Don Lemon questioning Kamala Harris' blackness on CNN in 2019 :!marseypenny2:

!chuds :marseyxd: i love his "nonononononononono"

CNN host Don Lemon and White House correspondent April Ryan recently engaged in an intense debate regarding presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris and her ancestry.

There's been much discussion over Harris' heritage since she announced her candidacy. During a visit to The Breakfast Club, Harris attempted to dismiss reports that she is not African-American, saying it's the same rhetoric that was once used against Barack Obama to divide the country. Harris' mother is an immigrant from India and her father immigrated from Jamaica. The senator was born in Oakland, California.

After viewing a clip from the interview, Ryan questioned why the "blackness" of mixed-race candidates is always in question. Lemon then cuts her off, believing she missed the point.

"No, no, no, no, no, I think you're not hearing what people are saying. The people that are saying, 'is she Black enough,' that's bull, that's BS. But to want that distinction, to say, 'is she African-American or is she Black,' or whatever, there is nothing wrong with that! There's a difference between being African-American and being Black."

Ryan responds by reiterating that Harris is a "Black woman," for sure, which Lemon doesn't dispute.

"I agree with that, but is she African-American? There is a difference, and there's nothing wrong with that. No one's trying to take anything away from her. I think you're falling into the trap of that."

He went on, "All she had to do was say, 'I am Black, but I'm not African-American.'"

Ryan then pointed out that slaves from Africa were taken to the Caribbean, as well as the states, to which Lemon responds, "Jamaica's not America. Jamaica did not come out of Jim Crow."

As the conversation continues, Lemon suggests that Harris is not an American descendant of slavery, and that Ryan's argument misses the overall point of those questioning Harris' cultural identity. See the discussion below.

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Whenever Trump says something r-slurred, you can always sort of twist it into an actual point. But Trump will never express an actual point, he'll always just say something r-slurred.

It actually really troubles me that both the first black president and the first black VP are the children of wealthy, overeducated immigrants rather than descendents of slaves, that neither of them grew up with any real tie to American culture, and that both only understand "blackness" through distorted and misunderstood vestiges of 60's radical politics (while themselves being identitarian neolibs), rather than the anything from real life. They also lie about listening to rap music.

No matter how many times they swap masks, neither of them are even in the same universe as normal black people. A random hood black guy and a white hick have 10x more in common with each other than either has with Obama and Harris. They're not an American success story, but an indictment of the ways we've failed the descendents of slaves.

It would cost nothing for them to admit this, and it would probably even make them look better, but they're both simply too proud. They're inhabitants of the elite alternate universe where rootedness and place are just nonsense for racists, and the story of America is about "immigrants" (defined as any random foreigner who rolled up) instead of about the people who've been here for centuries.

I think black people mostly cover for these clowns because racists hate black people regardless of their origin. But there are some brave souls who will call them out. :marseytariq: Racial solidarity with Obama gets wins for Obama, not you.

!chuds !nonchuds

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At least with Kamala she grew up in Oakland, an area notoriously filled with black people, (as a fun story !chuds I remember talking to a nice (and kinda cute) black recruiter with a heavy accent. She mentioned how it was obvious from her accent she was from Alabama, not the Bay Area, but considering how some Oakland black people speak I genuinely couldn't tell. I had to stop myself from blurting out, "I couldn't tell" in a bout of pure autism :marseyxd:) she never really lived amongst them. She was always a wealthy immigrant kid enriched in academia living in the really nice parts (it still is but especially used to be) of Oakland, not living in the murder capital of the country where anything from steering wheels to mail posts get stolen, and the sole reason why San Francisco sucks.

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San Francisco sucks for a lot of other reasons

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Sole reason you're likely to get a broken car window I mean

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I hear she grew up and went to school K-12 in Canada

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That's an American core.

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Obama was raised by a single mom, wdym he wasn't black



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Whenever Trump says something r-slurred, you can always sort of twist it into an actual point. But Trump will never express an actual point, he'll always just say something r-slurred.

Almost like he does that on purpose to get people talking and arguing about it and you just have TDS and cannot accept that he is not as r-slurred and senile as you'd like. Dude was a showbusiness star for longer than most of his haters were alive. The old age is sometimes showing of course but not as bad as Biden (duh) and i'd say even Kamala who too often goes on drunken rants and cannot get to the point and talks in circles about passage of time.

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This isn't 2016, we know that there is no 4d chess, he makes points in an r-slured way because he is r-slurred, old and incompetent.

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:marseyno: 4d chess

:marseyyes: Raw tard power

:marseysaluteusa: :!marseykneel: :marseytrump2:

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It's the Eazy-E method:

The letter said that they wanted to invite me to the Republican party. I'm not no frickin' Republican, but we went there and when we got off the plane they had CBS, CNN and all these media people who blew it up saying, 'The gangbanger and drug dealer Eazy-E came down here to the Presidents luncheon'. Basically, what I did was pay $1200 for a million dollars worth of press.

Bait journotards into giving you free publicity 24/7. If CNN didn't REE over everything he said, he never would have been president, so why have a filter? You can see Vance and them other strags try to replicate it.

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This is why they hate Clarence Thomas so much

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Thomas is interesting because a lot of his beliefs still come down to black collective self-interest, he just thinks the conservative ideology will serve black people better in the long run

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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tru dat neighbor :marseyklennyblack:

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yeah they're all sociopath neurodivergents who are fixated on bettering the country (in their opinion of what a good country is)

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Tim Scott should have been the GOP nominee

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