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Kid sentenced to 15 for killing someone


...15 months probation lmao !leafs


Also a teacher with a good opinion in that thread:

Oh yes I was a teacher too and I completely agree. People who say that punishment doesn't work are completely missing the way in which it absolutely does work. They see that you punish a kid and that kid doesn't change, so they think the punishment is useless because they think the punishment is only for that kid. But it isn't for that kid; it's for all the other kids watching and seeing what happens when rules are broken. If they see that there is a punishment, even if it doesn't change the punished kid's behavior, then they are most likely going to be satisfied that there are in fact consequences for breaking rules, and probably not going to break the rules themselves, or at least not more than once. If they see that there is no punishment and no consequences for breaking rules, they are going to ask themselves why they should be following the rules at all. They are going to feel like idiots for not breaking the rules sooner, and in all likelihood at least some of them are going to break the rules next time they feel like it. That's why we have punishments; not for the 2% of kids that it doesn't work on because they keep breaking the rules anyway, but for the 98% of kids that it does work on.

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>Uh the murderer has ADHD akshually, so we need to focus on rehabilitation!

I didn't know they found a cure for ADHD in the Canadian rehabilitation system.

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