
He's from Jalisco New Generation, the main rival of the Sinaloa Cartel that controls the president.


Yes, we have a marsey for literally everything.


Looks like leftoids are finally starting to get their commupance.




They're “seceding” from a majority-Black city to create a whites-only enclave in Louisiana.

Practically every nationalist movement in the world demands political separation from those they consider their opponents. American black nationalism demands the right to be permanently dependent on them.

"Dependent" lmaoo those geriatrics boomers want to have their cake and eat it, they are employed in the city and benefit of taxes paid by those black residents when they leech of the city facilities, while taking their taxes to their sterile suburbs. Basically parasitic

Harsh Truth. The guy making this comment is black american but there is no serious black nationalist movement in the USA. Blacks shouldn't have stayed in America past 1865 and integration was the final nail in the coffin. Now we have groups like FBAs begging for reparations

For someone who claims to be a data scientist, you make an outrageous claim yet provide no data

Ok big statistician. What would you say are the odds that THIS group of people would happen to be the ones seceding from a majority-Black city? Do you notice any patterns or trends you'd like to note?


19% of this “white enclave” will be black residents. How exactly is this a white only community?

A key question here is "Why?" Does anyone truly believe that the only reason middle class people don't want to live in Compton - or South Baton Rouge, where Boosie's from - is "racism?"

Good, now the blacks can thrive without those racists holding them down!

What will happen to the black residents that make up 12% of St. George?

Yeah people eventually get tired of subsidizing people who hate them

You mean "stealing" from people who have a justified righteous hatred for an evil demonic people.

Then yeah, you would be correct.


It will be nicknamed coward's hideaway. It will have no art, no music, only chain restaurants, no walkable neighborhoods or parks and the most restrictive HOAs ever

When all the Sherwood and siegen village ppl shoot up St. George >>>>>


Congratulations! Don't let St. George turn into a lowlife dump full of welfare cases that use the system to leech off tax paying Americans.

Social security is still self-sufficient. It is not a handout.

No one has a problem with someone drawing on their own Social Security. Where the problem come in is Government welfare. You know where people don't work they just have a bunch of kids and don't raise them to know the difference between right and wrong how to show respect to authority or become part of civilized society. You know that culture that leeches off hardworking Americans

>Welfare is bad but social security is le good


I've been following these neo-Jim Crow legislative tactics since covering the original movement in the Atlanta area but one thing that's still jarring is seeing how explicitly and unapologetically these folks - the comments, QTs - are calling for segregation.

Thought this must be made up. Unfortunately, it's not:

Louisiana is allowing white people living in the suburbs to secede from majority Black & progressive Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana, in order to create their own new city.

Their not hiding it anymore they want to go back way back.

As they unravel the progress of the 20th and half of the 19th centuries, most of them are gonna be real surprised how fast they become dirt poor modern share croppers. A lot will probably move to the cities.

The most affluent, successful part of the city is going to become share croppers? lol is that why the mayor of Baton Rouge sued them and complained that Baton Rouge can't afford to lose their tax money?

Racist. Every last one of them.

Pictured here, the "city" of "St. George" in its natural form

We are 100% pro-secession. Beautiful to see.

How long before St. George is insolvent because they don't generate the tax revenue needed?

Far longer than the time it will take for what remains of Baton Rouge to become insolvent.

So much diversity...I wonder why they want their own city?

Why would they want to live around people that hate them for their skin color 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

You can say the same thing about the hundreds of destroyed black towns. We tried to get away from y'all racist fricks but nope it's only the whites who get peaceful cities and we get the drug filled poverty ones 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿

The black community should focus on creating our own city.We tried from 1865-1970 and all they did was build freeways, raze our communities and defunded education while Pablo n nem funneled crack and dog food through our communities.

Latinx catching strays


Not one person of color should work or spend any money in that new city. It will never last.

Let's be clear on one thing. White crime is just as high as black crime. The difference is that white offenders are prosecuted less, and the mainly white police forces are more likely to go and stay in the black neighborhoods than they do in white neighborhoods. Facts


I don't understand! If they want all white cities why don't they go to Europe? Or why didn't they stay in Europe?

Have ya been to Europe lately?? 🤡

Maybe it's not about race, but about policies and crime?

We would be thrilled if black people joined us in St George! We just want them to not be on government assistance, have jobs, obey the law, and teach their kids non-gang culture values. Seems reasonable no?

They just want people of color to have their own space!

They want safer cities and schools. Large black populations are very problematic in that regard.

Well that's the most honestly racist statement I've seen in a long time. Most people at least pretend to hide it by shifting the topic to white people, but you, man, you just said it like it is. Takes guts to admit that you're a full on card carrying racist. Kudos.

you could move louisiana 30 years ahead in social progress just by putting a 20 foot wall all the way around this klan town


Baton Rouge is going to become a crime infested 💩hole without a tax base.

I'm betting St. George will have far less crime than Baton Rouge.


It will have the same amount of crime just because you become a city within a city doesn't mean the crime goes away

Guarantee they create a sundown town.

I mean, that's a way to keep crime to a Minimum.


Hmm let's see y'all are thinking that no one is going to beat their wife, their kid, commit suicide, do drugs, commit elderly abuse and for the live of GOD who is going to pay for burst pipes in your city b/c that's expensive! Your taxes are going ⬆️⬆️ Congrats tho! 👍🏾

What makes you say that. The kid touching will probably go up 300percent and go unreported. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Beautiful! Protect your community from these democrat led cities that destroy everything they get their hands on. Also, get guns!

“Democrat-led cities” is a weird way of spelling “black criminality.”

Oh boy! A new sundown town for people to avoid!

lol north baton rouge is the town you don't want to be in after dark

lemma guess, crime will be much lower, schools much better, and the politicians less corrupt.

So now the right loves education?

Think they prefer it without pronouns, without DEI, without gang fights, and with actual standards instead of just passing everyone.


They will pull resources from other cities. They will not be autonomous. They will be self aggrandizing.

They are the resources.

Let me guess, a bunch of rich white people don't want their tax money going to "underperforming" schools full of Black kids?

Yea they are underperforming



:marseyglow: claim :marseyxi:, :marseyputin: are edging closer to Taiwan :marseyflagtaiwan:










TFW no yearly squad of fresh virgins..... Trump gets sued and shamed for paying washed out beat pro stats, Kim gets a fresh pleasure squad every year... The west continues to lose.



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