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  • Ubie : ITT: redditors commiserate over the downfall of their heckin cool subreddit. :marseycryingfast:
  • Tip_Your_Lanky_Kong : not lit
  • reddit_lies : reddit fan
  • Eleganza : mfw my reddit bedtime story post gets more engagement than most of ur book posts :marseyemojirofl:

nosleep got so bad the past few years :marseysulk:

got ready to catch up on a few years of nosleep, sorted by top, literally none of these are scary, nor are they even well written. i stopped reading them in probably 2016-2017 when all the hottest stories started boiling down to "bigotry was the real monster all along" "big bad evil guy does a heckin wholesome" or just weird, impotent revenge fantasies you can tell are written about the author's bully

the top post of the last few years is https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/wqnymn which is just a stupid shallow reddit bait about a cheater but even sillier than usual :marseytabletired2: main character's wife when her husband gets drunk and chips part of his brain out in front of her :marseyclueless:

are there any the past few years that don't suck butt? i used to stay up all night scared shitless over these, the bar is low, i can't believe nosleep has somehow gotten so bad they can't even scare me

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I used to read creepypastas back in the day on /b/ or /x/ that these stories descended from. At least back in the day they'd set the tone like it was something that actually happened to them.

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I listened to Dagoth Ur reads Morrowwind creepypasta. The idea of a haunted mod was undercut by how boring the mod was. No quests. Everyone is dead. People just stare at the sky.

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