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Greek Tragedies/Commedies Discussion and recommendation Thread :marsey300:

To discuss plays of ancient Greece. I’m a complete ignorant on the subject. I only watched a video about Aristophanes and that he mocked Socrates by portraying him as a Sophist in “The Clouds” and that Socrates felt super embarrassed as per Plato on his trial (supposedly he said the laughter at the theater was way harder to confront than any of the accusations on his trial), and that sounds very based to me.

Who were the best playwrights and their best plays?

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Okay like not to dunk on ppl with shit educations but like I need to explain something. The playwrights did NOT come up with the plays. They just dramatized them for Greek audiences. These were existing stories and could have multiple versions.

Additional recommendations: the Lysistrata (OG women s*x protest but not a huge Aristophanes fan tbh) and the oresteia.

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That is not surprising, Shakespeare did the same, he took Hamlet story from the danish Amleth, but he still changed the stories and shaped the characters in original ways. But I wonder if there were different versions made by the same playwright. With Shakespeare, there are some differences between the first, second quartos and the first folio.

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Shakespeare was actually Francis Bacon

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The whole “Shakespeare wasn’t a real person” is a such a weird conspiracy theory :marseyschizowall:, like what’s even the point of inventing him if some other like Bacon wrote the plays? Is not like a pen name, the bard has an entire biography.

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Its a somewhat well established theory not a total crackpot conspiracy but who knows, I'm sure mainstream academics reject it because anything that is a little outside the box must be rejexted

As for the motivation I think Bacon was a lord or some other high up political figure and actors and playwrights were considered the scum of the Earth back in those days

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Not a crackpot theory true, but still a fringe one. Is mostly based of Shakespeare’s background as a commoner. But for me the best argument against it are the quartos and Folios, and the fact that the plays were attributed to him in the 17th century. Very different from Homer, whom we know absolutely nothing besides textual attribution and references made hundreds pf years after his supposed death.

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Yea I guess what difference does it make anyway

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None, Shakespeare or not those plays are and will always be awesome. That’s something we can all agree

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