[Request] Make the site compatible with AVIF files

What is this community :marseypluribusanus: notes :marseyfedpost: nonsense? Updates should :marseynorm: be directly targeted toward improving QoL, and one of the biggest hinderances is the site's lack of AVIF support. It is a popular file format, and it would :marseywood: make sourcing images for longposts easier.

Ive decided to stay with this pfp for a while


Pizza after he fell into the sector 5 slums.
:!mariogoatse: I'm:marseyoverseether: top poster:gigachad2: again, why cant y'all:marseygigaretard: do better?!?!

Where can I find the original full size images of the Emojis on this site?

I specifically want :marseysoyjak: or :marseysoypoint2:

I went to the emoji directory but they are small :marseythissmall:

@X @InternetCustodian

rdramadotnet power users on their way to the club

!r-slurs tag yourselves



Reported by:
  • SlaveryforIsrael : Make the !? Ping group so we can have some punctuation and punish shocked/confused people

!the, meet !and

!pings !pingkings !pinggrouplovers

!alligatorfrickhouse !chuds !and !nonchuds

IDEA: rDrama Daily Puzzle


Thoughts? What kind of puzzle :marseyantiwork2:

To all my downmarseyrs part 2

It's good to downmarsey!

Downmarseys work identically to upmarseys on rdrama, yet many of us abstain from downmarseying out of kindness. This is misguided, as rDrama has cleverly made downmarseys slightly kinder than upmarseys. Downmarseys are a happy surprise, showing extra engagement/DC beyond the net vote.

Please use downmarseys to signal disagreement, out of pettiness, or even as a sign of affection. The downmarsey button is currently pointless which proves we've grown too soft off Aevann's teat.

Bardbot and you

Why is crosstalk doing it right now

I inherited this thing like yesterday. I tried looking at the code base and I got tired.

I looked enough to make sure it wasnt a virus. Then I yoloed it into prod on @CrossTalkPM


What about the leaderboard?

Well !jannies are :marseyplacenofun:, so I couldn't get the leaderboard database so your screwed on your old leaderboard.

Ill figure something out, maybe poll the comments back as far as they can go and turn it around.

Whats next?

Im going to rewrite it into a proper pub sub model with not hard coded credentials and auth... and try to keep the functionality as apples to apples as possible. Then try to improve on it some I guess.

Maybe you can leave me some suggestions, and maybe I do some of them, maybe.

Im going to put !the bot on a different account than crosstalk I guess yall(<--@Tracy new ping group idea) can suggest names !metashit

I did notice that the hours between mentions counter looked r-slurred so maybe ill start there.

beyond doing the bard thing, did it do anything else? whos running bard digest? the codes in here but im not sure if it runs here or somewhere else...


Hi all, I received a message from Crosstalk PM explaining that they detected a mention of my username on rDrama. I can't find anything about it. Should I worry?



Great job, dumb dumbs I bet your ancestors are disgusted with you


Just realized my first ever comment on this forum is about bardfinn :marseyaware: :marseybardfinnrentfree:
there :marseycheerup: should :marseynorm: be an option to put randomized site backgrounds

what i mean by this is there :marseycheerup: should :marseynorm: be an option to put multiple custom site backgrounds in this randomizer and everytime you go onsite one of those backgrounds is randomly chosen. so one second :marseygunnut: you have some wacky rainbow :marseybackstabsjw: shit while browsing, other times its a screenshot of a hate comment, and so on

@Turkeyvann do u agree :marseyyes:


Dude was funny and insightful rip in that great sky



He's been gone for over a month.


Somehow, SPAL has returned :marseypalpatine:


Reported by:
  • XD : sidevoted
To everyone who has ever dared to downmarsey m

On your knees, goyim. Someone shoulda broke you a long, long time ago. I have nary met a muzzie I can't chuck with this here long and mighty dingus! I tell ye back in aught-4 I met a real mean ocnod . He had big, clit-chopping hands, monstrous fig-gobbling sand-kissing lips, a pathetic pubic-hair beard, dirty knees and dusty nuts from kneeling so much and not bathing, muscles that rippled under his mocha skin so it'd look like a pot of coffee as the hurammi sat there, not working . T'was an older gentleman, the employer d'ye ken?, that had hired me to break this particular aravash. Was some half-dozen breakers what had tried and failed to motivate him to do his darn job! Eventually he realized the only way to get the job done was the old-fashioned way. You can't talk to a sun goblin, and beatings just make a slurpee mad and ornery! You have to frick a sunarefa into submission! I tracked this this big-assed abba-dabba, by fallerin' the sounds of his impressive proud buttocks, clapping as he masturbated to a Britney spears video. There he be, proud as a darn ewok, Turco's body framed by yon settin' sun, just begging to be broke. I approached from the east, formerly westerly way. Took him unawares as he were sat alone out in front of his desk, mending a bong or some such. Knocking him to his glistening buttocks produced a thund'rus CLAP, and I mounted from the front. I tell ye Zeb, but that aravi began to FIGHT! This unbroken, proud lazy tusken raider was ornery I tell ye, but I ain't ne'er been denied, d'ya ken it? I had my peepee out in an instant as he scrambled onto his terr-ab belly and began ta' wrigglin' this way and that. And did he began to wail! As loud as the call to prayer he were. This beur could tell the breaking was coming, and I tell ye, he did BUCK. This obstinate stan could turn on a dime and give ye some change! I tell ye as the winds were my witness, he were a right cobra, struggling and flopping as he did, gyrating his unbroken arabush anus and dodging my breaker man's meat. But he broke, and I finished the job. D'ye ken? That cairo Coon broke. Say sorry, camel crunch. But they all break. By snowy white G@d in heaven, now say hallelujah, boy, you'll break, too! That Habibi stole my heart.

Is starry moonmetropolis?


If aevann owns the .com site then why advertise .net

I'm honestly curious on this one. Is it a branding strategy or just because you owned .net first?

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