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The reviews for Francis Ford Coppola's MEGAFLOPolis is out and they're predictably negative :marseylaughpoundfist:


Reddit soys are already out with their predictable film-pseud defence "Duuude, this is going to be spectacularly terrible, I'll love it :soyjakhipster:".

These are the top comments.

Sounds like it has all the ingredients of a cult film, but not a financially successful one :soyjakanimeglasses:


Darn these Reviews are all over the place, people who like it are praising it highly, and people who don't are thrashing it.

Sounds like it's gonna be fun love polarizing films :soysnoo5:

So basically Coppola lost his sanity and made an unmarketable 120 million dollar epic. I'm so hyped! :bigsmilesoyjak:

120 million dollars to create something you truly love that others absolutely hate… That's the dream baby ! Cinema is back ! :soysnoo2:


Can't wait. It's either going to be beautiful, or a beautiful disaster. Either way, it sounds worth watching. :soyjakwow:


The reality is even the positive reviews are handling this film with kids gloves. They struggle to articulate what's good about it and are basically going "uhh...this film is ambitious and Coppola(an industry legend) took a lot of risks and we must respect it for that" :marseysmirk2:

Yeah sure :marseyeyeroll:

!kino !fellas !anime

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All these comments in all these subs seem exactly the same. Fricking heck. I want to say bots but lord knows we can no longer differentiate the average redditor from the bots anymore.

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If enough members of a community are bots eventually the humans will start talking like bots to fit in. Couldn't be me fr fr no cap.


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Carkitty lmao

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Yep, every entertainment sub is useless beyond headlines at this point.

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dude bussy lmao

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Im to lazy to read comments, but film criticism is in the dumpster so a split review like 48% on RT doesnt turn of off to wanting to see it for myself. Maybe it sucks, but with that rating I wouldn't blindly go off critics

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Sounds like it's gonna be fun love polarizing films

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!kino, I just want directors to stop having Adam Driver star in things. He's not a good enough actor to carry a film, and I have no idea why he keeps getting leads. Stick his butt in a supporting role where it belongs. :marseyannoyed:

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Nice fridge, what model is it?

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And he is also butt ugly?! Like wtf do women see in that mid af moid loser??

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Which you will never have

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He also looks like :chuds#pin2:

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Copolla has always been a hack fraud.

Apocalypse Now: One of these movies where my dad observed this is your idea of what the Vietnam War was if you learned about it in college on a deferment. The part with Marlon Brando is unintentionally hilarious.

The Godfather: Ponderous and self-important like most 1970s movies. The effort to humanize the mafia is laughable. The Scorcese movies actually get it right. They weren't about family or tradition, they were about money. If you made money you were at the top. And in that era it was already heroin.

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Dracula was good :marseyindignant:

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If it were good it wouldnt have had keanu reeves or winona ryder in it pretending to be actors.

Otherwise, nosferatus aside, probably the best dracula adaptation there is.

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keanu was/is so bad :marseycry: Can't believe that strag is allowed in movies.

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One of my favorite bad movies. If you know someone who thinks Keanu Reeves is a good actor show them this film, he's so wooden and talks with this terrible “british” accent.

Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins carried the film though, they knew their characters were campy and over-the-top and still played them marvelously

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ok if u dont like Apocalypse Now or The Godfather you're just a straight up a-hole. is there anything you DO like?

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As far as war movies: Battleground (1949) (bet you haven't seen it :marseynerd2:).

For mafia movies Goodfellas and Casino. Drug dealers are always drug users and this is a core part of their personality.

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as far as mafia movies go I would sooner re-watch Goodfellas or Casino over Godfather ANY day. Those movies are excellent and extremely re-watchable. More so than the Godfather even. And between the two I'm in the minority of people who know that Casino is actually the superior movie.

That doesn't mean Godfather stinks tho, it's also a great movie but if they are playing Godfather and Goodfellas on different channels I would much sooner sit down and watch Goodfellas for example.

I never seen Battleground but I have seen The Big Red One. Movie wasn't great but I remember being scarred by this scene as a kid. took me forever to find this btw, not an easy scene to search if you don't remember the name of the movie or any of the characters lol

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It's true except they do it to your foot. That way two guys gotta carry you out, so they knocked three guys out of the fight instead of one like if they killed you.

The Big Red One

Detected a guy who wasn't forced to watch all the war movies about the 101st as a kid.

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Godfather was okay to good but I absolutely hated Apocalypse Now and I remember my dad got pissed at me when I told him Brando's parts were wooden, off-putting and unconvincing

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Brando was so stiff because he was getting bussy blasted by Richard Pryor.

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Yeah and it's no surprise that Scorsese is still churning out flicks that are at least "Decent". Coppola's latest offerings seem downright amateurish in comparison.

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Apocalypse now is a great movie at least, even thoigh its ridiculous.

I watched the godfather once. Well, i tried but i was asleep for like half of it. Boring as shit, and i usually like slower movies. The horsehead scene is :marseykino: but thats about it.

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Ancient :marseygladiator: shitty director :marseyhouellebecq: makes another shitty film.

Also his daughter's wine is trash. Don't buy it

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Guy hasn't made a half decent movie in nearly 30 years. Every major studio straight up laughed at Coppola's marketing ask ($100m) after the premiere.

This was always going to be a mediocre send off from a guy who peaked in the 70s.

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who peaked in the 70s.



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Fricking :marseytom: love Jack

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Tbh i love the part where :marseydrama: he says look at me and everyone :marseynorm: looks sort of weirded out

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@i_only_downvote_redditors is a cute twink btw. Although I appreciate the coin donations for downvotes.

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He won't ever ever do anything :marseycoleporter: productive in his life. I pity him.

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I'm not in the right :marseyyes: place :marseymap2: to rail against the hollywood elite :marseycountryclub: but they are putting honest people out of business :marseybroker: with these megaflopolises

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Should have just filmed himself raping some super famous actor (male for lgbt representation) while yelling "you got MOGOPOLISED" instead.

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whats it about

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Plot summary

An accident destroys a decaying metropolis called New Rome. Cesar Catilina, an idealist architect with the power to control time, aims to rebuild it as a sustainable utopia, while his opposition, corrupt Mayor Franklyn Cicero, remains committed to a regressive status quo. Torn between them is Franklyn's socialite daughter, Julia, who, tired of the influence she inherited, searches for her life's meaning.

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Wow another YA post apocalyptic movie about a rebellious teenage girl. :marseyclapping: That's an untapped market.

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I want an r-slured Adult Fiction about an angry cripple :marseyflirt:

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That's the story of my life.

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I need more angryness! :marseyrage:

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an idealist architect with the power to control time


>sustainable utopia

Omg solar power

regressive status quo

omega lul

This sounds turbo trash

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He's been developing, writing, and rewriting this for like 40 years.

The chances of this not turning out totally r-slurred were very low.

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i love it when more people use turbo :marseyembrace: to describe things

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Ur a turbo Twink

Now post Trussy

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Post Turbocharger :marseybuff:

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Lmao, !historychads I didn't know Catilina stans still existed

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Any cool time stopping shenanigans?

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I know Jerry Seinfeld is already out of the rDrama news cycle but I saw Unfrosted.

I thought it was funny :marseyclueless:

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Old decrepi(t) man who hasn't released a good film in decades releases a new film.

It's bad.


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decrepit* for future reference.

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How are you going to write "decrepit" in a "decade"?

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Agree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed:

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Im gonna watch it man put 120 mil of his own money in :marseysoypoint:

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