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Bumble introduces Opening Moves: "a way to let women maintain control while not feeling the stress of initiating all of the conversations."


Copy pasting the first part of this so lazy girlies don't have to experience the stress of !clinklickers

As the sheen on dating apps dulls, more Americans are reporting bad experiences on them. Frustrated by bots, subscription costs and high effort-to-reward ratios, Gen Z is fleeing the apps in hope of real-life meet-cutes. Earlier this year, “Bustle” declared that dating apps are in their “flop era.”

Not all of the apps are taking this backlash without a fight. On Tuesday, after months of internal shake-ups and stock market woes, Bumble took a shot at winning back hearts and minds with a redesign, which includes a break with the app's requirement that women make the first move.

A new feature, which the company has called “Opening Moves,” allows women to place on their profiles a question, like “What is your dream vacation?,” to which men who match can respond. (In nonbinary and same-gender matches, both sides can include these prompts.)

The shift is a major one for Bumble. Until now, a man who matched with a woman on the app had to wait for her to message him. If she did not initiate a conversation, the match would expire after 24 hours.

Whitney Wolfe Herd founded Bumble in 2014 because of her own personal experiences. She said that the idea was to give women more control. “I had a series of bad relationships, and I felt I was controlled by a man,” she added, “whether it was: Don't wear this or, You can't hang out with this person or, You need to be home at this time.”

But over the years, Bumble received feedback from women who found that making the first move was “a lot of work” or “a burden,” and Ms. Wolfe Herd began thinking about how to release the pressure. Opening Moves, she said, is a result of that process, a way to let women maintain control while not feeling the stress of initiating all of the conversations.

But not copying the whole thing because The Gray Lady be a notoriously litigious b-word. :objection:

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I will never understand how a dating app that has a gimmick of the woman making the initial move ever got off the ground…

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It appeals to the men who are too kitty to make a move, and plays into their fantasy of a woman coming along and forcing her way into their lives.

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You will never be a monk.

You have no tonsure. You aren't celibate.

You are a socially stunted man twisted by the interesting parts of the Bible into a crude mockery of monastic perfection.

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If I was single, it'd be the only app I'd use since it would set the tone for the relationship. She can pay all the bills even if she makes way less than me and I'll buy gizmos and stupid shit.

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Always worked for me :marseyshrug:

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They still didn't put in any effort. In the brief time I tried Bumble most women would open with some variation of "hey"

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No shit, that's all 99% of everyone writes because 99% of people are either lazy or illiterate or both.

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You get a pass.

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:objection: Relies on facts not in evidence.

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Yeah because putting effort into a blob of text to spit at someone is offputting. Saying hello before talking is naturally what people do.

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DaddyRizz over here.

"Hey! I noticed you like [thing], what's your favorite [thing]?"

See how easy it is to engage with someone on an opener, you fricking sperg?

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Hey there's a lot of creepy weirdos on this site who just want to have s*x with you, you better stick with me so I can show you the ropes.


Edit: bee tee dubs, the ropes I mentioned are my s*x ropes that I tie you up with. You're into this, right?

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I had a girl ask me, in vivid detail, to tie her up on the second date once. Kinda threw me off tbh, though I was younger then and now I'd probably just roll with it.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Gross. If a girl does this it has desperate vibes and i think she's uglier than she is.

You actually killed the half chub i was rocking with this.

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It had height parameter before tinder

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I keep saying, the most effective dating app would be one where there are no likes or matches, but the catch is you're only allowed to message one new person per day. would be a far better way to accomplish what bumble was trying to do (stop women from being inundated with messages).

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>Stacey van Chadhoney (9.8/10, horse rider, tennis player, tampon model, finance PhD)

>1,000,000 new messages

>50,000 unique messages omitting “halo butifel, show bobvagenre”

>Becky Midderton (7.6/10, biology student, ok face, huge frickin dumper she's insecure about but causes full-on mass thirst)

>1 new message

>halo butifel, show tit and mustache blody hornry

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... oddly specific archetypes :marseysquint:

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Imagine if they did it IRL

Some do but they're usually fat

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