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We can do this in the US, too, which is what really scares people about trump.

Government bloat in the US is strategic. Rich people occupy do nothing posts for other rich people to keep the poors out. It's like the tech bank run situation. Lots of back scratching going on.

Ending all of the useless government offices would be an immediate death blow to neoliberalism as the debt cleared and spending cut nearly all the way out. These losers would be forced to get real jobs.

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Trump wants to replace the bureaucrats to centralize power into himself, not out of any desire to make government more effective, efficient or smaller.

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Even if he doesn't end elections, he wants all the power of the various regulatory agencies to be, in both theory and practice, subject to the President's whims.

That is too much power, even for a good man to hold - and Trump is by no means a good or moral man. He cheated on his pregnant (third!) wife with a pornstar, for crying out loud.

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vote back the people who shut down the economy and coerced you into taking the clot shot to keep your job if you love democracy and freedom

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vote back the people who shut down the economy and coerced you into taking the clot shot to keep your job if you love democracy and freedom

Who was president in February and March of 2020?

For that matter, which administration executed Operation Warp Speed? Which administration legalized gain of function research?

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>yeah we destroyed the economy after knowing the virus had a 99.99% survival rate but did you know trump accelerated vaccine production?!?!

You people need to mass suicide

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The lockdowns started under Trump you chuddery-poisoned r-slur. How is the Democratic Party responsible for the actions of the then GOP-controlled federal executive branch?

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Have you killed yourself yet

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This is a genuinely rslurred take by somebody who probably thinks a $60,000/year gig with the USDA enforcing food standards is a "rich people" "do nothing" job. Government jobs pay so, so poorly compared to private sector equivalents it's almost a joke.

like the tech bank run situation.

You mean when no taxpayer money went to SVB?

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The parasite trembles in fear at the prospect of an end to a system of embezzlement of tax money to cronies in NGOs and corporations. Death to neoliberals, death to socialists.

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You are all r-slurs.

The only metric that matters is am I richer today under the current system than I was last year?

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>It doesn't matter that bureaucrats are stealing from you chud


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"Do those bureaucrats create more value for you than they steal?" is the valid question @gigachad_brony is asking.

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Thank you.

Why should I care as long as I have a guarantee that my quality of life goes up forever every year.

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Government jobs pay so, so poorly compared to private sector equivalents it's almost a joke.

They get the best job security in the world: gov unions = you never get fired for incompetence + you get some of the best benefits in the country

Everyone knows the tradeoffs between gov and private industry yet they have no problem staffing them with mediocre talent.

Gov should definitely pay more for a LOT of jobs. I got an idea: shut down/combine a significant percentage of 300+ federal agencies + trim staff, then use that money to pay actually talented people to run the agencies

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Lol so mad

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I'm not the one who came back to double reply two hours later. So mad, indeed. :marseyblowkiss:

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I noticed the article you posted later because I am not reading your try hard replies. No tax payer money to svb, lmaooooo.

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Oh my god I didn't even see the link at the end, AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bait account

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It's not rich people, it's "rich people" who earned their wealth through the public system. Career politicians.

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Exactly, an entire sector of our upper class are paper weights who only function as gatekeeper sycophants.

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That is just trumpian :#marseycope:

Truthfully, if u ask Gubrment office A, B and C, each of whom are 33% productive, to combine into one 100% effective entity the whole fricking system will collapse because out government can never be that efficient (it isn't incentivised to).

Now if trump said he would put a gun to the heads of all the freeloading workers in the gov (:marseybased: btw) until they shaped up, then this would work. But i think it would take threats of violence to "clean up washington" (not that anyone should do that of course) , not just the dissolution of their departments

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I don't even like trump, but pretending like removing 90% of the bureaucratic nonsense wouldn't immediately solve most of America's budget concerns in five years is the real cope. In all forms of government, from the military to the state, 80-90% of our tax money is spent on salaries. We have to pay massive amounts of money to get even the most basic shit off the ground because of all of the useless paper shuffling bureaucracy.

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You severely underestimate how much is spent on embezzling money for buddy-buddy-deals with NGOs and corporations.

Why yeees, you can buy our park benches for $50K a piece. Why yeees, hand us multimillion dollar grants to "reduce homelessness". We get more money the more homeless people there are? Splendid

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UBI would also achieve similar results. God forbid the 15 people on the "committee for poor people of [location]" actually get a real job.

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UBI NEETmaxxing would still be ultra-low status and people would want more, especially because the gains would be inflated away for most.

All it would do is make it possible for NEETs to exist without their parents and rot while playing vidya or something.

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All it would do is make it possible for NEETs to exist without their parents and rot while playing vidya or something.

That a good thing

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So it doesn't just put bureaucrats out of a job, it also helps neurodivergent NEETs? I was already convinced you don't have to keep going! :marseyfamily:

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You never have to worry about a revolution ever again with UBI.

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All it would do is prevent the most desperate from having to work or starve. People still want status, and that will drive them until the end of days.

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True. The poorest will safely die out.

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