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[Poll] Should @ZionistShill be removed as !leafs head?


He usruped me after I made the mistake of ignoring the nth @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM and @Ping_Hazy application, he's not Canadian, has take over a ton of random ping groups and has kicked virtually all our mods over "ping spammers"

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u literally only need to click "reject" or "approve" once every 2 months for this not to happen

!metashit y r u guys so lazy

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What if only one person joins within 2 months and someone below you beats you accepting them by 10 seconds?


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/ Think of it this way... If your group has at least 1 active application then there's a timer running. If you accept or deny any applications the timer resets. If you clear all applications the timer resets and stops running. If the timer ever hits 2 months usurpation becomes possible. It's that simple.
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Ah. In other words, it doesn't matter who approved it. Even if the owner does jack shit for years, if other jannies are approving it, the ping group is not usurpable.

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Unrelated but can I suck your peepee for a slight alteration to a ping group name?

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what ping group

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!sophistry to !sophists

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sure if u allow me to rename !mathematics to !math

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Thoughts on the School of Life? (YouTube Philslop?)

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then the application has to sit there for 2 extra months unreviewed before the group is usurpable

i thought of all cases dw

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I was going to create an alt that I would remove and add weekly

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2 months not 2 weeks?

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2 months

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  • eva_isaKONG : total reddit powerjanny aspiring behaviour by ZS, disgusting

Can you just add a punishment for someone failing to usurp? Zionistshill is just annoying because he tries to usurp every group once a month or something, give him a time out or make the notification you failed to usurp a screamer or something

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make the notification you failed to usurp a screamer or something


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Like those videos where a loud noise plays and a spooky monster pops up

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neighbor just read ur notifications

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I do, I never lost a pinggroup, but clearly some users on this site aren't too smart, even jannies lost their groups I heard

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skill issue

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It's not like reading isn't my strongest suit.

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Failing to unsurp should randomly assign a negative award. There should be consequences in both directions

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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the consequence is that u usually get kicked when u fail to usurp

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Hasn't been my experience. I got modded

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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You could kick them out or spam gay porn on their profile wall :shrug: You're the boss punish them yourself

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I did, but I like neolibs so I let him back in

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/ I stopped now because it upsets me that you don't like me any more. You're safe :marseycry: :marseycry: :marseycry:

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I'm safe because I am not lazy

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/ Even better. The chad attentive ping group owner vs the virgin usurp attempter and pathetic usurpation victim :#marseychad:

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Ok now give me back my 10 thousand coins

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Please @Aevann saar, if you give me back my coins, I'll make a !vibes group for sharing playlists. If I don't follow through, you can ban me forever for fedposting

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Why are you being so mean?

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islamophobia is makruh

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All phobia is based

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does this apply to ping groups without any applications"?

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no theyre safe

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:#marseycry: I admit I'm a lazy r-slur who should've kept reject CDO and kingkrazy

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y did u have someone who isnt a leaf in the group anyway

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/ > Why would Canada let in non-Canadians? :#marseyclueless:

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maybe i should join too

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:marseyshrug: It's not like I'm doing interviews to vet people, someone claims to be a leaf I add them.

This isn;t biofoids

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Ya that's weak sauce. You should have to write your name on some Canadian Tire money or something.

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!jannies in a poll with 1 in 10 turn out (the best in living memory among leafs) the native leafland peoples decided to oust the imperialist colonizer know as @ZionistShill from our beloved homeland (ping gorup)

It is your moral duty to see this realized and boot him, giving ownership to either me or @eva_isaKONG (or if you have DEI quotas @Eleganza) thus acknowledging our proud and noble tradition of only ever voting when the party is power has fricked us a little too deep for a little too long

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  • eva_isaKONG : IDUNWANIT thats why i gave it to ed in the first place. begone jew
/ Eva is too retarded to run this countr- I mean ping group. Looks like they honestly believe I'm behind the recent account spam. Somehow I did this without getting caught and banned, all while framing ghost poster as a false perpetrator and convincing Aevann to ban them instead.


/ Besides, Canadians can't be trusted to vote in their own interest. I mean have you seen Canada? Lmfao. so I think I'll remain the benevolent Jewish overlord.


/ Now, my first decree is the implementation of gay Jewish cat site communism. Everyone in ❗leafs is now equal. May we enjoy prosperous utopia together❗ Raise your mops high comrades❗


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Best I can do is make a bet

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sounds like your own fault tbh this is why you don't let ping group spammers into your groups

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Normally I just let in everyone and boot them if they spam, What else am I doing to do, vet people on a gay cat site?

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@ZionistShill likes Tekken so he can't be that bad

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Lol get trolled cute twink :#marseyxd:

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  • eva_isaKONG : why are you vying for control of ping groups that are not relevant to you?
/ 1) You were removed as one of 3 leafs mods as part of a group lockdown during the ghost poster account spam incident because someone let in one of the spam accounts. You were re-added as a mod 10 minutes later. 2) This happened yesterday why are you complaining about being demodded now? 2) the mods of the leafs group are the same now as they have been for months. 3) stop crying faggot/ Evidently had you been in charge leafs would be plagued by spammers so frankly I should demod you again right now. I won't, because I like you. But I should... for the sake of Canada.
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I'll have you know I've been seething about you stealing leafs from me for weeks

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u write like an urbanite so u should leave the leafs group end of story

u r a strag

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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good job @ZionistShill

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You have been visited by the BLESSED FOOT OF PIZZASHILL 🦶🍕


Send this to five (5) comrades to ensure a long and prosperous career as a Foot Locker CSR 🥾🤑 and make all your dunks on rightoids cause permanent psychic damage 🔪 otherwise Pojom 🤰 will NEVER 🙅‍♀️ let you sniff 🤧 her luscious armpit locks 💔

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