compete in women's sports if they were assigned female at birth.

In a press release from the NCAA, the body's president, Charlie Baker, said there are more than 530,000 NCAA athletes. At a senate hearing in December of 2024, Baker said he was aware of 'less than 10' are transgender - meaning this policy goes to the lengths of banning 0.0018 percent of athletes.

'We strongly believe that clear, consistent, and uniform eligibility standards would best serve today's student-athletes instead of a patchwork of conflicting state laws and court decisions,' Baker said in the press release.

'To that end, President Trump's order provides a clear, national standard.'

This new NCAA policy goes into effect immediately and applies to all athletes regardless of previous eligibility reviews under the governing body's previous transgender participation policy.

Dudes rock


My ex insisted I dress up as Elsa whenever we had s*x


R-slurred moid flirts with scammers


Y'all moids need to :marseyclapping2: wash :marseyclapping2: yo :marseyclapping2: butt :marseynails:


Do :marseyclapping2: Better :marseyclapping2: Scrotes :marseyclapping2:




Happy Valentines babe! Want to debate genocide an Israel? Then we can frick, right?

lmao politicope debaters and wingcucks are a frickin annoying scourge.

I need Destiny to argue wingcuck shit for me! How can I do this alone? Optically optically think of the optics omg the optics


His :marseychud: fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :

:soysnootypefast: about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism

misogynists stay losing

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