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German Parliament To Review Petition To Make "Pedosexuality" A Legally Protected Identity



Germany's parliament will be reviewing proposed amendments submitted by a pro-p-dophile group tomorrow, sparking concerns from child safeguarding advocates. Krumme-13, a lobby group which advocates for lowering the age of consent and legalizing child pornography, is seeking to add language to the constitution which would establish "pedosexuality" as a protected sexual identity.

Dieter Gieseking, the founder of Krumme-13, announced the upcoming vote to his supporters in a post made to the group's website last week.

"K13online calls for a ban on discrimination against gays and lesbians AND p-dophiles in the constitution," reads the statement. "The vote… will be broadcast live on Parliamentary TV."


Translated from the original German.

The post highlights the fact that Krumme-13 intends to continue to pressure the government to normalize pedophilia via the Bundestag's petition process, a strategy that the p-dophile activists have undertaken for several years.

"We are already announcing further petitions on topic-relevant areas. The topic of pedophilia / pedosexuality must constantly be in the political debate. The human rights of this sexual minority are becoming ever more restricted. The political fight for acceptance and recognition will never end. The new generation of p-dophile-loving people is just growing up," he wrote.

Krumme-13 appears to have been emboldened by the success of a previous petition drafted by Gieseking on "children's rights."

Last October, the Bundestag accepted an amendment written by the pro-p-dophile advocate which would alter Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the Basic Law to state that "the child's well-being is paramount".


Correspondences from the German government to pro-p-dophile advocate Dieter Gieseking, informing him that his petition calling for "pedosexuality" to be a protected identity would be reviewed by the Petitions Committee.

However, further elaboration holds that children ought to be treated as "legal subjects" and have a right to have "a say in all matters concerning their spiritual, mental and physical well-being, as well as the right to freely develop their personality."

Gieseking made certain to point out to his followers on his website that the intended implication of the phrase is to create a legal framework for establishing sexuality as a children's right. The phrase "sexual self-determination" is included in Article 2 of the Basic Law under the conditions of the "free development of personality."

"Sexual self-determination (also for children) is derived from the free development of the personality in Article 2," Gieseking wrote in 2021. As a reference, the petition as well as the German Bundestag both cite the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Krumme-13 petition was was supported by representatives of the Socialist Democrats, Free Democratic Party, and Green Party.

In April of this year, Gieseking shared the news that his petition to include the "sexual identity of p-dophiles" as a protected characteristic under the constitution had been approved for discussion by the Petitions Committee.

"The petition service of the German Bundestag announced that the petition 'Sexual Identity in the Basic Law', which also includes the sexual identity of p-dophiles, will be discussed as an individual petition within the committee. There will therefore be a separate recommendation for a resolution. The Petitions Committee has thus complied with the petitioner's request."


Translated from the original German.

"In addition to all of the proposed children's rights, sexual self-determination must also be protected and included in the Basic Law," reads a K13online blog post about the petition dated July 2022.

Gieseking has repeatedly claimed that his campaigns to have pedophilia protected as a sexual identity are not equivalent to legalizing child sexual abuse. The activists of K13online have been demanding that the "p-dophile [sexual] identity" be "protected from discrimination, criminalization, exclusion and persecution" under Germany's equality laws.

"Pedophilia must also be included in sexual identity. P-dophiles in particular must be fundamentally protected from discrimination in the Basic Law. And this is completely independent of sexual criminal law. The vast majority of the estimated 250,000 p-dophiles do not commit any of these types of crimes. Pedophilia is a separate sexual identity."

Again, in April, the p-dophile advocate stated that the "p-dophile identity in the GG (Basic Law) is not about the legalization of consensual sexuality between children and adults," thereby reiterating his belief that children can consent to sexual activity. "It's about protecting the p-dophile identity from discrimination and thus the recognition and acceptance of p-dophiles as a sexual minority."


Translated from the original German.

Yet his claims contradict other actions and positions advocated for by Krumme-13. In another petition he sent to the government, Gieseking called for the decriminalization of the possession and distribution of child pornography.

"Legalizing clearly self-determined sexuality between older people and those under 14 is the best protection against actual sexual violence against children," Gieseking wrote, while calling for the abolition of Sections 176 [Sexual Abuse of Children] and 188 [Dissemination, Acquisition and Possession of Child Pornographic Content] of the legal code.

Gieseking advocates for a distinction to be made between "sexual consent" and "sexual violence" when it comes to sexual acts between adults and children. As it is his belief that children can consent to s*x with adults, he promotes the view that only the latter should be criminalized.

Gieseking, a 68-year-old former Federal Border Guard official, founded K13 in Trier in 1993 and promoted the group as a "self-help" organization for "pedosexuals." He has been repeatedly charged with the possession of child pornography.

In 1996, Gieseking was sentenced to eighteen months, for which he served one year in prison, on charges related to operating a mail order child pornography service from a van. In 2003, Gieseking again appeared in court accused of possession of child sexual abuse materials obtained between July 1999 and January 2001. The pornography was found on Gieseking's computer after a search of his residence in August 2001. His devices contained a total of 216 image files of naked children, and he was sentenced to eight months in prison.


Pro-p-dophile advocate Dieter Gieseking

At the time, Gieseking was also accused of linking to a child pornography page on his website. This link was discovered by jugendschutz.net, an organization set up by the federal government to protect minors online.

In a 2014 interview with Taz Online, Gieseking called for lowering the age of consent to 12 years of age, and said that adult sexual interactions with toddlers would have to be "discussed separately."

"The taboo of pedophilia must finally be broken at all levels of society. If a p-dophile can come out without fear of exclusion or even demonization, then this is the best prevention against child abuse," Gieseking told the outlet.

In accordance with his views on children's ability to consent, Gieseking has publicly endorsed Germany's new gender self-identification law, which takes effect November 1 and allows parents to change the s*x marker on their children's documents from birth. From the age of five years old, it allows for name and s*x changes if there is "mutual consent" between the child and their parents.

"Why is gender identity also politically important for p-dophiles/pedosophists?" Gieseking wrote in a post to K13online. "Gender and sexual identity does not only begin on the 14th birthday, when the so-called protection age limit ends. Children can and want to experience their childhood sexuality self-determined beforehand."

Judeo-Bolshevik "hate crime" laws are, in the American prison system, used to enhance the penalties against anyone who targets s*x offenders. If you put your hands on a child molester, that's a "hate crime". In fact, even harassing s*x offenders can get you charged with "hate crimes", which will get several more years added to your sentence. As I've said before, s*x offenders are given the five-star treatment by the feds. S*x offender-friendly yards are always the nicest yards with the best living conditions, while yards where s*x offenders aren't permitted to walk are always shitholes, and the feds go absolutely out of their way to protect s*x offenders. As such, it is not even remotely difficult to imagine something like this eventually finding its way to America as well.

This push to legitimize "pedosexuality" might look like a fringe movement now, but so was, less than 10 years ago, the idea of "transitioning" kids (which, of course, is pushed by the exact same people). The only solution:


!pedohunters !germs

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If this isn't a fricking good argument :marseystrawman: for the fricking death :marseykhorne: penalty idk what is fricking

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To me it's not about saving :marseywoodchipper2:s it is about providing the opportunity for exculpatory evidence to be presented and save the life of an innocent. I know anti-death penalty activists also say that the appeals process ends up costing the state more than permanent detention. Is that true? If it is, the practical argument is hard to refute as it pertains to first world countries.

Either way, I'd posted the other month about Germany changing the laws to make possession of CSAM a misdemeanor rather than a felony. @UraniumDonGER your country sucks so much and God will punish your people. Repent and preach the word before it's too late.

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Why shouldn't Brenton Tarrant or the furry Buffalo Shooter have been taken out and shot immediately after the trial?

I know anti-death penalty activists also say that the appeals process ends up costing the state more than permanent detention. Is that true? If it is, the practical argument is hard to refute as it pertains to first world countries.

It's true, but only because the way it's implemented is r-slurred. Singapore's death penalty is probably cheaper because it's not run by r-slurs (half of whom are actively trying to sabotage it for political purposes). @X discuss

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Mercy can only be offered when justice would demand retribution. God calls upon us to harmonize both principles. :marseynun:

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Mercy is fricking also only offered to the fricking repentant and child :marseyhermione: male feminists don't repent. They only fear consequences :marseysowsmug:

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Both sides assert that there is credible research supporting their position. In fact, a committee of the National Research Council has concluded that existing studies are far too methodologically flawed to draw conclusions one way or another. Neither side can maintain that they have empirical support. In most years, most states execute no one, and that pattern seems to be on the rise. One cannot study the impact of executions when they are hardly ever imposed, and it is difficult to separate any impact of the death penalty from the large number of other factors that affect the amount and kinds of crime. The committee's conclusion about the claim that the death penalty deters is "can't tell."

Actually... :debunked: And I maintain that there are good secular reasons to not have a death penalty:

Since 1973, at least 200 people have been exonerated from death row in the U.S., according to the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC). A 2014 study estimated that at least 4% of those sentenced to death are innocent.

How many innocent lives should be destroyed to make your point?

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On a fricking Monday morning :marseycoffee: in 1984 — Sept. 10 at 9:05 a.m., to be exact — Jeffreys was fricking in his lab at the fricking University :marseycomet: of Leicester in the fricking U.K. when he accidentally discovered that our DNA strands are fricking unique enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to be accurately linked to their owners.

Soon after, in 1985, Jeffreys helped provide scientific evidence :marseyproofster: for an immigration :marseyabbott: dispute by matching a fricking boy to his biological parents through DNA to allow him British :marseybong: citizenship. Until 1987, his lab was the fricking only one in the fricking country :marseyrussianflag: providing this sort of testing for civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: cases :marseystalker: like these

There's a fricking reason that list goes back to the fricking 70's.

Before 2000 I would :marseymight: say you have a fricking point :marseyfoxgloveyourself: but…

I don't think :marseymindblown: you can even get death :marseytrolley: penalty without DNA evidence :marseyproofster: these days in the fricking U.S. at least (not that it's by law to my knowledge :marseyreading2: but I would :marseywood: argue it a fricking requirement)

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Wasn't the most recent death penalty case that was being cried over done with the only DNA evidence being the cops mishandling the weapon and getting theirs on it? There was enough normal evidence to convict, but no DNA.

Also, lab contaminations and corrupt/incompetent technicians are a thing.

I do believe the world would be better off without some people and the death penalty is a valid judgement, but it would require an infallible court system.

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I know anti-death penalty activists also say that the fricking appeals process ends up costing the fricking state :marseyusa: more than permanent detention. Is fricking that true, b-word?

Yes but it's not about money :marseygeralt: it's about a fricking message

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Germany changing the laws to make possession of CSAM a misdemeanor rather than a felony


Yeah, the same site shitted another misleading article :marseyclueless: @Tonberry

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This is why we ping you. :marseyembrace:

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Its funny and sad how fast the dramidiots are to believe this shit

Like none of them have a glimpse "Nah this is too insane for a 1st world country" and, idk, google it? Embarassing

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Well apparently in places like Germany and the UK it's good for a few months, maybe a couple of years of prison.

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