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Canadian man tempted to support annexation just to watch Americans try to deal with Quebec : canada




In related news Quebecois were already threatening to kill any American politician who suggested we teach religion in schools and hang the body from one of their hundreds of thousands of churches.


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All the annexation proposals specifically say to just free Quebec.

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A major part of the plot of Infinite Jest revolves around the US, Mexico, and Canada forming the Organization of North American Nations (ONAN).

Part of the deal involved the US forcing Canada to take ownership of a large portion of New England and all of Maine, which they had been using as a massive irradiated toxic waste dump.

Due to the proximity of this area to Quebec, separatists retaliate by trying to obtain and disseminate a copy of a fabled titular film "Infinite Jest", which is so captivating that once someone starts viewing it they are unable to stop and die watching it, in hopes of creating enough strife that Canada distances itself from Quebec and they gain independence.

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Isn't Hal's mom implied to be a Quebecoid agent?

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Ya, her and John Wayne both.

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If Canada did become a 51st state, wouldn't all the insane Canada anti-free speech laws become null and void? Could Canadians start making fun of and misgendering people without fear of being locked up?

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I identify as in charge.

My pronouns are Sir

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it's not quebec we're coming for :arousedpizzashill:



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Alberta already sells its trash oil for cheap, if America wanted it then the pipelines Albertans always b-word about would've gotten built.

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there's already a pipeline and they're already our biggest supplier :marseygigaretard:

two democrat presidents sabotaged the extension literally just to virtue signal to the r-slurs in their party. we're still shipping that crude from alberta to our refinieries; we're just paying more to transport some of it in a less safe way


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I don't get the joke, we already deal with cajuns

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Quebecois are infinitely worse. They may be more unbearable than actual french people

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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IDC I just want to dunk on Justin Trudeau

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@AdventUsDomini just want too dunk @AdventUsDomini's junk into Justine trudeau's tight cuck bussy

Black lives matter when they BVLL lil' Justin

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We'd deal with them the same way we deal with the existence of France. Ignoring it. :marseyclueless: :marseydeux:

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We'd deal with the french just like how we dealt with them in WWII

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erm technically canadians are americans :femjak:

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Beaverton senses which way the wind is blowing and are trying to get ahead of the storm

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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