Green Revolution misinformation rant :marseyraging: :marseyrage:

Hi everyone :#marseywave3: :#marseywave2:

I just want to rant a bit about misinformations I hear from “educational” and “intellectual” sectors in my country regarding agriculture and the Green Revolution.

For those of you who don't know, Brazil is s breadbasket, along with our neighbors Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Brazil alone produces enough food for over 1 billion people which has lead to a prosperous agro business in the country, speaking from a family background, my maternal grandma was a dairy farmer and she still keeps a small garden to plant veggies on her house. My late paternal grandpa was was a seed salesman and he owned a Silo at one point and my dad is an agronomist (though his company works with forestry). Most cities in the Southern Countryside are agricultural focused, similar to the American Midwest, the Centre-West region of Brazil is another breadbasket however their focus is on cattle (though soybean production increasing). The Agro is incredibly professionalized and Brazil has produces industrialized Agro derived products like Soybean oils, processed coffee and biofuels.

That being said it is no secret the Brazilian left loathes the Agricultural system, but what makes me particularly angry is how much they misinform or straight up lie about making use of “educational channels”.

For instance I've noticed on Youtube channels like Brasil Escola and other Youtube “Professors/Teachers” will rant about how the Green Revolution is bad because of Rural Exodus and the horror, PEOPLE MAKING MONEY OUT OF SELLING CROPS :#marseyscream: :#marseypikachu2:

The worst part is that these “teachers” make their videos to prepare High School Seniors for the ENEM tests (the ENEM is kind of like the American SAT). The ENEM itself is extremely politicized as you need to write an essay (redação) about a given subject. The subject changes every year. For instance the 2022 Redação Subject was “Challenges facing the traditional peoples of Brazil”, that is the indigenous and quilombolas. Last year the subject was “Challenges to face the invisibility of caretaking work made by women”. In 2019 it was “democratization of cinema access in Brazil”, and so on.

Scrolling down the comments of the Youtube Teachercels channels I keep finding the same nonsensical claim:





I always read this nonsense online when leftoids talk about the Agro Business. That number is false.

O censo agropecuário de 2017, o mais recente, também desmentiu os números superestimados da produção familiar, e revelou que as propriedades assim enquadradas respondiam por 23% do valor total da produção dos estabelecimentos agropecuários.

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The real number is around 23%

I remember the commies at /r/brasil soying about the MST (Movimento dos sem Terra) or “Landless Movement” a leftist group dedicated to private property occupation. They talked about the MST as id they singlehandedly fed the entire country.

Now, without mentioning their claims are completely bollocks, it seems they would rather disrupt the entire AGRO and place it under new forests or subsistence farming. Excluding the fact this would kill dozens of millions abroad and starve hundreds of millions by disrupting food supplies, it would cause starvation in Brazil as even the demonized AGRO crops (soybeans, maize, wheat) and cattle go beyond export.

Quando se fala de soja, ela está presente em vários outros alimentos, no óleo, no suíno, no bovino, no peixe. Ela é base da ração para esse tipo de rebanho. Você não se alimenta de soja de uma maneira geral, mas indiretamente ela entra na alimentação. > Com o milho é a mesma coisa. O frango é um milho com asa: 73% do frango é milho”, diz o pesquisador da Embrapa.

Corn and soy are used to produce oils and they feed the livestock which is consumed by Brazilians and foreigners alike. Not to mention derivate products like noodles and processed stuff. There's also coffee and cotton, the first is present in almost every Brazilian Household, the latter is the source for clothing.

These São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro teachercels and their leftoid “students” have an extremely romantic, idealized vision of subsistence agriculture to the point of being close to Noble Savage myths. That being said, President Lula is a strange man on this regard.

Lula has close relationships with MST leaders and allowed for this anti agro propaganda to thrive inside our Educational System (it's not only Youtube channels, regular teachers and they commie unions are the same), however when it comes to actual policy he's all business as usual. He always nominates centre-right agriculture ministers from Agro dominated states, he has meetings with Agro producers and businessmen and promotes our exports to China while trying to secure Fertilizer imports from Russia (also a reason why Bolsonaro was friendly with Russians despite the Ukraine debacle). It could be argued he pays lip service to MSTcels.

Anyways, I think this one of the most damaging and dangerous types of virtue signaling and feel good politics, I hope they never get their way but right now is kind of worrying how much PR this sort of nonsensical callous misinformation campaign currently has.

!macacos !neolibs

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I wrote a long reply about how the leftists are r-slurs but you need to quit fricking up the Amazon, and then brave ate it.

How are you going to stop destroying your rainforest while also not letting the filthy fricking commies ruin everything? You're there, technologically speaking. Your nation is very good at biology.

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The mainstream Agro doesn't act in the Amazon, the Amazon soil is very poor, rather is cattle ranchers who are installing there, and many settlements are illegal (not to mention “garimpeiros” or gold rushers).

I agree on stopping deforestation and enhancing preservation efforts.

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I hope Brazilian agriculture expands, and that deforestation ceases. Your country can handle this. Every year, the US sees our farmlands shrink, but our yields increase year after year. Brazil is probably just about there.

People consume way too much beef. Your average person has absolutely no need to eat beef five times a day. It is an active detriment to their health and the planet, no denying that.

But we can't let the lunatic left dictate moral behaviors, and we can't let them make that choice for people. They have repeatedly demonstrated that their intent is not to increase health, but to create pod people.

Brazilian agri business should campaign against deforestation and show that they are not involved in this. That would be a good way to show the public that they aren't the problem.

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Your average person :marseywall: has absolutely no need to eat beef five times a day. It is an active detriment to their health and the planet

Frick off commie

!burgers and !grillers will not let this stand

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This may be an unpopular !grillers opinion but I prefer chicken to beef

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As long as you grill and don't moralstrag about what you grill it's perfectly fine


BTW. Do you have some spare human limbs?

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I also eat what @ACA wants and @3 can heck off

also idk what this is about who is pinging me here theres so many pings why so many

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Eat as much beef as you want.

Just don't pretend that it's a necessity or that it's good for you. Or, do. It's your body.

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It is great :marseynice: for you and a necessity

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You are going to love the Plata Basin, red meat is the main dish everywhere

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Brazilian agri business should campaign against deforestation and show that they are not involved in this

Yes, having met with many farmers throughout my life I think a lot of their PR issues comes down to their stubbornness, especially the older ones. Back in the 60s, 70s and 80s deforestation was encouraged in the South and Centre-West.

Another anti Agro argument leftists use is that it drove subsistence farmers away from the Centre-West and into the Amazon which does has some merit even though I disagree with their proposals.

The degradation of the Amazon comes from many fronts, cattle ranchers, illegal woodsmen, gold rushers (whom pollute rivers, giving them greenlight was one of Bolsonaro's most r-slurred policy imo) and even the Federal Government with projects like Belo Monte (this one breaks my heart because as a Civil Engineer I love dams so much)

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In :marseyhibernian:the old prevailing theory was the vegetation and riparian ecology encouraged flooding so artifical drainage was massively expanded to ensure river travel. This lack of vegetation and change of rivers made them much faster flowing, increasing erosion, sediment removal and made it difficult wildlife to nest in the riverbanks. This rslur policy and practice causes massive flooding in Ireland every year :marseysmoothbrain:

The Commission report noted the obligation under the Arterial Drainage Act to undertake continual maintenance of drainage river channels. It noted that “the impact on fisheries of recurring drainage maintenance work gives cause for anxiety”.

These days the OPW notes that Under Section 37 of the Arterial Drainage Act 1945, it is “statutorily obliged to maintain all rivers, embankments and urban flood defences on which it has executed works since the 1945 Act in “proper repair and effective condition”.”

And so, entirely at the public expense, the OPW must, by law, periodically go back to the 11,500km of rivers to keep them “in a condition that ensures they are freeflowing, thus reducing flood risk and providing adequate outfall for land drainage”.

This means that, for no other reason than statutory obligation, the OPW sends in the heavy machinery, tearing out bankside trees and vegetation, destroying fish spawning beds and generally keeping rivers in a canal-like state.

The OPW is not above the law, but in practice you wouldn't believe this.

It schedules and designs its own works, writes its own impact assessment reports, gives itself permission to fire on and, when things go wrong, reviews themselves and implements their own corrective actions.

To get access to reports, such ‘appropriate assessment' decisions and supporting reports, we need to go via Freedom of Information. In 2018, we found that the OPW destroyed a kilometre of the Newport River, in Co. Tipperary, a part of the Lower River Shannon Special Area of Conservation, and faced no sanction whatever.

In 2018 the OPW destroyed 1km of Special Area of Conservation and faced no sanction

The result is a state agency fixated on heavy engineering, operating outside the law with no oversight and working to legislation that was enacted at the same time Russian troops were marching on Berlin.

Today our rivers are in a sorry state. Over half are polluted while large dams and other obstructions means migratory fish like eels, salmon and sea lamprey face extinction. But the arterial drainage programme has torn the heart out of rivers by undermining their basic ecological function

!chuds !nooticers :marseyflamewar: :marseythebuildergenocide:

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Similar thing happened to Louisiana and the Mississippi River. I just loooove government trying to act like a good steward of the environment. Consequences for decades, and they still don't give a shit about fixing it.

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