:marseybiden: no one warned me, but if they said they did it's because my son died :marseybiden2:



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Most votes in history, read em and weep Chuds

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I never understood why in democracy central™ (aka burgerland) the president isnt voted by raw number of votes tbh.

Like who cares if its less counties lmao, its still more people. This is literally cope.

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Pure democracy is shitty, the US supports diversity, inclusion, and representation. That's why Montana, a state of 1 million people, gets the same amount of senators as a California

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This was the framework agreed upon by the US states, which is actually a lot more like a federation of countries. I imagine it won't ever change due to the fact that every single President would be someone a New Yorker or LA, because those people would be who decides the presidency. Changing it would mean 2/3rds of all states have to agree to basically never have any say for the Presidency.

It would basically be like Germany picking the elected officials for the entirety of the EU.

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It would basically be like Germany picking the elected officials for the entirety of the EU.

Whaaaat? Such a thing surely would never happen!! :marseysweating:

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It certainly wouldn't be representative, like the representative democracy that America is. If America were actually just a democracy why would they vote for a president anyways? Shouldn't issues then be decided by popular vote?

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If the people had a say on every issue they would ruin everything because they are r-slurred.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146493335425022.webp In the grizzly darkness of the far future, there is only moid seethe.

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Nah I prefer the founding father's ideas. Canada is ruled entirely by Ottawa and if it were like that we'd all be ruled by New York and LA

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Federalism is arguably stronger in Canada in many ways than it is in the US. Provinces have a ton of power. And our version of the executive branch is not as strong as the US has become in recent years.

The only difference is most Canadians are cucked country wide and pinned to the French who have a ton of votes they use for extremely dumb ways. But it's not for a lack of federalism and 'state' rights

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Notwithstanding all leafs should be raked yesterday

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The idea didn't have much to do with small state representation (they already get disproportionate representation through the Senate). They didn't want the populace to elect the President, but they also didn't want Congress to choose the President (like how Parliament chooses the Prime Minister in Bongland) because that would make the Executive subservient to the Legislative. They squared the circle by having the President be chosen by a body (not necessarily elected) with no legislative powers.

There wasn't really any deeper thought than that. But the modern system where it's some mangled popular vote that can cause weird results depending on how the math comes out was absolutely not what they had in mind.

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I get it but its still not really democracy imo :marseyshrug:

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I think pure democracy only works for city-states. Something the size of Belgium at the most.

And if we're being realistic it also requires a homogeneous population :marseychud:

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it also requires a homogeneous population

what'd you call me >;/

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Yeah probably. As long as living standards and way of live are so different between cities and rural areas, such systems probably make most sense.

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We're explicitly not a democracy, we're a democratic republic. People saying we're a "democracy" for the past 50 years have been lib-tards who want to rule the nation like a European country, instead of just being content to control their own state.

States like California are trying to hack the system by packing the state with illegal immigrants. They can't vote, but they still count on the census, which is how we divvy up legislative districts. So you can have districts in California that are full of illegals, and like ten actual citizens, and they get one of the 535 congressmen.

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i upvoted your comment as i started reading it but had to take it away because you unironically said libtard

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It had evolved from an overindulgent word, to a very accurate one.

In the aftermath of 2020, to be a lib is to expose yourself as either stupid or easily bullied.

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Americans will write a 10,000 word history dissertation citing dozens of 18th century political philosophers just so they can redefine the word “democracy”.

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If we went by raw numbers r-slurs in cities who have never seen a tree would make cars illegal cause "why not just take the subway to work?"

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:marseyagree: and thats a good thing

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Because this isn't a high school election for class president. States need representation too.

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States arent persons tho

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States represent semi-homogenous political interests tho

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There is a "winner takes all" per state, and the amount a state weighs is not directly proportional to its population. This means that voters in some states actually have 3x the voting power as residents in larger states.

I feel your sentiment, the office is the Head of State and Head of Government. For a national position like that you'd assume that a national popular vote would be a best fit.

Add the flavoring of the early mentality and structure of the colonies/states combined with slow communication, and you get what we've retained.

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That could be the better system, but you can't compare vote totals in the system we use.

Lots of people don't vote because they know their state or whatever is on lock for a candidate. It's like playing chess then complaining at the end that you have more pieces so should win.

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The US was unironically much more like the EU with the states retaining a heck of a lot more independence and rights. It wasn't until the US civil war when that changed, and the rules for picking the president predate that.

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Majority rule is r-slurred, Chaposey, because most people are r-slurred.

Burgers don't want their politics being dominated by a few major cities.

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Majority rule is r-slurred, Chaposey, because most people are r-slurred

I agree, but thats an argument against democracy as a whole

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>majority voting is the only form of democracy

>therefore, representative democracy is not democracy

Oh dear, Chaposey! Did you imply something stupid?


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Trump got the most popular votes in the most states derpy

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Because city dwelling scum dont count as people because they are fricking r-slurred.

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Filthy europoor detected :marseybrap:

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Joe's 551 counties contained 81,283,501 voters because they live in cities and Donny's 2,588 counties contained 74,223,975 because they live in mud huts.

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What about Obamas 873 counties containing 12 million votes less than biden :marseythinkorino:

Biden had 477 counties

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Biden is just more democratic than obama

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More people voted

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Some of the disputed counties had over 200% turnout lol

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Maybe he got some rednecks along the way. Just look up which counties he won.

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Our elections are a joke hun

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