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They really want Trump to win.

Imagine actually supporting open borders.

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I kind of somewhat agree with the NeoLibs that it's pointless for Biden to try to outflank Trump on the right on immigration because frankly Republicans pretty much own the narrative surrounding the border right now. Trump is up like 30 points over Biden on the border and immigration.

But acting like open borders is a sound strategy is r-slurred lmao. They will lose every moderate and independent in the country pursuing that goal.

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I like to check NYT to see wingcuck left wing responses and I was surprised to see almost all top comments were anti-immigration, Texas shipping migrants to NYC was the best PR move.



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The average Democrat is definitely not in favor of open borders too which is what makes it funny that neoliberal acts like everyone else are the ones out of touch. They are probably in favor of streamlining and pouring money into the bureaus in charge of asylum requests but they do want the ability to turn people away.

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Now it is, but a year or two ago could have enough time to even things out on immigration.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I like how the media and leftoid politicians tried to establish a narrative of “Biden and the Democrats are moderate on immigration but Republicans are far right extremists!!!”. It immediately went to shit because lefties can't control their power level and desire for open borders.

I was worried that the Dems could astroturf the sentiment that they are moderate on immigration and crime. Sometimes they can hide their loonies for a few months and pretend they never allowed unchecked migration and criminals to run free. They memoryholed their extremism on COVID pretty well for example. I don't think they'll be successful this time tho

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They lost me in 2016 when Hillary had surrogates go on the tv channels and just openly state that the Great Replacement was their strategy. I mean literally saying that they would bring in enough brown people to make it so that they never have to care about white male voters ever again. And she was supposed to be the "moderate".

The Dems have done exactly the wrong thing on this issue:

  • Openly say you want open borders.

  • Say that anyone claiming they want open borders is an extremist and should be

  • Do nothing for 3 years when you had the opportunity.

  • Suddenly start to act during the election when it's too late.

They think voters are so completely fricking braindead that this will fool them. There are some tards voting in this election but Trump already has a lock on them. Besides, if they don't pay attention to politics your sudden flip on the issue doesn't matter because they won't even notice. They're not reading the fricking New Yorker on a regular basis (unless they're in jail) making a careful study of what each candidate's policy proposals are. What they will remember in the voting booth is all of the years and years where you were saying immigration is great because it hurts white people.

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They lost me in 2016 when Hillary had surrogates go on the tv channels and just openly state that the Great Replacement was their strategy. I mean literally saying that they would bring in enough brown people to make it so that they never have to care about white male voters ever again.

LMAO this was the main thesis of The Emerging Democratic Majority which came out more than 20 years ago to thunderous applause from the left.

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Ever since the guy who wrote that has been trying to explain that it only works if you keep your existing supporters, which included lots of white males back then. But it's too late. Every leftoid midwit has heard from a friend of a friend who read the book that our salvation is coming soon. We just have to wait a little while longer till the "browning of America" is complete. So we don't ever have to compromise on anything ever again.

The poor bastard has been so completely chudded by the experience that he works for the American Enterprise Institute now. :marseylaugh: I read his blog because he's one of the few Democrats who is saying "just do what we did back in the '90s when we were winning".

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Depending on illegal aliens (and particularly their children who get citizenship) to push the country leftward has problems. Particularly if you lose some white voters who were voting Dem, but also because Latinx don't buy the liberal white college-educated worldview.

But the Dems have been successful pushing the electorate leftward in multiple ways. Taking over institutions, popularizing identity politics, normalizing big government policies, and also immigration. Even if the incoming illegals aren't liberal socially, they want a bigger welfare state. Their kids also turn out pretty Americanized and woke.

So ultimately, the leftists' strategy of distorting the electorate has been more successful than the faux Clinton moderation of the 90s. The Clintons liked to push the Overton window as well, they just understood the country had significant conservative elements. After the election of Obama, Democrats decided to call anyone who opposed them bigots and ignore them entirely

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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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I support open borders because I hate the thought of lazy Americans having jobs they don't deserve.

Or rather, I support some economically-literate version of open borders where you charge like $5000 for entry and anyone who sneaks in gets executed.

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That's how Canada works. Look at what it's doing for them.

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Cuckadians don't know how to manage mass migration, most of their population lives around Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Quebec. Then you have Calgary and Edmonton and that's it, they're not expanding.

Their government's plan to double their population wouldn't be so bad if they started building new cities in depopulated provinces (Canada is gigantic in terms of surface area) like it was done during the mass migration era and if they had fewer construction regulations which makes it hard to build.

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The reason immigrants mainly settle in Vancouver or in the windsor to quebec band is because that's where the universities and jobs are.

I don't think we'll ever see again the government say "we got 2 thousands poles fresh off the boat, open up a new farming community in the prairies"

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open up a new farming community in the prairies

You guys should unironically do that to indian students after they finish college. Maybe open up agriculture schools too along agronomical campuses.

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The tragedy is that while cities are overrun with immigrants, dying rural areas struggle to attract population, especially in rural francophone Québec

But I've given up on the issue, the real estate cartel that runs the country benefits from the current shitty status quo

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>Voulez-vous rester au Canada? Très bien Rajesh, allez là-bas dans la campagne et devenez un paysan

:#marseydeux: :#marseycanada: :#marseyreapcrying:

dying rural areas struggle to attract population, especially in rural francophone Québec

J'imagine que personne d'entre ces immigrants parlent une sole mot en français alors que les universités en Montreal comme McGill enseignent en anglais.

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Hör auf, Bub. Wir sind eine deutsche Seite jetzt.

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J'imagine que personne d'entre ces immigrants parlent une sole mot en français alors que les universités en Montreal comme McGill enseignent en anglais

Il y a beaucoup d'immigrants qui veulent apprendre le français, mais le gouvernement provincial n'investit pas en francisation, pour vendre l'idée que l'intégration est impossible. Les écoles de francais sont sous financées

Je pense que tant que les jobs les plus payantes seront en anglais personne n'apprendra le francais :marseyfrenchitsover2:

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Canada gets the sort of immigrants who want to live in Canada

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I'm really concerned for the day the :marseyleafpearlclutch: finally get fed up and kick the temporary visas out. Because the last thing I want is the sudden illegal immigration of 2 million :marseychudindian: into the U.S.

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I'm sure the immigrants are benefitting a lot from it. How much do they have to pay for a visa though?

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We wont stop until every management position is held by foids and bipocs while white men are forced into menial labor jobs like construction, farming or trucking

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I think part of the dems want to throw the election to trump so that he can preside over the coming economic crash and then they can try again in 2028.

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