Tallest Ricecel on this site. Increasing the East Asian Birth Rate by ANY means necessary
22hr ago#7627630
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Leftoids call everything a constitutional crisis to the point I stopped caring.
When Minnesota Republicans reject an actual elected politician and then try to install their own muppet as speaker, then the courts will thankfully override them.
Welcome to the Marsey News Network, the official news hole of rdrama! This is where you post anything that happened on the news. Politics, general news, good news, any new in any topic that doesn't have it's own hole from any source is welcome! However, if you post an unreliable source, it may be flaired appropriately. Wingcucks welcome and slapfights encouraged!
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2. Post News
3. Have Fun! Don't be boring.
4. No chudrama-tier content. Rightoid news sources are allowed, but anything that belongs in chudrama or could get the site deplatformed will be moved to chudrama.
5. @DarkDeity and @Spiderman has the right to post whatever news they want in this hole
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Leftoids call everything a constitutional crisis to the point I stopped caring.
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When Minnesota Republicans reject an actual elected politician and then try to install their own muppet as speaker, then the courts will thankfully override them.
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