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classic rules for thee but not for me moment

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i was against the award being unnerfed for everyone and my screaming for weeks about user safety was the reason it was nerfed in the first place you r-slurred mutilated cute twink :marseytransplushie3: !transphobes

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How about don't post personally identifying information on the internet you fricking cute twink

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Jeff -

Posted a few times years ago about playing Smash in a few contexts

He was found by way of his old username on here - which had been removed from the db - and by searching old messages in tiny groomercord servers (not in any capacity related to rDrama and with no rDrama users in them) about Smash.

The average user should not have to be schizophrenically paranoid about some lifeless shut-in ruining their life by means of dredging through years of casual remarks about hobbies on a gossip forum and then cross-referencing it on other platforms to find them and contact their employer because they said a nono word online.

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What if we make your godmode a buyable award for like 10000000000 coins

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We actually had to lower the price of the pride award a few hours ago to 999,999 because iOS wasn't compatible with a 7 digit number lol

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I toddlers will defend this

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who needs 7 digit numbers

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IPhone is the wealthy mans phone r-right

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iOS wasn't compatible with a 7 digit number

!applechads :marseylaugh: wtf is wrong with your OS

!winchads !linuxchads get a load of the latest iToddler nonsense :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:



THIS KILLS THE IPHONE USER :marseyemojirofl:

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LMAO what an odd digit. 16 bit integers max at 32,767 and 32 bit integers max at 2147483647 how the frick you not support a 7th digit.

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I remember having an issue with iPhones because the r-slurred system would just read any number of a certain length as a phone number. No attempt to validate whatsoever. So I'm pretty sure if an itoddler opens a page with 1234567 it will try to dial it or ask if you want to call it or something

@MAGAshill is this what was happening?

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I'll take the L on that :marseyxd:


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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They shouldn't, but they do. It's the unfortunate nature of the internet today, and letting people make their profiles private is not a substitute for good opsec. Stuff like this is sticking your finger in the dike, at best, and provides a false sense of security at worst. Put that energy into teaching users good opsec and not to re-use their god darn usernames when they're posting BIPOC on the internet.

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Nobody's perfect :marseyindignant:

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Nobody actually believes that trans women are women.

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Nobody actually believes that trans women are women.

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What is a woman?

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Hopefully she's cooking dinner!

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Well, you better go catch it! !carlos

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what's ligma

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Not much. What's up with you?

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Every admin on this website is allowed to stalk users, even viewing their deleted content and not showing up on the profile views page. It is literally rules for thee but not for me. Go ahead, shit award me with your infinite money. Idc.

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did you know we used to pin your personal posts not to make fun of you but because they were so over the top that we thought you were doing funny creative writing and triggering the most trans-obsessed ppl with it and we thought we were having fun laughing with you behind the scenes

but no lol they were apparently genuine and real


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but no lol they were apparently genuine and real


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I honestly thought it was a bit, too. Boy does my face get red when I find out that people on here that act crazy and pathetic are, indeed, simply crazy and pathetic.

I thought most people here were normal Joes and Janes here for lols and shitposting

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Occam's transgendered razor

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>good intentions

>good outcomes


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>carp thought someone with a mental illness on a site full of people with mental illnesses was goofing around instead of just being mentally ill


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We thought the trans thing was part of the bit he was doing

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Thats great sweaty. You seem like the most triggered one now though. Funny how things change.

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Didn't you quit the site 3 months ago with a longpost tantrum about how it's unsafe for trans women and then return with a username about how you're suicidal

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Yes, my life is sad and pathetic. Doesn't make you not a fragile hypocrite.

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no u

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Do you realize Ihave a bot that literally combs every post and every comment every 10 minutes. I have full take of all data in a fully searchable database. This was not stopped by the all seeing eye nerf. Bardbot has the same. Im fairly certain other bots do too.

!commenters he somehow believes the shit he posts publicly is private?

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that's not what she saying, are you r-slurred? !commenters

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Fwiw i only cache for an hour. It would be too much

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It would probably cause the hard drive to fail from acute autism tbh

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He believes that if he deletes something then it should be like he never posted it at all, no one should be able to have evidence of what he said.

So strange for a :marseytrain2: to want the ability to revise history.

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Every admin on this website is allowed to stalk users

Welcome to the internet!!!

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Drag HIS butt king :marseykingcrown:

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carp wuz right :marseyveryworriedtrans:

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Brother if only you knew :marseydepressed:

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Regularly and often!

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:carpsockpuppet2: !slots112

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Stop being mean to triple-T.


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Fitting nickname

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:#marseylaying: Carp....

What is your favorite sandwich?

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Depends! Hot or cold? And does like a burger count as a sandwich or is this just meats and such on reg breads or

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Hot, no burgers but po-boys are allowed. If you say, "cheeseburger poboy," I will rip out every hair on your legs.


Cold too, for a second category. :marseylaying:

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I don't even know what a po boy is lol

I'm actually not huge on sandwiches and I'm also severely neurodivergent so I can eat the same shit indefinitely if need be. My favorite sandwich is a basic chicken turkey pepperoni cold cut with pepperjack on toasted multigrain bread

When I hit the deli up I'll just keep eating that until it's gone

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Good night, sweet Prince.


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My profile has never been private. I stand on my business.

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my screaming for weeks about user safety was the reason it was nerfed


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settle down bb teats ain't saying this is your doing

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