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Megalopolis -the funniest movie seen in years :marseylaugh:

!kino i saw this in imax and the 20 people there just laughed at all the shitty effects and writing. The main villain is gay hitler incest trump whose bf has a black sun tattooed on his forehead. There is porno tier s*x scenes with straight up porn writing. Characters just start randomly talking in latin or in book quotes. You have to see this shit to believe it :marseyxd:

Its the atrophied delusions of a crininist matriarchal long housed liberal boomer

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According to /tv/

Is this left wing Atlus Shrugged?

Basically yes. The central conflict is between Caesars progressive architectural vision (which I shit you not looks exactly like AI generated neo-futurist trash you can find on Google), the conventionalism of the may of the city, Cicero, and the whipped up reactionary forces of Caesar's cousin Clodio. In constructing his new city, Caesar is demolishing parts of the old one, which leaves many people homeless, and which Clodio uses to build a right wing anti progressive coalition. It's so absurdly self indulgent that Clodio's supporters have signs saying "Make Rome Great Again," and his top henchman literally has a tattoo of the Black Sun on his forehead. Zero subtlety. There are also references made to Hitler and Mussolini, and Clodio's character is implied to have been killed, strung up the same way Mussolini was. The movie also does not offer any meaningful challenge to Caesar's worldview, and throughout it simply presents the conflicting forces as regressive and simply stupid or fearfully lacking in vision. It would help if Caesar's vision was even coherent, which it isn't, because the extent of his alternate vision of the future involves a maguffin material that can essentially build anything and cure anything, and which for reasons that are literally never explained or justified, the city believes is somehow dangerous and should be stopped from being used. In any case, the maguffin material will magically allow every person in New Rome to live in perfect harmony in giant spiraling treelike structures where their every need will somehow be met, and this is all presented completely sincerely as a compelling vision of the future.

Yes I would describe it as perhaps the perfect inverse of Ayn Rand's works.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17275574666486306.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727557502420519.webp

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The thing with Cicero is that he isnt even that corrupt or evil. The beginning makes him out to be the main bad guy but the only truly evil thing he does happens way before the beginning of the movie framing Ceaser for his wife's death but otherwise he just stands around and says Ceaser is wrong.

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What does architecture shit have to do with the Catiline conspiracy?

!historychads reminder that story is basically "ancient roman lib gets owned EPIC STYLE by conservatard Cicero"

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Nothing other then building a utopian city built around matriarchy and nature

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>What does architecture shit have to do with the Catiline conspiracy?

Nothing lmao its just some psuedo-intellectual "muh high-IQ urban art" self-fellatio, or the more classical case:


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