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They haven't though

It's like saying you're a p-dophile for only chasing tiny asian girls.

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Not to mention, @Corinthian is known to be a sexpat. :marseythinkorino:

Typical pearl-clutching, Bible-thumping hypocrite. :marseyitsallsotiresome: One really has to wonder why someone like him - a sanctimonious "tradcath" and known sexpat with absolutely no sense of humor - would be on a website like this to begin with.

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Some of us have jobs and families and the fricking legal ability to leave the fricking country. :marseyxd: What's hypocritical about anything I've said, b-word?

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Some of us have jobs

I have a job. I just don't tell you fricking weirdos anything about it, for obvious reasons.

and families

No, I'm not married (nor do I ever want to be). So what? I would legitimately rather die than ever get married.

and the legal ability to leave the country.

Unlike you, I don't intend to become a sexpat.

What's hypocritical about anything I've said?

I dunno, maybe the fact that you're a sexpat preaching "traditional Catholic family values" on a gay cat trolling website? :marseysmug2:

This is the last place where someone like you belongs. You yourself have outright admitted that you are easily baited and thin-skinned, and that you aren't cut out for this site: https://rdrama.net/h/meta/post/284542/dane-marseyflagdenmark-marseydestoryercarbine-on-burgerphilipino-marseysaluteusa/6702021#context

As such, is it really any surprise that some assorted goons with nothing better to do would try to frick with you, knowing full well that they'll get a huge reaction out of it?

Perhaps you would be better suited to one of these sites:








!atheists !metashit !dramatards

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>N-No i didnt want a family anyway


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There is absolutely nothing in the world that horrifies and disgusts me more than the thought of getting married. #2 on the list would be the thought of having kids. I will die before I will ever get married or have kids, and that is a promise that I fully intend to take with me to the grave.

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I appreciate your candor even if it's kinda sad. Growing up online/specifically on reddit really did a fricking number on you, man. :marseyconcerned: I'll pray for your conversion and your future, I wish you no ill even if I think you'll end up in prison again if you don't log off. !metashit

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When I was in prison, I often said that there are no friends in prison. However, what a corrections officer once told me is perhaps more accurate: "There are no friends anywhere." There are no good people, and there is absolutely nothing worth liking about people. Prison is just a microcosm of society at large. Prison is human nature in its purest, rawest, most unadulterated form. Once you've experienced prison, you will never see the world the same way again. Prison is, as alt-righters would say, something that "redpills" you. Before I ever went to prison, I didn't think that my worldview could possibly get any more nihilistic or misanthropic. I was wrong. After experiencing prison, I now have seen firsthand what humanity really is. Human "civilization" is a complete sham - just the same dog-eat-dog prison pecking order dressed up in a shiny exterior to appear more palatable. Prison simply strips away that shiny exterior so that one can see the world as it really is. In the world at large - just like in prison - the only people destined to rise to the top are the most ruthless, heartless, amoral psychopaths, hence why the world is run by ruthless, heartless, amoral psychopaths. The only real difference between the people running the world and the inmates running prisons is that the latter don't pretend to be anything other than vicious, predatory criminals. They aren't nearly as skilled at dressing themselves up in "civilized" clothes. :doomerimpjak:


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Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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You've spent way too much time online.


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But did you at least have a good time?

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I don't get it :marseyconfused:

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its a doggy dog world out there

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real shit, neighbor

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You would hugely, unironically benefit from therapy. You're clearly quite angry and hurt from your time in prison but there's no reason to incorporate that as a core feature of your personality.

I'm telling you this because I'm rooting for you to have redemption instead of being a 1 note lolcow, and I generally like your postings on this site.

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You don't have to promise us anything, you're at no risk of getting laid or married. Your dream of dying alone is secured :marseythumbsup:

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I've been hit on plenty of times. If I wanted to have s*x, I very easily could. In fact, almost anyone very easily could. Only an incel like you would think that "getting laid" requires any effort whatsoever. :marseyelliotrodger2:

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I've been hit on plenty of times. If I wanted to have s*x, I very easily could

Prison doesn't count buddy

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Last I checked, chuds are the ones saying that, if you're not married and with kids by 20, then you're a failure at life who should keep yourself safe.

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True I maybe should have used the regular NEET Marsey

There is absolutely nothing in the world that horrifies and disgusts me more than the thought of getting married. #2 on the list would be the thought of having kids. I will die before I will ever get married or have kids, and that is a promise that I fully intend to take with me to the grave.


I am curious though, why does getting married horrify and disgust you more than having kids? Its usually the opposite.

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You should check out Bronze Age Pervert

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Imagine a nice fat Jewish wife though, making you gefilte fish and all other kinds of food, reminding you to do all the stuff you are constantly forgetting about, and otherwise steering your life in a wholesome direction!

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Unlike you, I don't intend to become a sexpat.

Absolutely scathing lmao

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honey, don't talk shit about religion on the internet

start a religious schism and meme as hard as you can

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>got a job

Dr Vilvar would be proud!


… unless you mean rdrama janitor.

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Dr Vilvar

Who? :pepewtf:

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The doctor at Baptist Behavioral Health who you told you'd felt hopeless about never getting a job to back in 2015.


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@Aevann come witness and feel shame

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Some :marseyprojection: and :marseysourgrapes: coming from you, too. Common denominator in my haters. :marseyshrug:

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I joined because I supported @PAW's cause for fun, I don't actively chase little asian girls like you.

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That's true tho

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