Mormonism explained by a cartoon :marseymormon:

!sophistry and religious gimmick-posters what do you guy think?

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The lore is accurate many of mormons controversial tgeology claims like denying the trinity and polytheism they admit it they just now try to skin walk as more normie Christians and i doubt the average convert cares that much

However, we don't believe in the traditional concept of the Trinity. We believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings who are one in purpose.

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@timmy_blueballs stand with Israel.

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From what I've heard this is a little biased because it was created by a different religious group trying to point out the absurdity of Mormonism, but it's apparently very accurate.

Mormon lore is kino. :marseyopera: I like that God is basically just some guy who presumably was a good Mormon in a past life as part of the endless cycle of Mormon gods gaining godplanets

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religious gimmick-posters

You can just ping me. :marseyindignant: Do we have any others? Recently someone was arguing with @Sasanka_of_Gauda on one of his threads as a Muslim apologist(?) but I think that might have been a one-off event for fun since I don't recall seeing it happen before or after.

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@Corinthian and catholics!

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I wouldn't ping you half as much if you hadn't left. :marseycryinglaptop: Anyway the clip is kino, I think @BWC shared it before.

Being serious I'd previously viewed Mormons as irrelevant outside Utah and unworthy of my attention to really bother with since they're outwardly friendly the rare times you meet one in other states, but they pay for a television channel in the Philippines and ever since the revolution/American colonial eras Catholics here are too neutered and cucked to turn down the money or kick missionaries out of the country. :marseycontemplatesuicide: My disdain has grown with time.

Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism and Islam have each had intellectual traditions and cultural contributions, Mormons are a bizarre cult that contributes to the New Atheist/post-Protestant perception that all religion is ridiculous and superstitious. There's nobody serious to really bother arguing against and I'm too confrontational to be adept at deprogramming anyone. Hence my inability to get upset at @ACA despite constantly memeing on us.

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I didn't think mormonism was so cool.

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That's exactly what a white supremacist would say

Sus as frick. Bet you like sexualizing children too, p-do Nazi. Why do you like fricking five year olds you disgusting c*nt?

Lololol Im so much better than you at your own tactics aaaahahahahahaha

Try using reason, I dare you. Bet you can't. Too busy cumming in your toddler relatives mouths.

Lolololol using emotional language and impulsive reactions is so fun and easy, I get why you do it, I just have to be more graphic and insulting than you, infant butthole reaming pedophilic frick

Lol what now how are you going to beat me? Can't use reason, we know, and I've clearly been more emotional and insulting than you.

What now?



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