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The bitter reality of life in Canada : VictoriaBC


They're taking about violent revolution when they let the government take all their guns! https://media.giphy.com/media/S0pT12xYClqFFRSgmO/giphy.webp

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They sound so miserable. Someone should run thousands of firearms across the border to them.

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That's one of the funny things about cuckistan's lib govt attempts to regulate guns

It's like Illinois having strict gun control laws

B-word you're next to fricking Indiana and people own cars and can ambulate


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They don't even need to, the RCMP have found tons of black market factories making MAC clones in country already. What people do is set up a legit business making "paintball guns" or "water guns" or whatever, have normal off the street workers make the lowers (these people having no idea they aren't making toys) and then make the uppers themselves at night.

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While I realize they are entitled to their freedom, the fact that this is going on in our city is astounding. People starving in run down rentals they can barely afford, while mere blocks away a family pet eats a better meal than you may have had all year.

colonization comes at you fast, bet that family that can feed their pet is straight from :marseychingchong: where as the starving lady is :marseymayo:

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That's progress, usually the :marseychingchong: eats the family pet.

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if you feed the pet good stuff, when you eat the pet it'll be higher quality

the plan is still there to eat the dog, but it's home growing the wagyu of dogs

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>the wagyu of dogs



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Mayos need to accept their place is at the bottom of the hierarchy now.

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They're also mad about the CEO of a video game company making bank, which perfectly encapsulates the inanity of "eat the rich". :commiebrainlet:

Video games are not a necessity; nobody has to buy them. For that matter, nobody has to play them. And if nobody did, Mattrick wouldn't be rich. But here they are, acting like he made his fortune price gouging people trying to feed their starving families. :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseypoor:

As always, !peakpoors is a matter of mindset. And good God are these frickers poor of mind. :marseybrainlet:

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And if nobody did, Mattrick wouldn't be rich.

But he would still be rich. Rich CEOs like him jump from industry to industry without even knowing a thing about what they're selling half the time.

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because he's better than you sweaty

he doesn't need to know what he's selling to do it well

he wil always find a way to succeed

because he's the ubermensch :marseythumbsup:

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Reeeeeeeee how can you let your dog eat cheap steak when your local crackhead eats a nutritious but not fancy meal? (That is, when they eat---since they'd rather smoke crack)


Quite easily. The dog has less control over their circumstances. You're a human being with agency, therefore, I have less sympathy for you.



Honestly that pay is insulting for a Chef De Partie. it's not even a living wage.

They're claiming that 32 dollars an hour isn't a living wage in Victoria lmao what planet

do these fricks live in. Oh yeah, the Doordash is a human right planet

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32/hr is below the poverty line for Victoria. You lose 1/4 of that on income tax, Gas is 2$/L, rent is 2k/mo, every purchase comes with a 12% tax hit.

BCels live in God's most beautiful shithole.

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50% Shelter to Income ratio sucks, lets be real. But if you can't comfortably make ends meet as one person on $4,500 monthly take home I can't help you.

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I'm pretty sure you could easily live on that there if you weren't r-slurred lol.

2k in rent isn't even a lot.

I think people confuse "living wage" with "door dash 3x a day and a large collection of funko pops"

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I'm deleting this app I genuinely can't stand y'all. I'm not even gonna try to make a point this time I'm done.







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