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I guess :marseyshrug: this is gwoodbye

It seems I have been fuwwy dwoxxed by swomeonye. Haven't wooked intwo it bc I dwon't want two get upset. Tbh I nyewer cared that much abwout dwoxxing because i am nyot racist :marseykkk: or hwomwophwobic or anything.

I was mainwy here just two make jwokes, the vast majwority of which were self-depwecating. I nyewer invited meta dwama or published anything :marseycoleporter: pwivate myself. This was an outlet fwor humwor fwor me. Life is hard enyough. I have onwy dated dwamatards since 2020 (Befwore that I was celibate :marseybetauprising: 5 years, mainwy due two cancer)….i just reawwy vibe with the sense of humwor here I guess. It was a wot mwore innyocent than peopwal think.

If it was Rdwama histworian, I dwo in fact fworgive u. U're pwetty ywoung and u'ww gwow with tim. I abswowlutewy dwon't hwowld a gwudge. It's just life. I knyow u've mentionyed mwe surviving cancer :marseyhitchens: but what I nyewer mentionyed is I have two separate pwositions where :marseydrama: I mentwor cancer :marseymetokur: patients (onye on onye and anyother with speeches abwout my experience at large :marseyslimeblue: fundwaising events). I reawwy dwo twy two give mwore than I take. I have mentionyed my tim in the hwospitwl fwor psych issues (stiww a pwetty gwave thing I'm gwoing thwough). I dwon't talk abwout hwow I reach out two thwose having pwoblems. U'd be surpwised what I've dwonye fwor peopwal & the genyewosity I've shwown, especiawwy outside :marseygrass: of this site.

If it was anyonye else, I stiww fworgive u. Life is twoo shwort two carry hatwed and bitternyess.

I twuwy had swo much fun on this site fwor the last cwoupwal of years. I hwope I bwought swome sunshinye and laughs two ywour life. I'm nyot vengefwl swo dwon't worry, I am letting this aww gwo twonyight.

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110 comments within 45 minutes? :!marseyshook:

Anyway, best of luck with your new life with rdramaHistorian!

:!marseyparty: :marseyrdramahistorianschizo: :marseycommittedwoman:

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