
Why Nabokov didn't like Dostoyevsky? :marseysaluteussr: :marseyrussian: :marseyrussiadolls:

!bookworms thoughts?

Here is Vladimir Nabokov's :#marseylongpost: :#marseylongpost: :#marseylongpost: on why Dostoyevsky was a :#marseymid: writer




One of the key facts about Nabokov is that he was a cranky old man his whole life.


Hemingway talks about Dostoyevsky's unique style quite a lot in A Moveable Feast.

One famous quote is: “I've been wondering about Dostoyevsky. How can a man write so badly, so unbelievably badly, and yet make you feel so deeply.”


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>sonya, a prostitute, is a trad wojak


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I can't believe Dostoevsky predicted OnlyFans trad thots and neurodivergent mass murderers with no real motive

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