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I'm not far behind them to be honest, I already work for a multi-national that's HQ'd in the USA. I can move to the town next to where my company is, trade in my 1,700sqft suburban nightmare (which is valued at around $900,000) for a 4,600sqft on a full acre for $480,000 in the US.

Everyone in the US who works for the same company says the health insurance kicks butt, awesome coverage at a decent price plus they get shit like free gym memberships and apple watches and shit to count steps.... here I'll be lucky if they can see me within 2 years just for them to recommend I MAID myself. Just the money I'll save in taxes a year will make up for the currency exchange.

I used to be as Canadian as you can get, now I don't even know what that means, I can't even really relate to any of the neighbours anymore as they're becoming more and more indian every day and I can't stand the political climate here anymore, we've really become a test market for WEF and globalist elite projects and ideas. Nobody gives a shit about Canada anymore.

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Everyone in the US who works for the same company says the health insurance kicks butt

Until the company gets sold, lays you off or you want to switch jobs.

Europe (Germany) would be a better trip, but then you'd have to learn how to speak the language and I don't think a Leaf can do that.

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I'd move to France before Germany, the German language makes no sense to me at all.

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>pronounced 'uh'

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See how easy French is? You just ignore all the letters in the spelling and just grunt or snort.

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I think you'd be in for a very big surprise there, but my residence is only an hour and a half away from the border bb


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Until the company gets sold, lays you off or you want to switch jobs.

You're still entitled to like 18 months of COBRA coverage but go off euro

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Do you even know what COBRA is? Have you ever been on it?

Have fun paying the full premium.

And regardless his current company might have kick butt insurance, but his next employer may not.

You're literally r-slurred.

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I'm well aware of what COBRA is, and there's even a grace period where you don't pay if you don't need it. Which is particularly useful when switching jobs.

If his current company has good insurance that means he's in a career where his next company will probably have good insurance as well. It's pretty common.

But even with "bad" insurance, the income difference between an American and a Euro is gonna be wayyyyy greater than the max out of pocket on the "bad" insurance. When you're getting paid tens of thousands of dollars more, having to spend an extra maybe $1-2k/yr on health insurance still leaves you far ahead.

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I'm well aware of what COBRA is

So you've never been on it. Gotcha.

If his current company has good insurance that means he's in a career where his next company will probably have good insurance as well. It's pretty common.

You must have downs. It is not common at all and your presumption is totally off.

I think you're a wagie at McDonalds without any real life experience or career.

But even with "bad" insurance, the income difference between an American and a Euro is gonna be wayyyyy greater than the max out of pocket on the "bad" insurance. When you're getting paid tens of thousands of dollars more, having to spend an extra maybe $1-2k/yr on health insurance still leaves you far ahead.

Continue to not know what you're talking about.

Have you lived in Europe and had their private health insurance? No? Didn't think so.

You've got no experience with any of the things you're talking about.

Never understood why Americans always act like they're know-it-alls without any actual experience.

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So you've never been on it.

You realize you're covered if it's offered, right? Like you don't need to sign up for it on the day you leave your old job. You can just keep it in the wings and IF something happens in the 3-4 weeks between jobs, you pay the premium and get your coverage. It's literally retroactive.

I think you're a wagie at McDonalds without any real life experience or career.

Let me get this straight. I say having a job that provides benefits is common, because virtually all career jobs (including virtually all white-collar jobs, as well as anything in the trades) provides them. The only jobs that don't provide benefits are like bottom-rung retail jobs. And so you think I have one of those?

Doesn't make any darned sense.

The last time I worked at a job without benefits was back in high school. Well I suppose technically my various summer internships didn't have them either, although I was still on my parents' plan at the time (you can do this until age 26 now in the US, for all those late bloomers).

Continue to not know what you're talking about.

My guy you're an r-slured europoor trying to lecture me about how my own country's health insurance system works. Enjoy your poverty loser lmao.

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The entire US health system needs to be burnt to the ground from the standpoint of up and coming businesses trying to compete with the big corps. We're going to get more decades of stagnation from the top companies for multiple reasons, and the current disaster that is this semi public semi private health insurance system we have is a major contributor as to why. Everybody's fricking expenses have skyrocketed because of mandated insurance. Of all the choices that were possible, privatized insurance or public healthcare, our government decided on the absolute worst of all worlds (as usual).

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I say having a job that provides benefits is common

That wasn't the point that was being discussed.

The point was that his company he's currently at has awesome benefits, which is great until you move to another company that offers a totally different policy at a totally different provider with totally different benefits.

Trying to act like companies offer comparable insurance policies in the USA shows how little you know or how little experience you have in the career world.

My guy you're an r-slured europoor

I'm American you braindead wagie.

My guy

Go back to Reddit.

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Lol no dude. You dont want cobra. Most people get pretty fricked healthcare-wise if they lose their job in the US.

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COBRA is literally just you continuing to pay the premium for the health insurance you had. You basically pay what your employer paid on your behalf, obviously they're not going to continue to pay for your health insurance for 18 months after firing you.

If you don't want it, you don't need to get it. Pretty sure you can get a marketplace plan if you've lost your job and therefore your prior health insurance if you'd prefer that route.

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COBRA? Cobra is never worth the cost unless you have terminal cancer or some shit.

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I used to be as Canadian as you can get, now I don't even know what that means

I know what it means :marseymaidshy:

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Yeah we lead the world in MAID, mass immigration of sexy Indian dudes, legal weed, and gay pride.

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The Dutch are competing with you in at least two of these categories.

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There's got to be like at minimum 4 pride months per year in Northern Yuroville at this point.

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Everyone in the US who works for the same company says the health insurance kicks butt

Yeah the health insurance whiners here (US) are typically unemployed or otherwise have shit jobs with no benefits. If you have a standard career job here, you're going to get health insurance through your work. The wait times for specialists and stuff is way lower than Canada, quality of care is generally higher. You might pay a bit more out of pocket but let's be real, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the post-tax income disparity between the two countries.

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While the US health system is better than some countries it's still fricking broken. It's the worst clusterfrick of private grifting and public regulations bar none. If you run any company that's not one of the major corporations it's a major barrier to growth.

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Hey, @tempest. Looks like we've got an unemployedcel or shit job haver with no benefits.

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Nah @Benzozo has a decent point - for small businesses, health insurance is a crazy high expense. It's just not really the concern of the individual employee since you can just work somewhere with a decent policy - it's more of an issue to owners of small businesses.

I blame Congress for making health insurance mandatory but not providing any kind of public option. They basically passed a law that required you to buy health insurance so obviously the companies selling health insurance can now charge anything they want. They also keep tacking on more and more shit that the health insurance has to cover, obviously somebody's gotta pay for it.

My current employer pays 100% of my healthcare premiums but they tell us every year how much that is. They pay something like $500/mo for me. And it's not even "real" insurance - I mean it counts as normal insurance but whenever a claim is made, my company pays it in full. The company that manages our plan literally never pays out on any claim whatsoever, they just forward the invoices to my employer. We pay $500/mo for them to run the paperwork and that's it. Obviously quite a racket.

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Yup, I agree. :marseyrain:

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Wagecuck lol

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Am not.


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This is actually pretty sad :marseysad: sorry

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It is.

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I can't even really relate to any of the neighbours anymore as they're becoming more and more indian every day

Isn't it beautiful? These indians are your equals. You may well be right they're absolutely disgusting (I'd probably agree), but then what does that make you?

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used to be as Canadian as you can get, now I don't even know what that means, I can't even really relate to any of the neighbours anymore as they're becoming more and more indian every day and I can't stand the political climate here anymore,

At least government will have an easier time enacting policies and raising taxes. Sure would be annoying if people were collectively tied by something like a national identity.


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