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whats the deal with the english language italian films? when why how who which


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Italian :marseygodfather: Giallo films were shot without sound :marseyhearnoevil: recording equipment :marseycowtools: and dubbed later. They used mostly Italian :marseygodfather: casts with Americans, British, Germans, French :marseynapoleon2: etc. stars :marseysparkles: who would :marseymid: often speak their own language :marseygroomerjavascript: while acting and then an English-speaking actor :marseyezramiller: would :marseywood: dub their lines :marseystocksupdown: in post. The domestic :marseybattered: version would :marseywood: be dubbed into Italian. This is why Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef have lines :marseystocksupdown: which synch with their lips and everyone :marseynorm: else doesn't. The westerns were shot in Spain cos it's the only Euro country :marseyrussianflag: with deserts and Franco kept the film workers' unions in line so costs were low.


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