
You've identified that you're a PickMe. Congrats, one of the first steps towards being a goddess is knowing that you are part of the equation of your cyclical misery. For those in the back, I said PART OF. You can't fully blame yourself, that's still practicing these feeble behaviors. Yes, we're here to take responsibility for our current mindset leading us to where we are right now. However, realize that you have been surrounded by men who exhibit microaggression towards women, you have been brainwashed by other PickMe's. But now you know the truth: You are worth SO much more than anyone ever said you were. YOU determine where you go from here. Being a woman, you have been through so much. Think about the men who try to control our bodies, who use us to fulfill their sick fantasies, the statistics on violence. The media celebrates this and fuels this grotesque reality that we are meant to be meek, feeble and to endure abuse.

1. Promise to yourself "never again". Never again will you be manipulated or abused. Never again will you quietly endure your discomfort.

2. Realize that AMALT (All Men Are Like That). Thinking "Not all men" is DETRIMENTAL to your safety. "Not all men are male feminists". Fine. But if I gave you a pack of gummy bears and told you one was poisoned, wouldn't you treat each of them as potentially lethal? Let them prove to you that they are "not like the other men". Do not prove to HIM that you are "not like the other girls". One of men's biggest worry is to get "divorce r*ped" but are they ever worried about ACTUAL R*PE? NO. So don't give them the benefit of the doubt, make them show you through ACTIONS. A HVM will have no problem with this. A scrote will act offended and immature and just not worth your time, this is because he doesn't respect you. Which brings me to...

3. Define your standards and warning flags. You need to write this down. 5 is a good number to start with Comment this below if you must, I want you to be CRYSTAL clear on what you will NEVER tolerate ever again and what you will NEVER tolerate ever. For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me. I will consider repeated arguments a huge warning flag. If I need to repeat myself more than twice about something that is clearly important to me... boy BYE. (If you choose to comment, it also helps other women identify red flags and help them define their standards as well.

4. BLOCK THAT SCROTE/ EX/ STALKER. Stop being nice to him. He sucks and has zero value to you. You know he just wants to sleep with you. Block him now. You will feel so cleansed. If they try to reach out again, say that you have been really busy and focusing on yourself. They may call you a b-word for "leading them on". You can tell them to go to heck. You don't owe no one an explanation.

5. Read the sidebar. Take your time with it, it's a lot to take in. But it will equip you in the long run and there's plenty of good stuff.

6. Take care of yourself, starting today, starting now. Say no to something you don't want to do. Don't pick him up, don't make him a sandwich if he doesn't deserve it. Begin breaking out of your PickMe routine. Don't adapt to his needs now because it will be "worth it in the end". Honey, it's not worth it. You deserve to be happy NOW. Another way you can practice this is to take care of your hygiene and your environment. Be proud of your appearance and your surroundings because you did it for YOUR well-being. Most PickMeishas are externally motivated, they just HAVE to get that "good job" sticker. Nothing wrong with being externally motivated, but pining for a man's approval is just pathetic. Do it to make FDS proud, do it for YOU. (this will take time, I'll make another post on it someday but try your best! We're rooting for you!)

7. Realize that there are high-level women out there who will support you. Maybe even on here. We're all just trying to look out for each other, but no one can help anyone that doesn't WANT to realize their own self-destructive behavior. So if you think your situation "isn't so bad". Sorry, this wasn't the post for you.

I will try to update with more suggestions as I get them.

@Neon_Needles @TED_SIMP


My dying wife admitted that she never married me, only married me to get out of poverty

:soycry: Edit: Title. I'm sorry, I'm emotional. She never loved me, only married me to get out of poverty.

:soyjaktantrum: I'm utterly gutted. My wife has terminal cancer and will be gone within the next few short months. She's been at peace with this and even seems happy about it. I've spent every moment at her side since her diagnosis and was there when it got rough. I went to every chemo treatment with her and was there to hear all the bad news. Cancer aside- we did everything together. We went on dates, played games, tried new places, traveled, and have a daughter who's 9. My wife came from deep, deep poverty and it was chance that we met. She was a waitress and I was smitten from the moment I laid eyes on her. She reciprocated my feelings quickly and the rest is history.

But, according to my wife, she never truly loved me. She liked me, but she didn't love me. She had no one else in her heart, but I wasn't the one for her. She just married me to get out of poverty. To her, we were like roommates who had s*x and went on dates sometimes. To me, she was the love of my life and my universe. I have to face losing her alongside this information and navigate how to be a single dad soon. I feel cheated, like an idiot, and heartbroken. I still love her and I wish she would survive so we could fix these feelings. I've been trying to win her over in her final days, but she isn't having it. She's content with her life. She asked me not to visit anymore, but I can't stay away.

I just wish she never told me. I understand she wanted to clean her conscious before death, but I could've lived without that information. All my memories of her are different now that I know that I was only being used and that she never truly loved me. If she had developed feelings for me later on, I would've been okay. I would've been fine being used by her as long as she fell in love with me later, but she didn't. I wish she never told me. I want to remember her as my loving wife, not a liar. She was a wonderful woman aside from what she did. This was the only blotch on her record, although it's quite large. She remained faithful to me to the end, was amazing at acting, and made me feel like the most important and loved man on this planet. She didn't spend my money frivolously, she got her own education, and became a nurse. She did it on her own, she just used me to get there, and continued to pretend. She could have left me after she got a stable job but she didn't. I wish she continued not to hurt me by never telling me.

Queen shit

:#marseykingcrown: :#chadwomannordic:

Pathetic moids posting Ls

so anyway I started blasting

chivalry is dead and strong independent women killed it
ladies you gotta know how to control the right information
South Bay girlies print this out n put it on your refrigerator
Don't ask me for help til' you rectify yourself

!coomers real


She has her own page on his wiki lmao

Samantha, also known as Sabbath, was one of Daniel's many managers. She was an extremely controversial figure in the Daniel Larson community for several reasons, mainly for introducing Daniel to topics such as antisemitism, as well as doxxing individuals who stood in her way. She started off as a TikTok micro-celebrity who made posts to spark rage in people, most notably a video of hers where claimed that eating meat was rooted in racism. She was claimed to be 14-15 years old during this time, although this cannot be confirmed, and is most likely false as there is no evidence that points to this. Afterward, she became one of Daniel's managers, so trusted by Daniel that Samantha was in control of Daniel's Instagram and TikTok accounts during her tenure.[1]

Infamously, while under the moniker of Goldberg Shacklestein, an antisemitic caricature, she introduced Daniel to antisemitism which he still shows traits of to this day.

Samantha is also the creator of "STD Soaps", a brand of soaps she had sold on Etsy themed after STD's, AID's, period blood, and other bodily fluids and diseases.[2] While being Daniel's manager, she was also known for getting Daniel into contact with another notable troll/manager, Jared. What is interesting to note is that Daniel is not the only one Samantha had managed or had an influence over, as Samantha was known for constantly associating herself with neurodivergent and/or mentally impaired individuals so they can advertise her Etsy shop among other things. To promote her soap shop, Samantha and Jared even attempted to convince World of T-Shirts to make videos regarding it.[3]

Samantha's tenure as Daniel's manager, despite her significant influence on his actions and statements, was relatively brief, beginning in August 2021 and concluding around December of the same year, although specific dates are difficult to ascertain. Allegedly, after Samantha had confronted Daniel about his pedophilia, specifically his alleged possession of inappropriate images of children,[4] she was fired.

Samantha's place in Daniel's history is hard to find considering a lack of archiving and preservation, but this page attempts to piece together what is left.

As of 2024, Samantha still continues to influence mentally disabled individuals to create content for her TikTok account, as well as starting a career in "financial domination".

LMAOOO the STD soaps :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

I do NOT condone anti-semitism but I kinda love her :marseyill:

Samantha is allegedly a Nazi, although this is most likely not true. Samantha convinced Daniel to believe in the antisemitic rhetoric of figures such as Adolf Hitler. Furthermore, she had created the character known as Goldberg Shacklestein, manipulating Daniel into believing that the offensive caricature was real and was coming to get him. This, in the end, worked. Before her being his manager, Daniel had not exhibited any behaviour of potentially hating Jewish people, but even after her firing, he still showed it in some aspects of his life.

Something to note about Samantha is that in almost all of her usernames, there is a constant theme of STDs. Samantha, at one point, got Daniel to advertise her, "STD soaps," which was the name of a shop she ran on Etsy, presumably to get Daniels fans to buy her products. This Etsy shop, even though no longer selling products, sold different soaps and hygeine products that were themed after items that most people would not ever put near their bodies, such as soap themed after period blood, cigerette ash, and AID's fungal deoderent.

Samantha's time as Daniel's manager was marked with a distinct tinge of paranoia, during which she had Daniel say and do increasingly bigoted and dangerous things. She also manipulated Daniel by acting as a potential love interest to him, which explains videos in which he can be seen talking about her breasts.[13] At one point, Samantha stole a portion of the money Daniel had been making from live streams to put it into crypto, she also defrauded him. In a TikTok made on November 1, 2021, Daniel talks about this, at the very end he once again says the n-word.

In 2024, it was discovered that Samantha was running a TikTok named fierce.businesswoman". On this TikTok account, she uploaded multiple videos where she is seen manipulating mentally disabled men into giving her money, as well as performing embarrassing and degrading acts for her on camera. Most of her victims were from Groomercord or the dating app Bumble. These videos show that even after leaving Daniel, she hasn't changed very much.

On her new TikTok account, she is a self proclaimed "findom" and is beleived to be some sort of s*x worker, frequenting websites in which her followers can buy items for her. She also claims that the men featured in her videos aren't actually mentally disabled, and are holders of jobs such as lawyers. On her TikTok livestreams, she is seen drinking Tito's vodka, threatening to call the police on her "haters", and crying hysterically for seemingly no reason whatsoever. She also appears to be a misandrist, showing a lot of hatred and disgust towards the male s*x.[21]

On her Twitter/X account, she was seen having a Larson-esque meltdown following being talked about on /r/Daniellarson, claiming that she was the "victim of a witch-hunt" because of people assuming that her "subs" were mentally disabled, or in her words, "r-slurred". She then claimed in the same rant that she was being targeted by "alt-right extremists on Reddit who want me dead", implying the subreddit was at fault for her recent woes, though she failed to provide proof of anything that would suggest it. [22]

She has her own snark sub too, I guess she was trolling on tiktok like 3 years ago too

I guess the word is spreading on TikTok too

This is her btw

People are also mad at her for taking advantage of mentally ill m-n (lol)



Huma Abiden was of cpurse famous for being :marseyhillary:s favorite aide and formerly married to disgraced NY politician Anthony Weiner :marseydickbuttsmile: aka"Carlos Danger". And Alex Soros is the son of billionaire philanthropist and political donor George Soros :marseyanorexia:


You may not agree but this is what peak foid looks like:


Reported by:
  • SexyFartMan69 : I actually went to this. Incredibly cathartic and helped my CPTSD
Ladies, if your moid pays $10k for this, he is gay.

If we lived in a proper civilized society it would look like this-

Men would live together in military style barracks on the outskirts of town. They would be shuttled into work everyday to fulfill their daily labor requirement and then immediately sent back to the barracks where they are free to pursue all the bussy and video games they want until their hearts content.

They would be taxed at a 90% rate but their housing, food, AI generated porn, and video games would be provided for them. The 10% they keep would be their disposable income to spend on fantasy football leagues, weed, and AI onlyfans models that are all run by the state. All men would be free to submit their sperm samples to the state sperm bank.

Women would live in town in whatever set up they're comfortable with as women are unique and desire different living arrangements. Most of men's tax dollars would go to women and their children, with each additional child a woman receives more benefits to support that child. Childless women would be taxed but only a 10% rate.

Women can visit the state sperm bank to pick out any father of their choosing for their child whenever they want. The state would also provide free IVF services and genetic testing. Healthcare would be free in fact with women being provided the states most luxury package that included wellness services such as massage and sauna.

Men would receive a more basic package but generally wouldn't have to pay for routine healthcare. They can get premium services approved if they needed a particular procedure to remain a productive tax pig. A highly discerning team of woman will sign off on any additional state service requests from men. These will be blind applications to ensure no bias in favor of chad. In this healthy society we care about how much tax money a man can provide and nothing else.

The birth rate will boom and no woman will be oppressed by a man. All it takes is the right incentives in place for women and men being pseudo imprisoned as a class. We would colonize the galaxy within a generation.

I think this is too generous for the moids tbh but she definitely makes a lot of good points! !moidmoment


:!taylorlorenzcrying:When an unattractive man dates a beautiful women, other men compliment him. When an unattractive woman dates a handsome man, apparently it makes baby Jesus cry.




>"Love is a battlefield."~Pat Bennetar



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