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Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul in shock byelection result


sorry @DarkDeity you should have put it here and tagged !leafs

and !chuds

look at this gem fron /r/onguardforthee


/u/le_sadie is probably a 17 year old they/them AFAB that has no idea what neoliberalism is


Trudeau's press conference today:


"we're not gonna do anything but we'll say we're doing something again for the 200th time"

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it's unreal to see an onguardfortheecel talk about other people being angry lol. i know one irl. there was like 3 years where he spent every waking moment sneeding in american politician's replies on twitter telling them to unalive themselves. every sentence is punctuated with frickward fricknugget shitheel pissbaby it's just so LAME and impotent

literally has holes in his wall because of shit people in america are doing :marseyxd: the avg OGFT poster has high blood pressure and not just cus they're obese and subsist off mom bringing nuggies down to the basement

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frickward fricknugget shitheel pissbaby

The words you have to use when you can't actually insult anybody in any way.

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you're in the PNW right? how many people have you heard say 'chud' aloud :marseyitneverbegan: that guy was the first and it was genuinely startling

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Not yet, but one of my highest priorities in life is to avoid ever being around people like that, at least not when they're off work.

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chud is trendy lingo, embrace it old man, the younglings will know you're hip

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People who aren't amputee fetishists use this term? :marseymindblown:

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Hi welcome to the internet

Try not to choke on your vomit when you find the pooping peepeenipples

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lol they unironically use the pissbaby thing like it's a slur; they get all wild-eyed and really put their heart into it and it's so cute

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had a friend like this. neighbor got physically angry about politics every day and then would brag that he removed anything and anyone from his life that upset him. didn't understand the irony of that statement

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I looked up what they were talking about and the evidence they have:

some nazi dude showed up to an event, stood next to pierre and had a picture taken.

Also one time he marched at a parade and another far right dude was ALSO walking in it


/r/canada is gloating, Freeland is their archenemy, they hate that b-word



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Didn't the liberals invite a literal goose stepping German Nazi to parliament and then applauded him?

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It wasn't really known at the time, or no one bothered to look into it, he was just a local influential Ukrainian guy who called himself a war hero, but if we're using there level of integrity as they did, then yes

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Yes, they invited a Polish born Ukrainian member of SS Div. Galicia. The guy enlisted in a foreign volunteer unit in 1943 at 18 and is now 99. Like most Ukrainians that ended up in a German uniform, he joined because he hated Russians and the USSR. He was just some young grunt fricking around in the mud of the eastern front :marseyitsallsotiresome:, not a true threat to the human species like full-blooded Germans such as @GayRayniumDonGER @Shreddedmanlet

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Nice try, manlet is asian

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Trudeau is so fricked lmao, 2025 will be a Campbell style bloodbath.

When I went to sleep the Libs were up 2% and I thought that was a brutal result for what is probably their safest seat outside of Quebec. Waking up to the Cuckservatives winning was nice. Cant wait for 8 years of blue team.

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yeah last thing I saw about this last night was a thread trolling cuckservatives on /pol/ how the libs were winning (barely) with 6/160 reporting and then 40/160

woke up to an email from that ginger kid saying they lost and I laughed my butt off

edit: lol based on the updoots it seems like everyone knows who "that ginger kid" is

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Are conservatives blue in canada? :marseydizzy:

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Almost every country on earth (except :marseysaluteusa: ) has red as the color of the left wing party and blue as the right. Sort of like how "liberal" means free markets everywhere outside of the USA.

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The 2000 Bush/Gore election coverage specifically and cable news generally are what cemented that Republicans are red and Democrats are blue.

Reagan painted the map blue in 1980

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god i wish media pundits would speak as clearly and descriptively as this coverage did :marseycry:

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The word "mercurial" being considered normal verbiage on television :marseycry:

I'm convinced ignorance won its final and absolute victory in the 90s, and the world has been condemned to r-sluration ever since.

I recognize that this is an ignorant opinion of human development :marseysalvindicated:

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the regulations libs want on free trade would be considered anarchist in europe


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Where :marseydrama: in America :marseylibertyfireworks: is that

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It's our hat

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Up up up state newyork

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I don't imagine Biden is going to win either. I think the only people enthusiastic about voting for him are ultra liberals and I know none.

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No one was enthusiastic about him last time either, they were just tired of the circus around Trump. That's the cycle of 2 party systems, neither is any good, you just vote for one until they piss you off enough that you switch to the other one for a while, rinse and repeat.

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I think people who are not in the 15% of the most vocal and extreme on either end are completely checked out so far. Anecdotally in my area I bet I see 25% of the political signs and such in people's yards this year than I did in 2016 and 2020.

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yeah most people are motivated by issues like immigration or inflation, they dont really care for either.

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I was reading this opinion piece about why Drumpf's hush money conviction basically made zero difference to his polling and it basically said that disengaged voters do not see a rich person doing a rich person crime as a big deal and they believe that every politician is guilty of doing similar things.

They are more concerned with the economy and inflation and Democrat's focusing on Drumpf being a threat to democracy and Jan 6th is actually doing more harm than good because these voters view this as politicians focusing on the immaterial over their own material reality.

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yeah its not like he ripped the broad off, everyone knows she got paid and he's just being punished because we have to make that not happen

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Shit sucks and people are burned out. I think people are suffering in silence. It'll be interesting to see how polls turn out but I'm not expecting anything interesting. Just mellow going status quo.

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I think people are suffering in silence.

not in canada, they dont shut the frick up about it

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You would too if you had to deal with :marseytunaktunak:

Here I am, trying to check out my 400 dollar grocery bill (4 days of food) (20$ USD)

Hellaloa sirs wouldayoulikada register for of the MasterCardGifgCard sirs MasterCard


Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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True. This election cycle feels different. Lots of people can feel it in their wallets it seems. I'm relatively young though, so I'm not sure. I just can't see people who aren't politically brain rotted go out and vote for Joe. But also…. Donald Trump.

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The most important thing is the cycle has been that it has served as proof that deplatforming works - with Trump on TruthSocial or whatever instead of Twitter, people have forgotten that they hate him. And as November 2024 has reared closer and Trump has gotten more attention, his massive lead has massively dwindled.


This election is gonna be crazy close, the most awesome version of events (Biden wins but Trump wins the popular vote) is extremely likely.

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That would be fricking amazing. I had friends in 2016 who were livid about the EC, refused to accept the result as legitimate, and insisted it must be done away with.

Naturally, I asked them if the results were reversed would they still feel that way about the EC and the respons was IRL: :#marseybsod:

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The best result for the dramareich would be Trump winning due to massive gains with the black and latinx vote. And it's not even unlikely. I'm dangerously dehydrated from precumming.

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I saw a NYTimes article that even women are defecting to trump https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/us/elections/biden-trump-polls-women-men.html

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Total horseshit, btw. Most american women love babykilling too much.

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Latinx do like Drumpf but blacks will always vote for (D). You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

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I'm only saying this because he already is making gains with black people, specifically black dudes under 50:


He won't win the majority obviously, but he's gone from 7% to 21%. Imagine the seethe if this becomes a major factor in some swing states. I think black guys are starting to hate women more than mayos.

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I think black guys are starting to hate women more than mayos.

The two party system seems to be gradually reorienting away from race being the primary factor towards moid vs foid being an accurate predictor of how people broadly vote.


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they're gonna commit massive election fraud again just like last time

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skill issue

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:marseyeh: :marseyrake:

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No good comment on the internet has ever had the phrase "My dudes."

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Yikerino my heckin dude you done a problematism

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whats a bye lection

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It can't decide if it's gay or straight

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