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Throwback Thursday: Honoring rdrama's bangers :marseykneel: of 2021. Share your favourite comment(s), one-liner(s), clap-back(s), hot take(s) published by your fellow dramatards during rdrama dot net's first months :marseywave2:

From its beginning, this site has been glorious, and I want to pay my respects to the kings :marseyking: and queens :marseyqueen: and chings :marseychingchong: of this community. Please do the same if there's a banger comment you've ever seen, saved and still appreciate. It can be yours, it can be some other's, it can r-slurred, it can be smart&insightful, it can be one whilst initially intending to be the other and vice versa.

As long as it's entertaining and from 2021, anything goes. :marseywink:

Here's my wall of fame, in order of seniority:


Ls being groomed into FtMs

Gs being driven into exile

Bs abandoned ship a long time ago

Ts promoted to CEO of globohomo

BIPOCs now considered a sexuality

1980s gay activists wouldn't even have bothered fighting through AIDS and Bible thumpers if they knew there was gonna be days like this

@32624647 on the fall from Grace of white gays, 4 aug 2021


owning the libs is literally the only political project that exists now for some states. All issues of material need are secondary to ownage

@cantsaythat on republicans' priority, 20 aug. 2021


It's a good thing, it means I won't have any competition in the job market. I'm not a hyperwoke liability, I'm not upset by "microaggressions", I don't have weird pronouns, I take minor obstacles in stride, and I can fricking use a computer.

@RedAero on gen z's technological illiteracy, 23 sep. 2021


Every time I hear something about South Africa, I can't help but be reminded that they're the only country to voluntarily give up their nuclear capabilities. Not out of concern for peace and humanity's future, but because apartheid was ending and they didn't trust BIPOCs with nukes.

On the one hand hilarious, but on the other an unfortunate setback for the mayocide.

@RocketRaccoonspeepeesleeve on South Africa, 11 oct. 2021


All I know about female psychology is that for some reason they want to frick married men more than single men and this is how I know women are the devils creation.

Don't listen to the lies about "quality assurance" or "confidence." The real answer is that women get spiritual pleasure from harming other women emotionally.

Two of our local muslim scholars, @Unironicdramadebater and @MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO, discussing about the woman problem, 12 oct. 2021


I legit feel like there is some outside force intervening from incel drama from taking off. It's like a fireworks warehouse surrounded by fields of dry dead flora, and we're just waiting for some asshat to drop a cigarette, but it never happens.

@MOONTEP, also on incels, 15 oct. 2021


I might unironically cancel my Netflix subscription if they cave. I've already seen all the good shows anyway so avoiding it for a few months would probably be a good thing anyway.

I'd cancel mine but that would mean having to figure out which ex's account I'm still leaching off of.

@UpmarseyIfYouCope and @WootFatigue on the Netflix walk-out over Dave Chapelle's skit, 22 oct. 2021


Not only do I have internal monologue, but I can't ever get it to shut the frick up for a moment so I can actually enjoy something in peace.

@UpmarseyIfYouCope, rdrama's sanest user, over internal monologue, 24 oct. 2021


They instantly regret [transitioning] when they realise what life as a manlet is like.

@Communist_spez on FtMs, 1 nov. 2021


Kind of chilling to see all these formers /r/incel users become trains. In a way it's poetic. They peered into the abyss of roasties and the abyss stared back.

@MOONTEP on incels, 13 nov. 2021


When the caliphate arrives only the members of rdrama will be spared, were gonna need to come up for a word you can say to the mujahideen so you don't accidentally get roofed, or beheaded

They're they most deserving to die though

@GT and @August, on american politics and the inevitable triumph of Allah, 28 nov. 2021


Word of advice to the consumeproduct guys. The traditional values you keep harping about aren't the problem, the pious cute twinkry in which you espouse them is.

@EEE's message to chuds, 7 dec. 2021


Cuban missile crisis was the gayest shit ever in retrospect. America puts missiles in turkey first, throws a hissy fit when russia does the same in cuba, gets so mad, they try to invade cuba then screws up so badly cubans still laugh about it today and just agrees to remove the missiles in turkey anyway. America should've ended the cold war after that just to save face.

@Myotheraltissanta on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 8 dec. 2021


And now here's for my personal favourite of the year, and honestly should be one of r drama dot net's motto: :marseykingcrown:

Redditors create sexless times,

Sexless times create incels,

Incels create drama,

Drama kills time for me at work


@Patriarch, on incels, 14 oct. 2021

To all the dramatards who got tagged, thank you for your unhingeness. You make this website worth browsing. You truly are the grandsons of the r-slurs they couldn't lobotomize.

:#marseyking: :#marseyking: :#marseyking: :#marseykneel:

And what about you? :marseyroses: :marseypointedgun: Which were your favourite comments of 2021?

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I think @MakePepeDankAgain or @SnappyIsMyWaifu had a quote about how in order to be a liberal you have to have a non-functional pattern recognition system, because if you did you would instantly recognize you're surrounded by dysgenic freaks. It was an absolute banger but I can't find it :marseydepressed:

I love all my rDrama frens :marseyheart: :marseyheart:

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Lmk if u find it bb

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Xe never found it.

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