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The Americans will colonize the Moon and Mars


Glory to the American empire.




Generally all great empires are a continuation of previous empires.

The Greek empire continued in the form of the Roman empire, the roman empire broke apart with one part taken over by various European tribes and the other continuing as the Byzantine empire.

The European tribes managed to grow enough as to go to the US and mix their genetics together there and form the next greatest empire in the world.

Now, the US being the greatest current empire in the world, the next great empire will be an obvious continuation of the US empire.

The US does not intend to take over any further land on Earth, so where does it go? To the moon of course.

It's free real estate, and only the US has the technology to access it and keep it.

The total area of the moon is 38 million square kilometers. Which is surprisingly a little smaller than the total land area of Asia.

The US is expected to set up a moon base before 2030.

China is the only country with plans to set up a moon base by 2035.

The new age of exploration is the race to colonize the moon.

If the US successfully colonizes the moon, and China fails to do so, and the US successfully manages to mine the moon, that would secure prosperity for their empire for generations to come.

The US is obviously going to successfully do it.

China is less likely to pull it off, as they are trying to set up a moon base in collaboration with Russia, which clearly does not have the competency to be able to pull off a project this big in scope and ambition.

In conclusion:

The US is going to take over the moon within this century.

Glory to the US.


The next stage of white flight is upon us.

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Sorry Gommies, Space is going to be covered in American flags. Keep seething about "muh global south superpower by 2030" cucks from your tin roofed shack while US Marines in MARPAT space suits shoot Ayylmaos with clapped out M4A1s and massive wintergreen dips in on Alpha Centauri and claim all that sweet space oil. I'm sure purchasing power parity will definitely make you guys a scary threat to US economic hegemony when you finally save 14 months salary to buy a Honda Grom made out of titanium we mined from Pluto.

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Me when the detailer tells me I just got orders to Alpha Centauri for 2 subjective years but 25 objective years and my illegitimate son that I had with a stripper in San Diego will actually be older than me when I return

Reading the fine print: "The USMC only pays for subjective years under time dilation"

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Ayyyyye Gottem


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He says as Burgerstan is on the verge of ripping itself in half over which geriatric conman they let rule them.

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The fact that America is the greatest country on earth remains true, and is also a searing indictment on the state of the world in general

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Top of the manure pile isn't much of a W.

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