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We need to do a recruitment drive to attract more ultra-lefties.

One thing about my posts, is that they are designed to trigger those on the extremes of both political spectrums, only chuds are getting triggered by them. A lot of my posts could just as easily trigger lefties without a single change because they are well-informed, rational and I develop them based on evidence.

The userbase of the site is too unbalanced, and to balance the site then we need to do a recruitment drive to bring super leftwing people to the site. This site is not supposed to be a hugbox.

I think we should hold an rdrama recruitment drive to attract ultra-leftwing radicals onto the site to balance out the chuddiness.

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  • Sphereserf3232 : How can Ritalin be a fragile leftoid if there are no leftoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

^ exhibit a of fragile leftoids retreating to their hugbox

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No, because I worked with vulnerable children in the past, my dox is public knowledge and it's kind of a peepee move to throw false accusations of pedophilia around because you disagree with someone. It makes light of people who have been sexually abused and just makes you an butthole.

It's just, I got bored with arguing with unhinged rightoids. They are boring.

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:marseyseethe: "they're so boring omg I wasn't owned"

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I wasn't.

I'm not the one calling someone a p-dophile because I got triggered and disagreed with someone.

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  • Sphereserf3232 : How can Ritalin be an unresilient leftoid if there are no leftoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

cant handle toddler tier internet bantz

world's most resilient leftoid

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Having s*x with a child and exploiting someone vulnerable is one of the most heinous accusations I can think of, it can lead to real life consequences and I differ from you in that I don't believe it should be taken lightly.

I could actually file a civil suit and get the site into legal trouble if I did experience any real life consequences from unhinged rightoids throwing false accusations of a criminal offense around and I think because of that then they really shouldn't be taken lightly. It's a criminal offense if I experienced any legal consequences from false accusations.

I'm not threatening to sue the site, but if I did experience real life consequences because people are neurodivergent and called anything they disagreed with pedophilia, I would do whatever I could to clear my reputation and rid myself from that label.

Are you fricking r-slurred to think of pedophilia on the same line as "toddler bantz"?

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lmao p-do

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There should really be a rule against false pedophilia accusations, my reasoning is in the post above and people can't stop being absolutely fricking r-slurred. I'm just saying that it's something that could get the site into legal trouble if someone experienced real life consequences from unhinged rightoids making false accusations of a serious criminal offense.

I know free speech but you should weigh legal liability and the fact that the userbase is clinically r-slurred and someone is going to unironically believe something and take things too far.

It does ruin the site having unironic p-dophiles that think they are in good company making light of pedophilia, and think that making false p-dophile accusations are in good taste.

I want this site to be p-dophile free and the p-dophiles should be purged.

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!dramatards another femoid reees about legal action :marseyfunko: against rdrama


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Hey. Quit being a cute twink.

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Sorry :marseyteehee: chud, you're owned :marseydarkpizzashill:

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>getting called a p-do subhuman under your every comment by 80 iq tarded neets.

>thin skinned

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Unironic p-dophiles just make light of a heinous criminal offense because they are under the impression that they are in good company and it's just "all in good fun".

Pedophilia should not be normalized because people here can't stop thinking about child molestation and believe they are in company of other p-dophiles.

I get offended by being accused of being a p-dophile without any proof or evidence because I think and believe that exploiting someone vulnerable is one of the most evil things someone can do. It doesn't make me thin skinned, it means I'm not a p-dophile.

I'm honestly going to leave this site if @Kongvann doesn't address the p-dophile issue. I don't want to be associated with p-dophiles.

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