I finished writing my manuscript and no one cared :marseycry:


Why does a neighbor expect praise for accomplishing a goal

Your writing is just words till it affects someone, either makes them reflect, cry, sneed, enraged, fricking something. Only people getting praise for simple finishing a work are writers with a history of delivering

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By hand? Wow, that's something, but not even the hardest part. The hardest was persevering and getting it all the way done. Congratulations, sincerely - it really is a big deal. Now you know you can do it, and that will serve you the rest of your writing career.

Lmao, as if writing by hand instead of typing made it more significant.

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It's bafflingly r-slurred to do that. You're just going to have to end up typing it into a computer anyways, why not just do that in the first place.

Like wtf is he going to do with it now? Make photo copies?

No.. he has to go through each of the 230 pages and enter them into the computer. When he could have just written the whole thing there.

If this is true ... It's painful how dumb it is.

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No.. he has to go through each of the 230 pages and enter them into the computer. When he could have just written the whole thing there.

Not only that, but he's angry because his friends pointed that out lmao. And the other redditards offer no constructive criticism whatsoever, just validation and upvooterinos.

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"noo I asked my friends their opinion and they called me a moron for legitimate reasons, nooo"

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If it's some Joycean/Shakespearean palimpsest of a holograph containing countless crossouts and rewrites and page-inserts and redeletions and rephrasals, I'd be impressed. There's a reason to do things by hand.

But you just know it's written in fricking gel pen, and he/she started the page anew when an error was made 'because crossouts are icky ew'.

Wonder how many Pokemon make appearances in her story...

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He can't even post excerpts for validation and updoots unless he wants to take pictures of his shitty hand writing. You know that book is going to be underlined in red every other word when he enters it.

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I like writing things down. Helps me remember things.

But writing a whole butt book on pen and paper is just brain-rotted in 2023. That was still r-slurred as frick even in 2013.

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He'll have to edit it anyways, so can as well do it this way.

Also tbh it gives proper vibes. Like my favorite Oscar Wilde quote

We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.

All art is quite useless.

And the part where Kubrick had some people type 500 pages of "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" on typewriters, no xeroxing allowed.

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In multiple languages too for all the international versions

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What? Is that true? Source!

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You are pulling my leg, you perfidious kraut. @G look at this, look!

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It's superior German Humor :marseyzwei:

Soon we will invent the funny bot 3000 and you will laugh :marseykaiser:

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@DrTransmisia I am humbled and you shall be too.

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That's what I figured too but I like to handwrite but in 2023, I'm typing because you can easily do on the fly edits with the magic of the space and delete buttons. Your notebook is just gonna be a mess when you remember character such and such could not have possibly been in that scene.

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He'll have to edit it anyways


0% chance anyone, including the author, reads this mess.

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I don't think it really matters either way since most (good) books go through drafts/rewrites in the process. Either way, a decent author is most likely gonna wind up typing the same shit a couple times

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The idea is to prevent over thinkimg and editing. You pay someone else to type it up for like 200 bucks.

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At least it's an opportunity to proofread

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Scanning it and putting it into AI reader should work too.

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Yes, but that will depend on how clear your handwriting is

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The book is a mess because he didn't edit a darn thing

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Now you know you can do it, and that will serve you the rest of your writing career.

They don't have a career. He's not finished and nobody's paid for it.

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