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Guy listens to audiobooks at 1.5x speed , says he read them in the title, causes seethe




Having *listened over 200 classics this year


Much obliged. It's not as if it was elaborated in the first sentence or anything.

Wasn't in the post title though so…

Because unless specified, if someone is asked how many books they've read, audiobooks are going to be included in that number. And I have done some physical reading as well.

What is this shit? I have nothing against audiobooks but it's literally not reading

/u/catladylove99 chimes in:

Maybe you didn't know this, but it's a pretty common ADHD accommodation to do other things (especially things that are repetitive and don't require a lot of active thought, which it sounds like OP's job fits) while listening to stuff (audiobooks, lectures, trainings, whatever). It helps us focus better. Our minds tend to wander if our bodies or hands aren't otherwise occupied. So it's incorrect and shows a lack of understanding of ADHD to suggest listening to books doesn't count “especially while working and trying to multi-task.” We do not experience that situation the way people who don't have ADHD do.

Incidentally, audiobooks are an accommodation for a lot of different kinds of disabilities, and pretty much every author I've heard talk about it agrees that they absolutely count as reading. To suggest otherwise is frankly ableist.

What's with people treating ADHD like fricking autism or being actually r-slurred lately? I'm young enough that it was a thing when I was going through school but it was more like, "take this meth and pay attention, dumbass" and not "OMG the whole world needs to accommodate your disability!!!"

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People who think sitting down and reading words for hours is some kind of achievement amaze me. There's people seething that someone used their ears to get the words an author wrote instead of their eyes.

Newsflash r-slurs: slobbing around reading is an even more passive task than listening. You can listen while you drive, bike, run, work, cook, clean, whatever. It's superior in every single way

NOOOOOO the fact that reading with my eyes prevents me from doing anything else makes me superior!


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Listening and relistening is fine. But “reading” challenging literature at 1.5x speed while working a job obviously means you're not digesting everything.

Audio is a different medium to novels. You are missing out when you only listen to literature - especially at the volumes he consooms. Harry Potter audiobook whatever, but listening to Ulysses over a night shift and claiming understanding is just lol

You prolly think passively listening to podcasts means something lol. Literal armchair intellectual type beat :yawn:

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Literal armchair intellectual type beat

"I dedicate my spare time to consooming other people's fictional ideas in the slowest possible medium I am very intelligent."

Give your family the best gift this Christmas and keep yourself safe.

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Lmao. Project harder

“I flex my (unread) book count. I am very intelligent.”

I bet u think every time u jerk urself off, it's +1 for ur body count. It's a different medium after all.

Put on ur fave podcast and find a rope :marseysipping:

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Bookcels keep on coping and seething. No different than Marvel and Disney consoomer soys.

>"Muh Tolstoy. Muh Dostoevsky. Muh Dante. I sat and vegetated for weeks in my own stench to read a load of ancient slop and now I need to cling onto the idea that doing so makes me superior."

Also forgot to bully you for this:

But “reading” challenging literature at 1.5x speed while working a job obviously means you're not digesting everything.

STFU nerd. "Challenging literature". "Not digesting everything."


Just because you find it "challenging" even when given all the time on the world when reading, doesn't mean everyone is similarly handicapped. Listening at double speed or even skimreading is plenty of time for people with more intelligence than you.

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ebin trolle reply

double speed hang yourself

shocked u found the time to read my post tbh, did u listen to it? play it for when u rope, it won't take too long.

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You are far too stupid and unoriginal to pull off this gimmick you fart-sniffing r-slur.

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noooooooo you can't say that… telling people to kill themselves is MY joke


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Genuinely r-slurred. The gimmick I'm talking about is pretending to be a big-brained reader of "challenging literature" then repeatedly making r-slurred responses that prove otherwise.

Saying "keep yourself safe" isn't a gimmick you low-vocabulary imbecile. No wonder you find listening to words so difficult. Multitasking is hard for smoothbrains.


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