
Why Nabokov didn't like Dostoyevsky? :marseysaluteussr: :marseyrussian: :marseyrussiadolls:

!bookworms thoughts?

Here is Vladimir Nabokov's :#marseylongpost: :#marseylongpost: :#marseylongpost: on why Dostoyevsky was a :#marseymid: writer




One of the key facts about Nabokov is that he was a cranky old man his whole life.


Hemingway talks about Dostoyevsky's unique style quite a lot in A Moveable Feast.

One famous quote is: “I've been wondering about Dostoyevsky. How can a man write so badly, so unbelievably badly, and yet make you feel so deeply.”


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People won't admit it but Dostoevsky is for undergraduate teenage boys wanting to feel deep and edgy. You read him then and think he's the best shit ever, then you go back as an adult and see him as emotionally pretentious. A bottle of vodka gets spilled and the narrator goes on a 5 page monologue about Russia's religious destiny, an emotionally unavailable woman teases a character and the character goes goombling for ten pages. The characters being all being emotionally unstable or having epilepsy gets old after a while.

I mean he's actually a great author but very overrated.

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an emotionally unavailable woman teases a character and the character goes goombling for ten pages.

I see you have read the gambler

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>an emotionally unavailable woman teases a character and the character goes goombling for ten pages.

>emotionally unstable

That's an entirely normal thing to do

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