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Brony oppression in r/fighters :marseypony:




>Enjoying attractive women wearing revealing clothing isn't an unusual thing. Liking My Little Pony as an adult is.

:marseyfluffyannoyed: :faggot:

>The title of the game is also so bad as to be embarrassing to type, let alone speak out loud.

i think its pretty cute, actually

>do not compare my catgirls to your ugly lil cartoon horses.

Thems fighting words :marseyryu:

>Tried playing TFH. The main thing I hated was how that horse girl with the book feels so much stronger than everyone else.

@DestoryerCarbine shadowspark! :laserbeam: :marseydisintegrate:

>It really is as simple as people not wanting to play as a cow.


whats wrong with my girl? !horsefrickers

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the main problem with fighting herds is that there isn't enough support for the stallion fricker subset of the brony fanbase

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Neighbour they added Texas and Stronghoof

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they made being gay p2w :#marseyxd: @CMYKFox


>3 dollars

>5 dollars

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absolutely brutual ponyboyphobia

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You've seen gay4pay, now try pay4gay! :marseyxd:

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its based that both male characters are dads tho

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I'll be honest ima need to google that because the game slid right off my brain when it first came out and there was just six chicks

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@CamNewton if i didnt do my outreach you might have turned out like these people :marseycontemplate:


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>why aren't more people ok with a fighting game aimed at fat, incel furries obsessing over a children's show?! It doesn't make sense!!!

Game's not bad actually, was fun when I tried it but the characters are obviously a deal-breaker for 99% of people

Apparently when I type "dor" on my phone by mistake, it tries to autocorrect to dorse, it's so over for me :marseycry:

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I was really reluctant to try that game when it came out, I think I got it in a humble bundle or something. Buttons and movement feel really snappy and crisp, and the character diversity is really good for a game with a relatively small cast. Combos are really fun too.

That all said, it is a brony game, and i camt fault anyone for wanting to distance themselves as much as humanly possible from that community. There's a similarly good fighting game with almost nothing but loli characters called Arcana Heart that despite being a lot of fun to play, it's just torture to look at. TFH is kind if cringe at worst, whereas AH is borderline repulsive.

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:#marseyhesright: it was a very fun mini tournament @CamNewton

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