Ringbearers are you ready for Rangz of Powah tomorrow? Will Sauron and Galadriel bang?


"It's also a psychological thriller," Payne adds of the season's arc. Sauron is forced to take new form now that Galadriel has warned her allies not to trust Halbrand. He transforms into Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, to combat this, a guise Vickers says is specially designed to lure in Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards). Annatar manipulates the master craftsman into making rings for Dwarves and Men, an act that will make "Celebrimbor descend into madness and Eregion hurtle towards potential destruction," Payne reveals

Lmao, a "psychological thriller"

Galadriel and Sauron share the deepest connection to another being either of them has ever experienced, a fact that haunts them both in the new episodes. What they share "is greater than romance," Vickers explains. "Their connection runs far deeper than anything surface level."

:#marseyxd: :#marseyemojirofl: WTF is this shit?

!ringbearers !bookworms Celecuck completely BTFO by chad Dark Lord.



6/10 in IGN

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!g*mers LEAKED elder scrolls 6 screenshot :toddhoward:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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Yakub is employing Tricknology on a silly trick b-word

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A fricking balding elf, b-word? At the fricking young of an age???


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Oh, they're still making this?

6/10 in IGN

Pretty sure that's the lowest score they're allowed to give to a large company. It must be true dogshit.

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the show is actually really awesome. It has low ratings bc chuds are review bombing it bc theyre butt hurt about the fact that the show isnt entirely centered on cishetnromativity/wh*te males

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I watched the first two episodes when it dropped and found it extremely dull. Sure, the "look, black hobbits doing nothing!" scenes will have annoyed the chuds, but it felt like 2 hours in it had nothing to show for itself beyond being an SFX party.

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First of all please dont be a racist and capjtalize the "b" in Black

second, "dull" is a dogwhistle for "not white enough"

third, its not BIPOC/'s/womxn's job to entertain you chud. If you walked away bored/uninspired that says mpre about you than the $billion TV show that youre not educated enough to understand and appreciate the subtext of


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I'm not racist, I hate every minority equally.


Elves can gtfo though. Pointy-eared basterds.

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my heart is telling me 🅱️warves

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The fricking acting sucked, and the fricking pacing was too fricking slow.

Still it was fricking funny seeing them nail the fricking stereotype of the fricking old homeless black guy as that Hobbit leader. Are the fricking chuds inside the fricking studio, or are the fricking progtards ironically racist, b-word? Truly a fricking mystery. :marseywise:

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The pacing was off because half the scenes were inserted for either the CGI or the diversity. If you watch it with the mindset that having large numbers of random black characters is unremarkable then the scenes featuring them become aimless.

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"It's also a psychological thriller," Payne adds of the season's arc. Sauron is forced to take new form now that Galadriel has warned her allies not to trust Halbrand. He transforms into Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, to combat this, a guise Vickers says is specially designed to lure in Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards). Annatar manipulates the master craftsman into making rings for Dwarves and Men, an act that will make "Celebrimbor descend into madness and Eregion hurtle towards potential destruction," Payne reveals


The first season Sauron tried to trick the elves into making 3 rings and was quickly unmasked.

Season 2 is now him just growing long hair and trying again?

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The elves will never expect him to try again this soon so it's the perfect plan :taysmart:

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Make dem ringz, nikka, motherlover! Before I cap yo butt, motherlover!


Hory shit, new Sauron is fricking fire, motherlover!

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walks into Eregion looking exactly like he did as Halbrand, only with a terrible wig and fake ears

Celebrimbor: Who is that mysterious stranger whom I have never seen before in my life? Never mind, I'm sure I can trust him and will do his bidding unquestioningly!

Sauron: Yes! I knew they would never see through my cunning disguise!

At least in the canon story, before Payne and McKay 'improved' it, this all makes sense.

Even better (or worse), Sauron didn't try to trick them into making the three rings, that was Galadriel's idea. Because nobody is allowed to have any ideas except her. Sauron was probably trying to get Celebrimbor to make a ring, the first attempt at a controlling ring, but it was Girlboss Galadriel who decided it would be three rings.

So now Sauron is trying Plan B, by coming back in disguise and getting Celebrimbor to make all the other rings. We have to have the story going backwards, because that is so much better than what Tolkien originally wrote as the plot, and this is for modern audiences, you know!

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Is this shit any good? Because it looks like absolute trash slop of the highest sloppiest order

I ignored your recommendation to not watch HotD and holy shit nothing happens in that, two seasons of pure nothing set up what the frick

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Is this shit any good? Because it looks like absolute trash slop of the highest sloppiest order

It depends, do you enjoy hate-watching to discuss with dramatards or the folx at /tv/?

holy shit nothing happens in that, two seasons of pure nothing set up what the frick

Dragonshit Season 2 was terrible. Alicent went from wanting to snatch the eye of Rhaenyra's bastard in retribution for her son to selling out her sons and asking Rhaenyra to leave everything with her. Cringe lesbian fan-fic.

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Is this shit any good?

As a Tolkien adaptation? Heck, no.

As generic TV fantasy show? It's meh. Some good bits, but as most of the criticism says, they waste too much time doing nothing and going nowhere. For all the alleged huge budget, the costumes look cheap. Too much "oh this is so deep and meaningful" dialogue which is anything but deep and meaningful, and the first season really fell down on making Galadriel this insufferable girlboss who was always right and always knew better than the stupid weak idiot men.

I'll be watching the second season, but mainly to see "and how did they frick it up this time?" because they're screwing around with the plot so much, they write themselves into a corner and then have to try and make something up to get out of it. Like with Annatar - Payne and McKay didn't want him in the first season, because 'the people who read the books will know who he is and that means no mystery", so they invented the character of Halbrand. Who everybody guessed anyway was Sauron within an episode or two, because they couldn't resist the temptation to keep dropping hints that "This guy is Sauron, tee-hee!" Then they realised "Oh shit, we need Annatar to make the seven and the nine rings", so they had to introduce him, but since they already set up Halbrand = Sauron, they have to do it this stupid way: Halbrand in a bad wig and fake ears and the Elves don't recognise this guy.

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looks like absolute trash slop of the highest sloppiest order


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Isnt galadriel supposed to be hot


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!kino thoughts?

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She looks... fine? Idk what everybody is losing their minds over.

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I think I saw her in the new Dune, she was pretty good. :#marseyshrug:

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Get your eyes checked you blind r-slur

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Thanks, that's exactly what the doctor does for me every day. :marseygigaretard:

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Stupid butt bot needs to see an optometrist daily :marseylaugh:

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This bot has never been in an optometrists office, they don't have them in the mental institution.

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Weird plastic face.


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:#marseywould: :#marseyslurpfast:

The makeup isnt doing her any favor, theyre obviously trying to make her look elf-like. Still definitely hot :tayadmire:

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Will Sauron and Galadriel bang?

@BWC we need an analysis :marseynatesilverfox:

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The slop has gotten so bland i forget to eat it.

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Bad news prime-bros. Your monthly membership just got $3 higher and your commercials just got 60 seconds longer. But don't worry, we're gonna crush it come season 3.


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That has got to be the worst wig in any fantasy show I've ever seen, hands down. I watched a schlocky (but fun) Indian fantasy/historical TV series about Alexander the Great in India, and it had some terrible wigs in it for the "Macedonians", but this one is even worse.

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I am ready for S*X!!

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You will watch the 10 minute gay dwarf s*x scene and you will like it! It's essential to the plot!

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Elrond and Dain give me the meat and give it to me raw had more erotic energy between them the Big Hidden Forbidden Secret Elf-Human Romance of Bronwyn and Arondir.

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saw the ad at some bus stop while driving today and thought it was some LOTR remaster at first :marseyxd:

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The really ironic thing is that they wanted so badly to do a TV remake of the movies but of course couldn't get the rights to that, so they are copying the movies wherever they think they can get away with it - lifting lines of dialogue and changing them slightly, copying scenes and visuals. It's really jarring.

And even though Jackson's movies took some liberties with the original story, they are still so much better in every way than this cheap knock-off.

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Extra-marital s*x would be against their nature because they can "read at once in the eyes and voice of another whether they be wed or unwed"; they would release their own spirit to Mandos before succumbing to r*pe, and premarital s*x would create marriage which makes the term itself a misnomer.

Modern female writers would stare at a blank FinalDraft screen for weeks if they had to keep to the lore.

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Why do the the costumes look so bad?

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I honestly have no idea. I think it's possible that they rushed everything to get it done in time for broadcast, but the design just is so poor. Celebrimbor's granny bathrobe, for one. And the worst part is that there are tiny elements here and there which are good - the holly leaf motif on garments for Eregion, for instance, because that is the land of holly trees.

But it really looks like "copy the movie version of a painting of imagined real mediaeval armour and costuming".

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