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Iger decided to complain about Disney's situation again ignoring that he's singlehandedly responsible for it. And redditors once again gathered to fight the holy 'is Disney woke' war :marseydisney:


They really should have stayed out of pushing politics and controversial social issues, you're going to piss off a large segment of your audience no matter what you say. Sometimes it feels like pushing a message was more important to them than telling a good story.

Disney+ is losing them money and the content they make for it is total shit so I don't see that changing soon. They need to bring in people who care about the properties they are making content for, the people making the Secret Invasion show openly admitted to not reading the source material for example.

Once again, someone points out Disney's failed marketing strategy and starts lots of coping and smugposting :marseysnoo:

This probably has nothing to do with Disney going "woke" and moving away from family friendly programing.

Same arguments, but on a different sub :marseyfluffy:

You sure it's not the war Dessntis started on Disney? People are terrified and don't want to spend tourist dollars in Florida

Naturally, the reason why Disneyland is bleeding tourists is because everyone is terrified that DeathSantis will personally come to kick them in the balls :marseyscared:

Seen Twitter lately?

Just like Elon's Xitter :marseysoyhype:

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone

Speaking about Elon, there's some bot posting this over and over :marseyelonpaypig:

Buying somewhere like Texas would probably be easier given the number of massive land owners (farms, ranches, O&G), whereas trying to build anyone near New York would be suicide.

Plenty of anti-capitalists started sucking Disney's peepee as soon as they heard Texas :soyconsoomer:

Snow White will bomb due to the lead actress being out of touch with reality

You mean the usual social media hate mobs are going over her for having an opinion...

Not that exiting, but immediately after this there's a :marseylongpost: comment that I didn't read.

One of the resident boxoffice Disney shills came to defend his masters and started another argument here.

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:#marseysow: :#marseyreapcrying:

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Can I reap that bussy?

I'm triple vaccinated btw

Very clean

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Seen Twitter lately?

Has Twitter actually lost a significant amount of traffic? Seems about the same to me, just more chuddy. I only recently got an account though.

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Seems the same to me too. Plus if Facebook can last this long so should Twitter.

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Facebook is absurdly good at turning a profit from just info on you like a/s/l and local stuff, they make like 30-40x the income per user on ads because they're just that much better at learning their users. And insta is just zoombook anyways.

Twitter has been cutting every cost and trying to increase revenue streams and still seems to not be even breaking even again.

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It's lost shitloads of ad revenue. I don't know about actual traffic numbers, but wealthy libs and corporate ad-buyers are shunning it.

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I only use it for some light cyber stalking but from what I can tell it's exactly the same as it's always been. And this is with 80% of their staff having been fired.

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Anecdotally speaking. All the people I follow who like to complain that Elon is killing twitter are still more active on twitter than I am.

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Here's a list of 20 canceled shows that got axed during the strike because they were shit and no one was watching them. Noooticers, see if you can detect some common themes here.


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LOL holy shit hahahahahaha what a title

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:#jannybell: x https://i.rdrama.net/images/16925827771456432.webp

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:#marseyblackgenocide: :#marseyfoidretardgenocide:


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They all look and sound terrible? :marseyshrug:

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Wow! It's nothing but idpol shit.

I loved how the author blamed the lack of interest on "Peak TV" instead of the obvious "it sucks." Also, didn't the writer union basically impose higher costs on tv shows and movies? That's weird that so many shows would get cut because of that. :marseylaugh:

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The Peripheral got canceled


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You might notice that the writer didn't seem to think a single one of the diversity shows sucked. The only one they didn't like was The Idol, while all the diversity-reboots were apparently Good, Actually.

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The studios should have just taken the writers into a basement and disappeared them instead. How did we get whole generations of talentless hacks?

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They hired their friends and gatekeep.

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Globalist conspiracy to destroy culture

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Fanfic makes foids and neofoids think they can write. Low pay for all but the top people on a show means you can only afford to be a writer if you have no family, are being supported by rich parents you hate, and/or are so ideologically driven you don't mind. ESG encourages diversity hires which means they can replace the second option with 'supported by a corporation' and get the trifecta.

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Going only by images in article, I counted:

:jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell:

:jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell:

:jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell: :jannybell:

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I noticed. Women arent funny and no one likes black people. Also I didnt know they made a black Wonder Years.

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Inside Amy Schumer

No matter how much Hollywood try to convince people, the regular Joe doesn't like seeing fat women on the TV.

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A Black Lady Sketch Show

Do amerimutts really

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I didnt know they made a black Wonder Years.

No one did, apparently. But I thought it was pretty good. They should've set it in the 80s though. 60s nostalgia is dying fast.

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At this point I think studios would have to pay me to watch their shit, everything they put out sounds so boring :marseyyikes:

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‘The Great' (Hulu)

this one is actually kind of annoying. could have been a really great show but was ruined by hollywood political brainrot

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It was enjoyable for the first season then the gimmick got kind of stale. It's saving grace was that Catherine was almost as big an r-slur as Peter and her "enlightened" ideas usually blow up in her face.

Also, Elle a cute.

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I honestly assumed all shows were just palette swapped versions of older shows and properties so idk if I can call this a trend

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How I Met Your Father was a real show?

The frick.

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So was "that 90s show" and "The Wonder Years" (kangz edition)

These people unironically label themselves "creatives"

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Me being drunk off my butt is more creative.

Just get Liam Neeson and Jason Staham to be an estranged father-son MI6 spy duo and they re-connect as family as they slit the throats of Russians and blow up some underwater pipeline.

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Original CSI, Law and Order, Frasier, Saved By the Bell and Gossip Girl are just the first few that a quick search showed with aggressively increased diversity. While the Quantum Leap, upcoming Queer as Folk and X- Files reboots got themselves kangz, with queenz versions of things like Steel Magnolias, The First Wives Club and even at least a one-off of The Golden Girls.

If the source material doesn't have at least one character turned black, gay or both, it won't get made today.

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I watched the first season of it. It was eh, not good by any stretch of the imagination but very little made me hate it. Like I said last time it came up, it'd make very good plane viewing.

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On the streaming side, Disney+ was losing hundreds of millions of dollars every quarter

How tf is that even possible? They just stream all the Disney shit they already own and charge money for it. How is a content company losing money on a streaming service even real? Just set up a server, neighbor, like fricking turn on caching and walk straight to the bank.

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They make so much shit original content too. Way more than they probably should. I don't understand it.

Their vault is enough to keep them profitable and thriving. Why waste all this cash on new shit programming?

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Everyone just wants to watch the Simpsons and Lion King over and over until the fresh water runs out, so why are they wasting their money on that shit? Can you name anything Disney has made in the last 20 years? Frozen?

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Moana fricking ruled but I agree Simpsons is the only thing I watch on D+.

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I liked frozen

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I like it if you read Elsa as queer-coded and "Let it Go" is about coming out and embracing true sapphic love.

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Why waste all this cash on new shit programming?

It they're anything like Prime it's just a crooked show picker funneling money to their friends/ideological supporters

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This is the biggest mystery to me. They have such a huge vault of content and probably even more scrapped scenes, behind the scenes or other unfinished stuff. Why not use those instead of the half-assed shit they make?

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Too many pigs in the pen. The project probably started like Jimie said, "set up streaming server, THE END," but r-slurs wanted a piece of the budget and fought tooth-and-nail about how much more profit they could bring in.

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In theory it's to stop people from signing up for a month to watch one film, then canceling. Keep new content going, keep the subscription going. But that only works if you produce things people want to see.

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The Disney+ budgets are fricking insane because no one is trying to save any money because "Disney = Big Money" so they just overspend frivolously.

Like the charm of Original Star Wars and Mandalorian was the fact a lot of the props and shit were re-used, trash that they cobbled together on a shoestring budget, or in small contained areas that don't need an obscene amount of CGI.

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I watched a documentary on the marking of Star Wars. The FX in the original was seriously unbelievable for the time. So darn clever, everything they did

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The dumbest shit Disney ever did was start their own platform instead of being satisfied making absolute bank licensing their shit out to existing streaming platforms. But they got greedy, and now are dealing with all the issues of a platform instead of just enjoying rolling in a bed of basically free money.

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Just another entry in the catalog of “Why don't we do what the tech companies are doing, it can't be that hard” and then blowing a hole in your company cause you think you can compete with Netflix.

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No idea, but nearly all streaming services are losing a ton of money. I think the only exceptions are Netflix and HBO. Maybe some regional distribution thing? :marseyshrug:

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I think Amazon is doing Ok. They're the only streaming platform that has shows targeting the chud audience.

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Maybe it's Hollywood accounting and one Disney entity licenses out shows to another Disney entity to reduce their taxable profits.

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They have to put out shows that cost like 100 mil each month to keep subscriptions going brrrrr

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Do they, though? Can you name one of these shows? I sure as shit cannot. Amazon made that trillion dollar Lord of the Rings fanfiction that nobody watched.

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Disney had super successful shows like Willow and Y: the last man to prop them up. just kidding, Disney deleted those and a bunch of other shows and movies from their servers to stop having to pay residuals because no one was watching them.

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u right 100 mil might be high but they're well into ten mils per season of show and new shows drop each week on major streaming platforms

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It might not even be that high, Disney have been absurd with the budgets lately.

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But fricking why? They should just set up an FTP server full of Simpsons and Star Wars mp4 files and charge money for the password. You're welcome, Disney.

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Youre probably right that Disney could have done just with their old stuff, but the general theory is that a huge amount of content is what brings in money on streaming platforms, not the quality. Its kinda like a chink buffet.

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I'd argue that theory is wrong. Outside of 2 scrolls through recommended page and current hyped show/movie, I doubt normies care about consooming gazillion of ""content"". With how bad the search on streaming is (Netflix anyway, I don't pay for any), you can't even properly find shows or movies of a specific genre or theme you want, and it tends to push classics on you which you're more likely to watch over "show I've never heard of" anyway.

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To some extent yes, there are big movers that sell streaming services but people can also just buy disney movies once and never have to pay for D+. Netflix definitely shouldn't be blowing this money but Disney almost has to.

Their mistake is just making terrible shows for 2x the cost of game of thrones

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Why is Hollywood paying writers again? They are absolutely worthless, a net drain even.

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Its because the writers have no real life experiences that 95% of the world can relate to.

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because everyone is terrified that DeathSantis will personally come to kick them in the balls

god I wish

Seen Twitter lately?

what's with all the twitter doomsdaying, the site is practically the same with slightly more chud posting but it's still overwhelmingly lefty

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It was meant to help get awards traction for Fanning and Hoult, but instead the season got lost in the wave of other cable and streaming shows debuting around the same time for the same reason. When no Emmy nominations came, it seemed to seal the show's fate, and it was canceled in late August.

Nevermind the fact that nobody was watching and they lost their butt on it. THEY DIDNT GET A NOMINATION TO ONE OF THE “PAT OUR OWN BACKS” CEREMONIES. UNFORGIVABLE

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I loved the first season of The Great, but it really lost its mojo after that.

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Chapek really was the issue and Iger isn't a great CEO by any means but he didn't rock the boat. Now they're fricked. Which is crazy given they're too big to fail status in media

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Chapek mainly continued Iger's plan and was a CEO for too little time to count for me. And Iger was still on the board during this time. The man was definitely a disaster, but even without him Disney would have been only marginally less fricked.

Focus on diversity and quantity over quality were definitely Iger's ideas. But Chapek really dropped the ball when he picked a fight with DeSantis for no reason and turned all the chuds against Disney.

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Iger ruled over Disney from 2005-2020 which was a pretty great period for them. He was Marvel, Star Wars, etc and tripled their stock price. Chapek was Disney+ (though Iger didn't necessarily disagree), bad operations, and politics.

Iger would have kept Disney ahead much longer by virtue of moving slower into streaming. It wasn't wokeness that killed them so much as poor planning and execution did (too frequent releases, bad media, and terrible streaming performance).

There's a point to be made that Iger left a timed bomb when he exited but Chapek doused it in gasoline.

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I think Iger got too cocky towards the end of his tenure but yeah, Chapek definitely fricked everything up for good. Disney would have probably been fine after all if covid and the streaming bubble burst didn't happen basically at the same time.

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They really should have stayed out of pushing politics and controversial social issues, you're going to piss off a large segment of your audience no matter what you say. Sometimes it feels like pushing a message was more important to them than telling a good story.:

This probably has nothing to do with Disney going "woke" and moving away from family friendly programing.:

You sure it's not the war Dessntis started on Disney? People are terrified and don't want to spend tourist dollars in Florida:

Seen Twitter lately?:

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone:

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone:

Buying somewhere like Texas would probably be easier given the number of massive land owners (farms, ranches, O&G), whereas trying to build anyone near New York would be suicide.:

Snow White will bomb due to the lead actress being out of touch with reality:


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