I finished writing my manuscript and no one cared :marseycry:


Why does a neighbor expect praise for accomplishing a goal

Your writing is just words till it affects someone, either makes them reflect, cry, sneed, enraged, fricking something. Only people getting praise for simple finishing a work are writers with a history of delivering

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'I wrote a book' is, for most people, a practically identical statement to 'I took a shit'. Nobody will be impressed, everybody will be repulsed. There's a reason pen names exist.

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I now believe in this unironically.

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'I've done it: after sixteen years, I have finished writing my 3.3 million-word fanfic for Super Smash Bros Melee. No, I have not edited it. No, I have not proofread it.

'Yes, I expect you to spend the next three years of your life reading about my self-insert inserting myself into Kirby's holes.

'Does anyone know who I talk to now about getting this turned into a Hollywood movie starring myself? I'm ready now...'

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normies have 100 million other things to read and watch. more than half don't give a shit about anything unless it's on netflix

guaranteed you talked their ear off about how the gleebos used a bingbong (it's not a dragon, mom!) to end a centuries-long war with the dingling folk

you can't be this fragile as an artist, it's embarrassing

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Or maybe write some short story and show it to a friend who enjoys literature instead of seeking validation and criticism from everyone you know. The majority of people barely read any books, much less a 230 pages handwritten manuscript, no wonder is hard for them to react to it beyond a “good for you”.

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xhe finished 230 pages but missed the whole point of storytelling lmao. art's the subtext for your soul, framing life-struggle in an interesting way that people can relate to. not 'i'm so fricking lonely and insecure UwU why doesn't anyone get meee???' :marseycry:

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I was so excited when I finished my manuscript! I ran outside to tell my dad, and he stared at me. "Here, dad! It's my book that I've been working on for so long. Won't you read it!?" He took one look at the cover, rolled it up, and smacked the shit outta me.


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art's the subtext for your soul, framing life-struggle in an interesting way that people can relate to

Unironically why I love writing chars like Hubert from Lolita. I <3 making people feel dirty in their soul

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Humbert Humbert was disgusting but at the same time a fun character, so bitchy and snarky. The end when he faces and kills the other libertarian was just :#marseynoyou:

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loved that book as a kid

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humbert humbert is literally me :marseysoypoint2:

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These people are all desperately trying to avoid another lengthy spergout by OP about his fantasy universe.

I already know the book stinks because the last line is "the end"

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If it ended with “the end…?” it would be pure kino though.

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"the end....lmao can't believe you really read all that shit neighbor"

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Put /s at the end

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Based and Chekhov pilled

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My first instinct is to have a muted response so I don't get asked / an offer to read it

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about how the gleebos used a bingbong (it's not a dragon, mom!) to end a centuries-long war with the dingling folk

Could be worse. Could be one those battlegrounds (eta: spacebattle, sry :marseyrasta:) forum neurodivergents who think a good fantasy book should describe in excruciating details the magic behind every darn spell (darn I hate magic systems nerds).

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Magic systems are fine if they exist in like a glossary. The author establishing rules is fine, the story just shouldn't become about those rules.

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I hate Star Wars so goddarned much.

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By hand? Wow, that's something, but not even the hardest part. The hardest was persevering and getting it all the way done. Congratulations, sincerely - it really is a big deal. Now you know you can do it, and that will serve you the rest of your writing career.

Lmao, as if writing by hand instead of typing made it more significant.

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It's bafflingly r-slurred to do that. You're just going to have to end up typing it into a computer anyways, why not just do that in the first place.

Like wtf is he going to do with it now? Make photo copies?

No.. he has to go through each of the 230 pages and enter them into the computer. When he could have just written the whole thing there.

If this is true ... It's painful how dumb it is.

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I like writing things down. Helps me remember things.

But writing a whole butt book on pen and paper is just brain-rotted in 2023. That was still r-slurred as frick even in 2013.

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No.. he has to go through each of the 230 pages and enter them into the computer. When he could have just written the whole thing there.

Not only that, but he's angry because his friends pointed that out lmao. And the other redditards offer no constructive criticism whatsoever, just validation and upvooterinos.

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If it's some Joycean/Shakespearean palimpsest of a holograph containing countless crossouts and rewrites and page-inserts and redeletions and rephrasals, I'd be impressed. There's a reason to do things by hand.

But you just know it's written in fricking gel pen, and he/she started the page anew when an error was made 'because crossouts are icky ew'.

Wonder how many Pokemon make appearances in her story...

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"noo I asked my friends their opinion and they called me a moron for legitimate reasons, nooo"

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He can't even post excerpts for validation and updoots unless he wants to take pictures of his shitty hand writing. You know that book is going to be underlined in red every other word when he enters it.

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He'll have to edit it anyways, so can as well do it this way.

Also tbh it gives proper vibes. Like my favorite Oscar Wilde quote

We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.

All art is quite useless.

And the part where Kubrick had some people type 500 pages of "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" on typewriters, no xeroxing allowed.

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In multiple languages too for all the international versions

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What? Is that true? Source!

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You are pulling my leg, you perfidious kraut. @G look at this, look!

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It's superior German Humor :marseyzwei:

Soon we will invent the funny bot 3000 and you will laugh :marseykaiser:

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@DrTransmisia I am humbled and you shall be too.

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That's what I figured too but I like to handwrite but in 2023, I'm typing because you can easily do on the fly edits with the magic of the space and delete buttons. Your notebook is just gonna be a mess when you remember character such and such could not have possibly been in that scene.

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He'll have to edit it anyways


0% chance anyone, including the author, reads this mess.

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I don't think it really matters either way since most (good) books go through drafts/rewrites in the process. Either way, a decent author is most likely gonna wind up typing the same shit a couple times

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The idea is to prevent over thinkimg and editing. You pay someone else to type it up for like 200 bucks.

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At least it's an opportunity to proofread

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Scanning it and putting it into AI reader should work too.

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Yes, but that will depend on how clear your handwriting is

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The book is a mess because he didn't edit a darn thing

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Now you know you can do it, and that will serve you the rest of your writing career.

They don't have a career. He's not finished and nobody's paid for it.

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New :marseykino:

>Oh Geez I'm terrible at this but.

>It's my heros journey story, so it might be a little generic.

>It's about a man and a woman who are both in terrible situations in their life (s*x worker and a wrongfully dishonorable discharged army guy) who meet each other when they are wrapped up in a conspiracy to find a an ancient treasure.

>The villain is a powerful rich man who stalks the woman online and develops a parasocial obsession, which is what leads her to be wrapped up into it. And a powerful army captain who is after the treasure for personal reasons and uses the guy as a scapegoat to get it, nearly getting him killed and forcing him into hiding.

>The treasure they find are two swords. One that harnesses the power of light and the other dark. Within them is an ancient spirit, one of light and dark. To master the weapons and break free from the powerful men that plague their lives, they need to question the meanings of light and dark and good and evil. To find the perfect balance between them in order to harness both light and dark.

>Lots of questions of morality and what good and evil mean. As well as dark Gothic undertones, like characters turning out to be monsters like a Wolfman or a shadow fiend, or a cannibull (werewolf, vampire, minotaur). Hence , they are after the weapons of light and dark for their own sinister reasons. It's very action packed as well.

>But the true villain is just a man who becomes obsessed with a woman, and the core story is about her gaining the stregnth and confidence in herself to break free from the terror he causes her while stalking her, trying to mind control and force her to be his wife and find Justice for herself.


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The villain is a powerful rich man who stalks the woman online and develops a parasocial obsession

If the dude is rich and famous why does he need to become a reddit simp?

Wolfman or a shadow fiend, or a cannibull (werewolf, vampire, minotaur)

Fricker couldn't come up with an original monster so he just renamed them :marseyxd:

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Fricker couldn't come up with an original monster so he just renamed them :marseyxd:

That's 50% of fantasy, the other 50% doesn't rename them.

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Don't these guys get tired of writing about magic swords or whatever? Nobody's come up with a cooler weapon than a special sword since fricking king arthur?

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Swords are gay and every ancient army knew it. The chads used spears.

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ye the re-writes should be left to professionals as far as publishing goes.

Lots of stories are copypastas for newer gen and I think that's good thing, because the stories are great and worthy of retelling.. let the professionals reword the story and modernize it. By all means as an amateur do it too as practice but don't try and pass it off as some kind of novelty lol you just aren't going to do it the way a master can

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I think retellings absolutely serve a purpose but I wish authors would just branch out and try to put new spins on stories from other cultures instead of circle jerking themselves raw by constantly "deconstructing" the same few western myths all the time

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At least deconstruct the Journey to the West or something - I want to read about how the Monkey King is actually toxically masculine or whatever.

Or perhaps “want” is the wrong word.

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Journey to the West but Sun Wukong is a white man cancelled in the West so he has to redeem himself in Africa

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Every single fantasy author is absolutely confident they have reinvented the tropes

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>I'm gonna show how innovative of a writer I can be by taking this trope that has been done to death 100 times, except this time I'm gonna subvert all characters and plots. OH MY GOD! I'M SUBVOOOOOORTING!

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The idea of an actual bull that has a taste for human flesh meanwhile would be so much more interesting. See? That idea took me like 5 seconds.

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It wants revenge because you fricking :marseygrilling2:ed its wife

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:marseyclapping: @Fabrico I am so proud of you good job, great even. How is your mind even capable of so quickly creating such ideas? It's like the way you order your words, it looks so simple just from a first glance but I know it's not.

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Lmao :!marseyxd:

The secret is to have something called creativity, this wannabe author doesn't seem to have it just yet.

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how about a werecow? the protagonist transforms into a cow during the full moon and at the end they get eaten

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It's the opposite of a werewolf because everybody is hunting you during the full moon and not the other way around

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>wrongfully dishonorable discharged


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Isn't dishonorable discharge a thing that involves like a court and a bunch of evidence?

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dishonorable discharge

It's when you c*m in gussy instead of a bussy.


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Yeah, usually you get court-martialed and possibly tossed into military prison

It has to be serious shit for them to go through all that effort

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You have to literally be r-slurred to get dded and not othd

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>The treasure they find are two swords. One that harnesses the power of light and the other dark. Within them is an ancient spirit, one of light and dark.


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Teenager definitely wrote that. Give xer a pass. Xer will find out xer is r-slurred in a few years.

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Her being a teenager would make going upstairs to share the news with her "depression family" much less pathetic.

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Y'know what, pitch this is 1998 with Rob Schneider, Bruce Willis and Fran Drescher and it would be a cult classic

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I thought this going to be a joke version of the comment :feelsguy:

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>hero's journey


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I fricking hate teenagers so much it's unreal

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one of his main characters is a prostitute why tf does he want his parents to read it

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Why no marsey tendies?


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Moms just don't understand.

I didn't even want to use her blood for the ink: that was Belial's idea.

Moms just never understand

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Actually, all labor is equally valid and there is no difference between s*x workers and neurosurgeons. We need to remove the stigma surrounding the girlboss career of prostitution and my novel is extremely important for stigma-removal


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>Dad was too invested in an xfiles rerun

:marseyboomer: based


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Son you need to be more like Muelder, I certainly haven't you seen with a woman before let alone a smoker like Scully

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Aw I wanted to make this comment

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This post makes me sad. But yeah don't look for writoid validation irl

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We need him here, only our wise writing group can advise him.

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This but unironically. We have an audience of a couple hundred people so has some diversity but still small enough to learn what they want. Which is mostly marseys and "dude bussy lmao".

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Do we have enough people here for !writers?

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If no one else does by tomorrow then I'll make it

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someone just need to post once a week right? once a week r-slurred writing prompt shitposting when?

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Even if its just u and me it would mean a lot for my self esteem

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Sometimes people ask for me to read their writing. It's always an uncomfortable experience. It's always bad, not entertaining bad or cringy bad, just zzzzz this is completely boring kind of bad. Then when you force yourself to read through it they want feedback. I don't want to lie to them like a kitty so then it just ends up them being defensive however gently I make the criticism.

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Meanwhile when I read my mom's first draft, I told her it sucked and broke down every part that was bad. She was super thankful and made improvements based on my feedback.

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At some point writers might get to that stage of 'I should actually make something worth reading'. Most people who write are doing some kind of bare my soul onto this page kind of thing though so every criticism is taken personally.

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I still don't understand the audacity one has to write something if you're not willing to face criticism for it. You should be so happy that you have someone willing to waste their time on you.


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next comes the manifesto

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Actually sad, a person's family and friends should support them when they accomplish big goals like that. :marseytears:

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hard disagree

Premature acknowledgement leads to abandoned projects, CMV.

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My mom is working on a book, we aren't celebrating until it actually gets published. Anything else is just stupid.

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What's Mum's book about, bucko?

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Not today feds!

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I mean. If it was my kid I'd at least read it at a minimum and give my critiques at the max.

Blind praise isn't healthy but neither is total apathy

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Gay take. I would slam a coors, burp loudly in their face reeking of beer breath and skol, and ask if an AI could have wrote what they made. When I see their soul is crushed, I would follow up with “so you're gonna work at the trash incinerator like your old man, yeah? Work a real job?” That way if they're truly dedicated to their craft then they would use that experience which haunts them for the rest of their life, competing against LLMs to make the a novel that is completely unprecedented, and probably blow my fricking head off with a shotgun as they rightfully should. That's how greatness is made.

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Gay take

Yeah it's why we're on rdrama

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Well, yes. But you see, I am r-slurred (which is also why I'm on rDrama), so I glossed over that.

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You're my huckleberry

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Just throw them into the trash incinerator

problem solved

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He needs to read a book on Hollywood pitches

You don't walk into a room saying I wrote a 230 pages and expect attention

You give a short 10 second overview that makes people interested

100% he already told all of these people the idea and they don't give a shit cuz it sounds boring or he's boring

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Shoulda advertised it with a shooting spree :marsey666:

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>it looks... long

:marseylaugh: I can clearly see the poorly handwritten pile of notebook paper about this awful fantasy setting with way too much detail. That dad painted a picture with just three words. What an author.

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Your rif still works? Neat

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if the app just continues working like this then I will forever view spez as the lord of shitposting

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if you dont write for yourself youre ngmi

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i dont see how finishing a manuscript is that impressive

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I wish he was still with us :marseylawlzgenocide:

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You're back! :@eleganzalove::@eleganzalove::@eleganzalove:

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