Collapsecels flood r/climatechange as they calmly discuss the apocalypse

The unforeseen positive feedback loops that we will only notice when it's far too late.

We might very well be like Wile E. Coyote, already off the cliff just not realising it yet.

Just like my cartoon!

Preemptive war for diminishing resources.

Wid scale ecological collapse. The ecosystems we have are our life support. They provide all of our food, heavily influence weather patterns, etc. When they go, we go, and we won't be able to out-tech ourselves from the situation. Geopolitical instability rapidly spirals in conjunction with ecological collapse.

:#marseyimmortanjoe: :#marseyfuriosa:

I'm surprised to see this relatively low in the list. The biggest problem, IMO, is not that extreme weather events are going to kill people. It's that extreme weather events are going to, at some point, line up badly and wipe out a large amount of food at one time. Add this to the loss of sea life and we simply won't have enough food to feed everyone. Many, many people will die. Many more will try to move.

Looks like Malthusianism is back on the menu!

Geopolitical instability. Collectively, humans are not great at dealing with crisis., so our own collective immaturity will compound any existential crisis. We are the crisis of crisis.

Pandemic is a case in point.

And as for when it will happen, well it started about 2008.

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 :#soycry: :#soysnoo2: THE YEAR OF MILLENNIAL APOCALYPSE

!ifrickinglovescience !biology !chemistry I'm unironically concerned about climate change as well, but these doomers focus on the most extreme worst-case-scenarios on a very unhealthy way to the point it just discourages any climate action, I don't see much discussion about adaptation neither, not that is a silver bullet but things like more research on GMO heat or drought resistant crops will be necessary and could help with food insecurity. Research on solar geoengineering should also be encouraged.

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THIS was not hard for the CIA to achieve because whites and blacks in society don't live side by side. So putting gay hormones like estrogen in white youths water supply was very direct and putting steroids in black youth water supplies was equally as easy hence black women unusual size or shapes.... TO ACHIEVE NWO or one government you have to kill out the intelligent strong minded white MALES and passifie black males with half white off springs. CIA went way further with this as in forcing or beating up white women to push the acceleration of this program along with MKULTRA s*x games. MKULTRA and s*x mind control was performed in the sixty as to where a man is sexually aroused can be manipulated to perform acts he never other wise do such as cuckoling a CIA SICK PROGRAMMING of peoples minds... THEY wanted a more accelerated program globally so they started doing this to Europe and other countries to achieve New World Order and why both Trump, Europe and Russia denounced NWO for more independent world. YOUR GAY NOT BY CHOICE OF YOUR OWN BUT BY CIA CHOICE!!!!


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