:marseyrevolution: Bongs want to take away land from farmers in the name of class equity :marseydarkcomrade: Even Musk is appalled :marseyelonmusk:


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I am so fricking goddarn sick of rightoids.


Wahhhhhh! Close the tax loopholes! Tax the billionaires!

Oh, OK. Well maybe we'll introduce inheritance tax on agricultural land, which has been used for centuries by the aristocracy and now the nouveau riche to avoid paying tax on the wealth they hoard.


Landowners will own land literally the size of a county, let half a dozen sheep graze on it, and then avoid paying any inheritance tax when they shuffle off and die and the latest inbred weasel takes over the estate.

So fricking sick of the ignorant masses being played by modern day Goebellses like Musk.

!Britbongs are the people in our country really this fricking stupid or is it all outrage bots?

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Because when people say "farmer"they think of someone does it as their profession, not a megacorporation or wealthy landholder.

People are thinking of Stalin's liquidation of the kulaks when he murdered 5 million people because they owned more than 5 acres of land.

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Everyone fears that corporation and rich people will be able to dodge the taxes through some loophole or another while the middle/lower classes will have to shoulder the full thing. Add the red tape that's a neverevding problem in Europe and your agricultural sector will go down the drain.

It's not just the UK and it's not just agriculture. Plenty of countries here protect large corporations while they strangle any new start ups to death with bureaucracy. Europe's economy and independence is slowly dying :marseyshrug:

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It's simple really, corporations don't pay inheritance tax. This idea that the policy is only touching large corpo farms is bullshit.

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This is one of those loopholes. You can't close them without some section of society getting wound up about it.

So we just give up on taxing the mega-rich because we find taxing the just-a-bit-rich people a bit icky?

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Dunno what goes on in Bongland and I don't care. I'm just saying why people are weary of these types of laws, especially when they affect vital sectors like agriculture. And especially since Europe messed up pretty much all economic laws/reforms in the past decade which eroded all trust people have in the politicians here.

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British agriculture is worthless anyway. Plants need sunlight and the weather is too shit to grow anything outside of a plastic tunnel. Hope you like mutton, whelks and eel.

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I didn't even knew what whelks are until now. Why are only frogs mocked for their snail eating habits then? :marseyramen2:

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Wait until you find out about geoducks...

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Will you cut yourself and send me photos?

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No :marseydisagree:

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Sneedman cut me off.


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Farmers have insane persecution complexes. The state handouts they get in exchange for ruining nature and maybe producing a little food on the side are ridiculous. But suggest a slight cutback to their benefits and they'll protest like you just murdered their families.

The fact we have literal aristocrats who also benefit from these handouts and exemptions goes a long way to explaining how media coverage is so favourable imo.

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Still one of my favorite tweets of all time. :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Totally agree. Farmers have the begging bowls out right now for protection against floods, protection against climate change, investment into different farming tech, etc. all while moaning about paying more tax on their great big estates while pleading poverty?

You know, if an essential such as food, water or energy becomes unviable as a business, nationalise it.

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>muh aristocracy

They're rich so they can afford the tax everytime r-slur. Only the smaller family farms will suffer because Jeanine will not pay 80k in taxes to keep grandma's five acres and will be forced to sell them instead :marseygigaretard: :marseyiwannachokey!ou: :marseyreapangry:

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Landowners will own land literally the size of a county, let half a dozen sheep graze on it, and then avoid paying any inheritance tax when they shuffle off and die and the latest inbred weasel takes over the estate.

Incredibly based

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Wahhhhhh! Close the tax loopholes! Tax the billionaires!

Rightoids don't say this though :marseysipping:

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Ohhhh haii jesus! hbu keep yourself safe? k?

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