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@MoonMetropolis Court :marseyrelevancy: Document Highlights

recently i was fricking linked to @MoonMetropolis sentencing memorandum. it has some pretty :marseyroan: funny :marseycarlos: moments. out of respect :marseychudgravedance: to his family, and out of respect :marseybowing: to your attention :marseyselfharm: spans, i will only be posting :marseycomplain: the fricking funniest :marseypickle: parts:









can we get more movie :marseykishibemakima: related content, b-word? id love some @MoonMetropolis !kino reviews

!metashit !friendsofspiderman

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Because he's a god darned dramagod, that's why.

Black trans lives matter even if @MoonMetropolis doesn't love them back

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17268509688694088.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726850969004486.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17268509692960923.webp

!dramatards this is what this BIPOC thinks of you

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Hey, @MoonMetropolis. Were you bullpooping Dr. Lisa Feldman then? You seem pretty coherent now. Perhaps, prison was a place for you to :marseymonk:.

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I've been pretty open about my past, and I will continue to be open about it, so I will happily answer any questions that you may have for me.

When I first went to prison, I was, obviously, not in a good place. I was sort of in a state of shock - a daze-like state - and I also thought that, if I acted as crazy as possible, it would help me in court. That wild-looking, Charles Manson-esque 2018 mugshot - which was taken after spending several months in solitary confinement - is a good representation of my deeply frazzled state of mind at the time, except that it was even worse when I was first arrested. The lesions on my forehead in that mugshot were from picking at my skin, which is a bad nervous habit that I've had since childhood (but it got much worse when I was placed in solitary confinement).

With that said, it must be noted that most "doctors" in prison are only doctors in prison because they couldn't get jobs as doctors on the street. Dr. Lisa Feldman at Miami FDC is a perfect example of that. It is very obvious that I am not schizophrenic (even when I was deliberately trying to come across as crazy), which is why no other doctor has ever even entertained the notion that I was. At Butner FMC, Feldman's diagnosis of schizophrenia was completely thrown out and replaced with an accurate diagnosis of autism, which was given to me after I was evaluated by actual experts from Chapel Hill (the world's leading autism research center).

When I was at Miami FDC, I was not showering on a regular basis, so I'm sure that I did smell bad. Hearing endless stories about prison shower r*pe had me afraid of prison showers when I first went to prison (remember, I was at Miami FDC in 2015, right after my arrest). I eventually started showering again, of course (and was not r*ped at any point).

My lawyer tried very hard to portray me as severely mentally ill, but it didn't work. My lawyer also got a ton of details completely wrong (to use one perfect example, he said that I was adopted, which I most assuredly was not). And, for some reason, his brilliant legal strategy was to emphasize to the judge that I was trying to "create chaos", even quoting a 4chan post that I made where I said something like "I created an ISIS account on Twitter. How can I use it to create as much chaos as possible?" It is very difficult to imagine how, exactly, he felt that that would help my case in any way, shape, or form, but, needless to say, it didn't. My plea deal was for 8 years and the prosecutor asked for 8 years, but the judge felt that that wasn't enough and gave me 10 years.

I was enrolled in college classes at the time of my arrest, but I was taking most of my classes online. There was only one class that I showed up for in person, and, in typical fashion, I didn't talk to anyone there and waited until everyone had left to ask the teacher anything. I was trying to take as many classes online as I possibly could so that I wouldn't have to be around other people IRL. I don't enjoy the company of other people. In fact, I really can't stand being around other people. If that makes me a loser, then so be it. I'd much rather be a loser than force myself to do things that I really hate doing.

I've written extensively about my case and my online activities, most notably in my 2018 article "First Public Statement From Joshua Goldberg" published from prison. I've also spoken extensively about it in interviews, such as my interview with the podcast @TheGrillcast from a few months ago and my 2022 interview with Robert Rosso (who was formerly on the unit with me at Terre Haute FCI) - an interview that was conducted while I was still in prison, over the phone. French independent filmmaker Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis is currently making a documentary about me, while BBC journ*list Mike Wendling is currently making a podcast series about me and former Vice writer Tess Owen is currently writing an article about me.

I'll quote you the closing addendum from my 2022 article "I Am Michael Slay: The Incredibly Strange, Incredibly True Story of How Someone With the Last Name Goldberg Became a Writer on the Most Popular Neo-Nazi Website":

ADDENDUM: It dawned on me after I wrote this article that, in all of my snide, sardonic, saturnine snickering and snarking, I, at times, come across like a pompous, arrogant, unctuous jackass with absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever who proudly wears the "KING OF TROLLS" title as some kind of badge of honor. As such, I would like to make this explicitly clear: there is absolutely no justification for any of the senseless, destructive, and antisocial activities that I was engaging in online. Andrew Anglin himself described me as "the most prolific troll to date", but rest assured that I do not take any pride whatsoever in that. To the contrary, it's a black mark of shame that will dog me for the rest of my life, and it's something that I hope I will be able to move past in the coming years. Even if I never really intended for anyone to actually get hurt as a result of my online mischief, the simple fact of the matter is that my profoundly foolish and reckless online actions very well could have resulted in serious damage being done to real people, and it is very fortunate that I was arrested before my online shitposting inadvertently spilled over into real life. While it goes without saying that I will never apologize to any of the people talked about in this particular article (and I will certainly never apologize to the Australian government either), I do offer my sincerest apologies to the organizers of the Kansas City Stairclimb, who I caused a great deal of emotional distress to with the bogus jihadist plot that lead to my arrest (much more about that phony terror plot in the public statement that I previously published), and I also offer my sincerest apologies to any other innocent people who I caused mental turmoil to with my incredibly stupid, vile, obnoxious, and, at times, even downright monstrous online actions. If you are someone who I have hurt in the past — and you're not rancid, scrofulous, scum-sucking subhuman plankton like Andrew Anglin — then I am truly sorry, and I earnestly hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Most people on the autism spectrum tend to use their autism as an unlimited "get away with everything free" card, but not me. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and having autism provides absolutely no excuse for anything that I did. Thankfully, my thoughtless and fatuous actions in cyberspace never actually resulted in anyone getting tangibly hurt in real life, but they very well could have. Completely engulfed in the extremely negative and deleterious world of internet trolling, I showed absolutely no concern for how starting random online arson fires might actually result in real people getting hurt for real, and many of my online actions paint me as, as Anglin put it, "an unhinged psychopath". That isn't who I really am, and that certainly isn't something that I take pride in — quite the opposite, in fact. As such, I just want to make that as crystal clear as I possibly can.

Again, I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have for me.

!metashit !neurodivergents !schizos !effortposters !followers

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I think your lawyer wanted to make it seem like you were an adopted r-slur who wanted to act edgy online "sowing chaos" who couldn't even shower on his own.

Tho you might've ended up in a mental ward if that played out but I guess you still went to one by ending up here :marseycommitted:

Also is prison r*pe actually a big thing? I might've asked this before and I'm going senile but I don't think I did.

I'm guessing it depends on the security level

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Despite what people think, r*pe is not an everyday occurrence in prison, and it is virtually unheard-of on yards with any politics (if an inmate r*pes another inmate on a political yard, they will be literally killed). I cannot speak for state prisons, as I've heard wildly conflicting things about them, but most of the people who get r*ped in federal prison were already engaging in s*x acts with other inmates on a regular basis. Even if I were gay and libidinous, I would never have even entertained the thought of ever having s*x in prison. It is pretty much the worst thing you can possibly do in prison as far as putting yourself in danger goes. Even snitching on people is less likely to get you hurt.

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political yard

Political as in Aryan Brotherhood vs Mexicans vs Blacks or whatever?

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An active yard is a yard with gang activity and politics, so s*x offenders and snitches can't walk the yard there. A drop-out yard is a yard where they send people who can't walk an active yard or just don't want to, like s*x offenders, rats, :!marseytrain:s, and gang drop-outs (and prison drop-outs, who choose to "drop out" of regular prison life and go to a yard like that). Gangs exist on inactive yards as well, of course, but the main thing that makes a yard active is that they check paperwork - if you're a s*x offender or a rat, you can't walk an active yard.

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why ever not "drop out" then if possible since that minimizes risk?

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To be fair have you seen what you look like? I don't think you would have been in any danger of r*pe.

You look like a chomo. If I was in prison with you I wouldn't even wait to see your paper, you have the distinct look of someone who r*pes kids.

I would have opened you up and started cutting out pieces to show to you.

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To be fair have you seen what you look like? I don't think you would have been in any danger of r*pe.

You look like a chomo. If I was in prison with you I wouldn't even wait to see your paper, you have the distinct look of someone who r*pes kids.

I would have opened you up and started cutting out pieces to show to you.





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There is uggo and then there is goblin. I'm afraid you are very much a goblin. Also I was clearly referring to foids, homosexuality is a mortal sin.

You can't fix genetics but you could hit the gym & get a stylist. Alternatively be rich then being a goblin doesn't matter.

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How did do find that. That was a year ago. You were in jail.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Neighbor went to the archives to find that


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this doesnt refute his point :marseydicklet:

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why did you call /r/drama an alt right cesspool lol

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At the time, I didn't actually know anything about it - I had only seen the stuff about me on /r/drama that someone had sent to me, and I saw a lot of alt-righty stuff like (((echoes))) and users with shit like "1488" in their usernames, so it very much appeared to be an alt-right cesspool.

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true. that's crazy i didn't know you were fricking that guy tbh, so ur actually jewish. u support israel or Palestine, b-word?

only metro vote, rest of you can don't freaking vote morons

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I'm only half-Jewish on my father's side, and Judaism is matrilineal, so I'm technically not a Jew. I'm just... uhhhh... Jew-ish. :marseymerchant:

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ur so freaking cool and my new best friend!!!!

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!poll_voters don't forget to VOTE

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frick off

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crazy how evefyone is fricking voting when i toldem not to and they voting for wrong option. a fricking lot of blocks being passed out and cookies taken....

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At the time, I didn't actually know anything about it

From thinking Kiwifarms wasnt a den of altright r-slurs to dis, you're a massive tard

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Hi Joshua, long time listener, first time caller. Could you please explain in minute detail what else you would be doing today too create "as much chaos as possible" if you weren't apprehended?

I am from a church group here over at !glowies and we are very invested in your well-being. Bless you.

Have a lovely day

And as always I say this as a feminist ally :marseyprayin#g:

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Why were you arrested again? Didn't you r*pe a little girl or something?

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He didn't r*pe anyone, you r-slur - @MoonMetropolis would NEVER have s*x

He got arrested for going into a fricking mall with two katanas and spinning them really fast.


which BY THE fricking WAY should NOT be a fricking crime


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The beheading was purely accidental and not my fault in any way. :marseyindignant:

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Wait, really? That's r-slurred. I thought he killed someone or something

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Have you had anyone seriously approach you about viral marketing or changing consensus in communities post release or something like that? I was impressed when you got out, got up to speed on memetic changes fast, and were back to producing funny content immediately. Hopefully you get some opportunities to professionally shitpost or something

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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https://x.com/RadioShack is edgeposting professionally these days. It's kinda :marseycringe:

Black trans lives matter - everypony is welcome in The Shack.

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Was prison fun tho you never answered

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Reminder that we still need dramacoins to do important stuff.

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Yap yap yap

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So you'd much rather be a petrified coward and die alone than do things you're afraid of?

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Thanks for sharing. I read every word.


Glad to see how well you've become over the years.

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As we saw with Chris-Chan, sometimes going too prison is the best possible thing that could happen too a reclusive weirdo because it shocks them out of their solipsism and forces them too conform too some basic norms.

Black trans lives matter so we shouldn't let them rot away in basements.

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