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The other day someone told me there are books written by scrotes and I was like :surejan: but is it true? Is there moid-made elfrotica?






RIP Neil whoever that is.



Wordmoids are stealthing unsuspecting women readers without their consent!


AngryMummy2020 only wants hecking wholesome ladysmut.


:marseyshesright: Totally true story of getting her little bro off to her shlicklit...

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There are probably more women writers than men writers.

But the best writers are going to be mostly men. Like most things, men dominate the top and bottom, and women are mid.

Using a female pen name when you write smut is a no brainer. Men don't want to read smut written by men, das gae. Women don't want to read smut written by men, he's probably an average or homebody dude and ugly. Women reading smut written by women, though, is tacit social approval of that smutbook behavior. Female smutty writer beats anonymous male smut writer in every customer demographic.

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