Biblical discussion thread :marseyandjesus:

To discuss your favorite Bible stories, characters and verses.

Personally I always liked the story of Joseph, and how after being sold by his brothers he became the Vizier of Egypt. Samuel and the book of Kings are also great. From the New Testament my favorite gospel is the Gospel of Mark as it seems to be the oldest, Jesus is more human in Mark as well when compared to John.

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!macacos vocês leem a Biblia?

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!macacos Esses são os únicos livros que eu leio, e que vcs deve ler: /images/16713321195644982.webp/images/16713321194176898.webp)/images/1671332119141839.webp/images/16713322464749367.webp

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Já li dog neighbor, recomendo

>antiracist baby

esse traço parece idêntico ao do carinha do livro que foi banido das escolas da florida :mar#seythinkorino:

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Não. Sou agnóstico.

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Eu também sou, mesmo assim costumo ler de vez en quando. Tem muitas histórias legais e passagens lindas.

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Eu lerei um dia, não li ainda por nenhum motivo além de eu ser um fodido preguiçoso. O único livro que eu li na minha vida é um livro de wow (e foi uma bosta). only half joking

Eu sou agnóstico mas eu tenho muito interesse no cristianismo. Gosto muito quando livros/séries/filmes/jogos usam ou de alegorias da bíblia ou temáticas cristãs.

A minha família é cristã (cristão mesmo, não aqueles evangélicos nojentos), eu fui batizado. Mas eu não tenho fé

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Ah, entendo, recomendo começar pelo Génesis mesmo. Pessoalmente a minha familia é católica, também fui batizado e fiz catequese e tal, e depois perdi minha fé, porem tenho saudade de tela, é reconfortante.

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Não. Eu gosto de ler uns trechos que vejo citados de vez em quando, mas nunca li e provavelmente nunca lerei em ordem

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Sempre bom citar Leviticus 20:13

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1 Samuel 25-22: “So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.”


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There is a funny story, I believe in the book of kings, were some youths mock a baldcel prophet, then he curses them and they get killed by a bear. So many fun stories.

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these two Marseys fit together so well lol

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OMG I love God! :marseyandjesus:

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Yahweh is such a Giga Chad, wrecks havoc through Egypt then hardens the heart of the Pharaoh :marseycapypharaoh:just so he could frick him over even more

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I like how Matthew 5:18-19 says "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

And Christians ignore the teaching of Christ, preferring the teaching of a man whose name literally means "least" -- Paulus -- who wrote that the commandments were abolished.

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Ecclesties is the most keyed :marseykey: book

The words :marseypop2: of the Teacher,[a] son of David, king in Jerusalem:

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”

says the Teacher.

“Utterly meaningless!

Everything is meaningless.”

3 What do people gain from all their labors

at which they toil under :marseyhandsup: the sun?

4 Generations come and generations go,

but the earth :marseyrecycling: remains forever.

5 The sun rises and the sun sets,

and hurries back to where :marseydrama: it rises.

6 The wind blows to the south

and turns to the north;

round and round :marseysun: it goes,

ever returning on its course.

7 All streams flow into the sea,

yet the sea is never :marseyitsover: full.

To the place :marseywinner: the streams come from,

there :marseycheerup: they return :marseymonke: again.

8 All things are wearisome,

more than one can say.

The eye never :marseyitsover: has enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: of seeing,

nor the ear its fill of hearing.

9 What has been will be again,

what has been done will be done again;

there :marseycheerup: is nothing :marseynothingburger: new under :marseyhandsup: the sun.

10 Is there :marseycheerup: anything :marseycoleporter: of which one can say,

“Look! This is something new”?

It was here already, long ago;

it was here before :marseyskellington: our time.

11 No one remembers the former generations,

and even those yet to come

will not be remembered

by those who follow :marseycursor: them.

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Keyed? Keyed on what?

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Romans 12:19 has always brought me great :marseyclapping: comfort:

Leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written: “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.

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Can some biblical pro explain to me why Satan didn't tempt Jesus with kitty (or at least bussy) while he was in the wilderness?

Food, power and kitty are pretty much the go-to triad for temptation. It just seems like an overlook on Satan's part.

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Because Jesus :marseychristchanreading: didn’t need foids, whores like Magdalene already flocked to him. As for bussy, he already had 12 apostles.

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I don't practice but Matthew 7:16 is truth.

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God get plenny love an aloha fo da peopo inside da world. Dass why he sen me, his one an ony Boy. Cuz a dat, erybody dat trus me no goin get cut off from God foeva! Dey goin get da real kine life dat goin stay to da max foeva!

John 3:16

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I've always found it weird how much of /lit/ was obsessed with haloshit.

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the only good book is "The Advent of the Algorithm"

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