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Amazon "river" faces dramatic drought


The Negro River, the Amazon's second largest tributary, on Monday reached its lowest level since official measurements began near Manaus 121 years ago. The record confirms that this part of the world´s largest rainforest is suffering its worst drought, just a little over two years after its most significant flooding.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/16975048350730348.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16975048352835844.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16975048356911483.webp

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:marseysweating: this is fine

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Hey remember that time when everybody thought there were secret demons and aliens deep within the unreachable parts of the Amazon, then we chopped it all and the only thing we found were more people with worms in their feet?

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The demons were a metaphor for ecological collapse. By chopping up the forrest we've condemned humanity to die in hellfire. That is unless (((someone))), takes a stand.

>Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.~Psalms 1:1-6


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Just grow more trees in China and Pakistan. Problem solved.

The global tree cover is already higher than in the year 2000.

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Unironically, the rainforest is important bc of biodiversity and thats the main reason it needs to be protected/conserved. The reason for the drought, the fires, the global warming etc is more largely connected with how bad the ocean is being fricked up in large part due to over (commercial)fishing and shipping. Most carbon filtering is done bybplankton which turn the carbon into oxygen for the ocean. The oceans now have large areas where there isnt enough plankton/oxygen to support life now which is accelarating everything. No one sees whats happening 1000miles out in the ocean so it goes unchecked and the media wags the dog acting like you not recycling is the main problem.


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Coral farming is already a thing


The oceans now have large areas where there isnt enough plankton/oxygen to support life now which is accelarating everything. No one sees whats happening 1000miles out in the ocean so it goes unchecked and the media wags the dog acting like you not recycling is the main problem.


My only issue is that if things were getting really really bad in the oceans then it would be easily noticeable just like with all extinction events with the biggest animals dying out.

Whales and Orcas are still around so its not irreversible and we are all going to suffer levels of bad yet.

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coral =/= plankton and doesnt convert carbon to oxygen.

Whales and Orcas are still around

butt theyre all mostly endangered anf pissed off. Also theyre kot as important as keystone species as say sharks

Oceanic sharks and rays have declined more than 70 percent since 1970, mainly because of overfishing


>if things were getting really really bad in the oceans then it would be easily noticeable

I nootice, in addition to what ive already pointed out, that were in the midst of a mass extinction event https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction

not irreversible


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butt theyre all mostly endangered anf pissed off. Also theyre kot as important as keystone species as say sharks

My point was during a full scale mass extinction event the biggest species would disappear first. Similar to how megafauna in multiple continents is all but gone.

Oceanic sharks and rays have declined more than 70 percent since 1970, mainly because of overfishing

Overfishing not climate change. That's a separate policy issue.

I nootice, in addition to what ive already pointed out, that were in the midst of a mass extinction event https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction

I know about this. I am referring to the entire ecosystem collapsed levels of really bad. Like scientists are being given 100 billion dollars in funding to create robot fish to replace the real ones kind of bad to stabilize the ecosystem.

Same for hopium. If it makes you feel any better. The primary group that keeps fricking up climate change is the oil industry which is expected to keep weakening over the coming decades. Meanwhile regreening and renewables keep growing. We just haven't hit the changing hands point yet.

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My point was during a full scale mass extinction event the biggest species would disappear first

they are disappearing

Overfishing not climate change. That's a separate policy issue.

a big problem is pretebding theyre seperate issurs when they literally are part of the same problem/feed into eachother

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a big problem is pretebding theyre seperate issurs when they literally are part of the same problem/feed into eachother


I am saying they are separate issues as in they have separate causes. Lots of fishies dying due to overfishing, lots of fishies also dying due to climate change in other fishy groups.

When you conflate the two you give opportunity to the other groups to say aha! this fishy died due to overfishing not climate change so climate change isn't real.

That's why you have to keep your lanes precise.

I can see how they would feed into each other. Agreed on that point.

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That's okay, the rising sea levels will balance it all out :marseyclueless:

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near Manaus

You can read this as man butt, which is bussy

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I love this song. How did the barge and ship get that stuck?

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I love this song

thnx, its from a movie.

how did the...

the river broke

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