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:marseychud:run amok in r/askreddit when asked about :marseydickbuttsmile:Peepee Cheney :marseybaphomet: getting coconut pilled :marseygivecoconut: and endorsing the fricking last best hope :marseyhope:for democracy





I really hope that reddit is fricking keeping lists :marseynotesglow: of these all these russian disnfo agents and forwaeding it to the fricking propper authorities :gigachadglow:

I think it says a fricking lot more of the fricking Democratic party that Cheney would rather back them than Trump. Maybe the fricking Dems aren't the fricking good guys after all.


I'm not going to lie, hearing that I'm voting the fricking same way as Peepee Cheney is fricking making me feel like maybe I should sit this one out. Peepee Cheney is fricking one of the fricking most evil people I can think of. My morals are fricking in stark opposition to his, and maybe that means that neither candidate is fricking worth my vote.


The fricking anti-war right (a sizable movement already at the fricking time) grew in opposition to Afghanistan and Iraq, eventually taking over the fricking Republican party. Neocon warmongers such as Cheney didn't like this and moved to the fricking Democratic party. So basically what happened.


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Peepee Cheney


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