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If you want to give yourself an aneurysm :capymad: watch these pseuds argue how violence in cinema is bad :marseyfacepalm: because a European hack (Haneke) said so.




These arguments are only anti-art if it's from handwringing Christian moms but totes okie when it comes from a pompous mainland Euro auteur :marseytranshitler: (Haneke is an Austrian btw, make that of what you will :marseyrapscallion:).

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>Haneke: The only things I've remembered from books or films are the things that made me anxious, the things that forced me to agonize over myself or the world in which I live.

:marseyautism: unironically this man probably needs to touch grass. this is the same shit reddit users who do nothing but doomscroll spout :/

>Haneke: I believe that we are all obsessed with fear. It's one of the basic conditions of human existence.

oh he actually is a reddit doomscroller. man grow the frick up and stop obsessing about shit in the world you have no power over. cover your own butt, then go from there ffs.

>These films make violence unreal and therefore consumable.

oh :marseybestfriends:

you make violent films though.

>Haneke: But they don't show it and they take away its value as an attraction. Because that's obscene. I think it's more intelligent to work with the viewer's fantasy. The viewer's fantasy is always more powerful than any image. The creaking floorboard is worse than the monster in the door.

coming 2025: Irreversible, but the r*pe scene is just a black screen with audio for 10 minutes. (also that movie is shit)

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unironically this man probably needs to touch grass. this is the same shit reddit users who do nothing but doomscroll spout :/

Stalker, 28 days later, Amnesia The Dark Descent, Requiem for a Dream are all peak kino, and if you disagree with me your opinion is entirely worthless to me.

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