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:marseypajeet: COMPLETE LEAF MELTDOWN :marseypajeet: Jeets throw temper tantrum because their student permits no longer guarantee immediate permanent residence for them and their 800 cousins :soycry: :marseytunaktunakgenocide:

PEI changed its policies on work permits for foreign students back in 2023, so that less of them would be able to receive permanent residence after getting their useless diplomas. Indians are really mad about it because they have a God-given right to live in YOUR country, chud.

This article talks more about the situation:

Foreign workers in Canada's Prince Edward Island will hold a day-long protest on May 13 against changes in the province's immigration policy that would reduce the intake of permanent residents by 25 per cent. A demonstration was held in Charlottetown on Friday over the issue.

A large number of students from Punjab living in the province are likely to be affected by the policy changes, announced by the province in February, as many of them work either on work permits or as international students. The burden on the healthcare and housing sectors were cited as the reason to reduce the intake. The focus would now be on nominating workers in the healthcare, childcare and construction trades.

“This has left the hundreds of foreign workers working in the retail and services sector hopeless as they are unlikely to get their work permit renewed once it expires. Even if they shift to the healthcare, childcare and construction trades now, they won't get any benefit as work permits in these sectors will be extended only to those who have prior experience,” said Manpreet Kaur Longowal, a volunteer of the Montreal Youth Students Organisation (MYSO).

They also have the commies on their side. It might be over for us, chudbros... :marseysweating:

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I guess it sucks to rugpull people you've already let in.

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It sucks to streetshit on a country that's let you in


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They haven't been "let in", they're on student permits or workers' visas. There is no guarantee of citizenship, nor should those avenues be used to obtain permanent residence.

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They've been let in in the sense that they're already there. It's a lot better to just change the policies for future immigrants than to change the rules in order to kick a bunch of people out of the country who are presently relying on them.

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We are on the course of reaching a total demographic replacement in the next couple of decades. Literally the only solution for us is deportation. The absolute safest option is getting rid of people who aren't permanent residents yet. We literally got 1 million new people last year despite having a population of only 35 million and only a handful of metropolitan centres.

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Canada thinks it can take in people like the US despite only having like three cities lmao


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One city.

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It's our fault for electing an rslurred government that let them in. Doing this to the relatively small amount who are here but aren't PR yet is just petty and won't do much. What matters much more is halting the flow.

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It could be the provincial government's way of testing the waters for public reception to deportation policies. Right now only indians and commies seem to care, so we could see more heavy-handed approaches in the future. The provinces don't have much say in immigration though, so it would have to happen at a federal level

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Make like a tree and frick off.

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There's a difference between doing something because you're being generous and doing something because you have no choice, and you don't immediately realize when you've gone from the former to the latter.

If they had left it any longer they'd simply become a colony of India, as too many Indians would be able to vote and keep the door open.

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If I go on vacation that doesn't mean I can just become a permanent resident lmao :marseyrofl: :marseyxd: Holy shit are you really this r-slurred?

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lol what kind of r-slurred argument is this? I am obviously not saying that we should sympathize with people who just violate the visa rules that existed at the time of their entry.

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Yeah it's really scummy to change the rules on the people who have already started the process and paid tens of thousands of dollars minimum.

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They haven't started any process and there was never a guarantee. They were scammed into coming here by other jeets who misrepresented the system.

They are abusing the student visa program so frick em

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what? They used scam unversities that were fake diploma mills and then spent their time working at Tim Hortons. They didnt come here to Study like their visa said

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>They used scam unversities that were fake diploma mills and then spent their time working at Tim Hortons.

Sounds like the normal undergraduate experience to me.

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