- Awoo : A groomercord user it looks like
- Gruesy_Spoon : That's me.
- 89wc : it's a trap!! I spent 30 minutes on this last week
- 89wc : she's delusional and illiterate, ur a 10/10 bro don't listen to these deranged dramafoids
- killsantaoid : groomercord
- 53
- 43
List of normal and cool moid things that I do:
Write sonnets
Dance like no one's watching
Sing with the voice of an angel
Post on rdrama
Freestyle with the boys
Engage in systemic racism
Make Marseys for everyone to enjoy
Have low IQ
If you think any of these make me a 4/10, you probably have low value yourself. And no, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.
- 6
- 12
IDK what it should replace, but Oomfie 100% should be rdrama vernacular
- 15
- 23
You should be able to permanently delete someones post for like 5000dc, and It should also give literally any accumulated DC to the award giver
- 305
- 172
I knyow literawwy nyothing abwout this situation, Ive like just had a cwoupwal of the gwiwwas suggest I interview Mewwo, swo I set out two dwo swome recwon and see if it was worth my tim, and Pweviouswy it seemed swomewhat shawwow and pedantic, hwowewer I am nyow 100% invested in making this happen
Anyonye want two give mwe the wore dwop, aww I knyow is hes been bannyed with owor 109 different accwounts and is awwegedwy a stalker??? Thanks but go off
- X : frick and i get banned for showing off how little i use groomercord
- Awoo : RIP bozo.
- chiobubanevasionaccount :
- 35
- 45
- whyareyou : context? who needs it1
- 7
- 14
We lost two members cuz of that smh
- 29
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Like honestly, I can't keep up with this meta stuff, but people keep mentioning him and I remember him being a power user
- 27
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- SlaveryforIsrael : Foid, downmarseyd
- Cute_Good_Friend :
- 20
- 11
I wonder why?
It's totally not because of an incoherent ESL Russoid shill spamming in both holes and the zigger shills, the ukringe shills, and the sand towel shills and ZOGbots in sandshit.
- 10
- 19
Don't remember the user and not gunna look. I assume ur on here though so please let me know the status of masterlawlz 's body hair situation. YEs I thought of this on christmas I am done with all the festivities and I am drinking now
- SN : screenposting
- 8
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- 25
that woman in your vicinity isnt that good. !biofoids aren't any good. I can tell you that without seeing them.
thats the end of the post. not anti-stalking. stalk frozen til she ropes. idc. loads of women are superficially cool.
if you want to meet a deeply cool woman, go to a local makerspace.
- Assy-McGee : yayyyy
- smolchickentenders : Please don't leave me
- X :
- kaamrev : Degeneracy
- 141
- 112
This is Mello. He deleted the post a bit later.
I'm asking the psych for Xanax tomorrow bc I can't fricking deal with this. It's been 2 YEARS.
- 5
- 7
someone posts a video?
i've gotta mute 5 individual tabs blasting something that sounds like BLACKDRESSES (i rate, they're good), to watch it with sound.
- 13
- 31
If you have been following me, then you would know that currently I am running a daily self improvement series.
As part of my self improvement, I have come to the conclusion that going through your shitposts on rdrama is taking up too much of my time everyday. It is also one of the few quick returns avenues left to me to make good fast gains in life.
This is to just let you know that from now onwards, whenever you require the input of gigachad_brony about any specific topic, comment, or post, you will have to call me by name.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but as they say, if you want greatness in life, you must call to it.
I am also sending carp 100 dc to not delete this post. He is very cheap and cost effective to bribe and I look forward to seeing this post being pinned for the rest of this week as the admins can pin posts for free, which means carp makes a profit of 100 dc by taking advantage of his position by doing what I want.
I am paying carp to do so with the express purpose of teaching you all how lobbying works. Think of this as a practical example in action.
May you all prosper and may I still prosper more than any of you.
@CARPMASflorist pin this post for a week to teach these kids about lobbying.